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Example usages

open a vrs file

std::optional<VrsDataProvider> maybeProvider = createVrsDataProvider(vrsFilename);
XR_CHECK(maybeProvider, "cannot open file");
auto provider = *maybeProvider;

async iterator to deliver sensor data of all streams in device time order

Deliver all data:

for (const SensorData& data : provider.deliverQueuedSensorData()) {
  // process sensor data

Alternatively can use iterator-type syntax

auto seq = provider.deliverQueuedSensorData();
for (const auto& it = seq.begin(), it != seq.end(); ++it) {
  SensorData data = *it;
  // process sensor data

Deliver with substream selection, time truncation, and frame rate subsampling

deliverOption = provider.getDefaultDeliverQueuedOptions();


// only play data with slam left and right
for (const auto& label : {"camera-slam-left", "camera-slam-right"}) {
  vrs::StreamId streamId = *provider.getStreamIdFromLabel(label);
  deliverOption.setSubsampleRate(streamId, 2); // also reduce framerate to half of vrs
deliverOption.setTruncateFirstDeviceTimeNs(100); // skip first 100ns

for (const SensorData& data : provider.deliverQueuedSensorData(deliverOptions)) {
  // process sensor data

random access data by index

auto streamIds = provider.getAllStreams();
for (const auto& streamId : provider.getAllStreams()) {
  for( size_t i =  0 ; i < provider.getNumData(streamId); ++i) {
    auto sensorData =  provider.getSensorDataByIndex(streamId, i);

random access data by time

We support four time domains:

  • record: the timestamp cached in the index of vrs, may be device or host
  • device: the timestamp on the local device
  • host: the timestamp data arrives on host computer
  • timeCode: the "real" timestamp in the unified time domain defined by TimeSync servers

We support search by:

  • before: last data with t <= t_query
  • after: first data with t > t_query
  • closest: the data where (t - t_query) is smallest
for (const auto& streamId : provider.getAllStreams()) {
  int64_t tFirst = getFirstTimeNs(streamId, TimeDomain::kDeviceTime);
  int64_t tLast = getLastTimeNs(streamId, TimeDomain::kDeviceTime);
  auto sensorData = provider.getSensorDataByTimeNs(streamId, (tFirst + tLast)/2, TimeDomain::kDeviceTime, TimeQuery::kClosest);

accessing calibration

Raw device calibration are organized by labels.

// returns nullopt if vrs does not have a calibration
auto deviceCalib = *provider.getDeviceCalibration();
auto sensorCalib = deviceCalib.getSensorCalib("camera-slam-left");

If you know the calibration type, you can also do

// returns nullopt if the calibration label does not exist
auto camCalib = deviceCalib.getCameraCalib("camera-slam-left");
auto imuCalib = deviceCalib.getCameraCalib("imu-left");

Note Aria's ET camera stream and audio are special types:

  • Aria's ET stream switches the stream for left and right ET together, thus its calibration is a pair of CameraCalibration
  • Aria's Audio stream has 7 channels, thus its calibration is an array of seven microphone calib
// returns nullopt if the calibration label does not exist
auto etCalib = deviceCalib.getAriaEtCalib("camera-et");
auto micCalib = deviceCalib.getAriaMicCalib("mic");

mapping between calibration labels and stream ids

Each sensor on the device may have a corresponding stream in the vrs and may have a corresponding calibration. However, some types of sensors may not have calibration defined for them (e.g. GPS, WPS, bluetooth), and some sensors may not record stream in a specific vrs. Therefore, though calibration labels and stream ids uniquely map to each other, yet some stream ids may not have a corresponding label and vice versa.

For those calibration labels and stream ids which have a correspondence, they can be mapped by

auto label = *provider.getLabelFromStreamId(streamId);
auto streamId = *provider.getStreamIdFromLabel(label);

Of course you can combine provider.getlabelFromStreamId() and deviceCalib.getSensorCalib() to retrieve calibration of a streamId. More conveniently, you can just do

// returns nullopt if stream does not have calibration
auto maybeCalib = provider.getSensorCalibration(streamId);