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Reproduce evaluation results

DISC evaluations

On an 8-GPU server, run the following to evaluate the sscd_disc_mixup model using our default preprocessing (resize the short edge to 288, preserving the aspect ratio).

sscd/ --disc_path /path/to/disc2021 --gpus=8 \
  --output_path=/path/to/eval/output \
  --size=288 --preserve_aspect_ratio=true \
  --backbone=CV_RESNET50 --dims=512 --model_state=/path/to/

After ~2 hours (on an 8 GPU machine), this command produces a CSV file, disc_metrics.csv, in the configured --output_path:


The columns of this file are:

  • codec: the descriptor postprocessing codec. Our paper results use PCAW<D>,L2norm,Flat, where <D> is the descriptor dimensionality.
  • score_norm: we evaluate with and without score normalization. The three numbers are: <weight>[first, last], where weight is β in equation 8, first and last are zero-based indices of the first and last neighbors to include (inclusive).

The two PCAW512,L2norm,Flat rows correspond to µAP 61.4% and µAPSN (with score normalization) of 72.4%, similar to the "SSCD DISC adv.+mixup" row in Table 2 (61.5% and 72.5%, respectively).

Most of our models are 512d ResNet50 models, and can be evaluated by changing just the --model_state argument. To evaluate the sscd_large model, use: --backbone=CV_RESNEXT101 --dims=1024

Note that our results use the DISC2021 validation set, as the test set was not yet available when the paper was written.

Copydays + 10k distractors (CD10K) evaluations

We evaluate using 10K distractors and a 20K whitening set from YFCC100M.

To evaluate the sscd_disc_mixup model using default settings, run:

sscd/ --gpus=8 --copydays_path /path/to/copydays \
  --distractor_path /path/to/distractors \
  --codec_train_path /path/to/whitening \
  --output_path=/path/to/eval/output \
  --backbone=CV_RESNET50 --dims=512 \
  --model_state=/path/to/ \
  --size=288 --preserve_aspect_ratio=true \

The command above produces evaluation metrics with two embedding postprocessings: with whitening (PCAW512,L2norm,Flat, as reported in the paper), and with simple centering (PCA512,L2norm,Flat).

After ~10 minutes (on an 8 GPU machine), this command will produce a CSV file, copydays_metrics.csv, within the configured --output_path:


The strong_mAP column shows mAP on the strong subset of Copydays, and overall_uAP contains µAP over the full dataset. This shows that, with whitening, we get 86.58% mAP and 98.24% µAP, similar to the 86.6 mAP and 98.1 µAP values reported in the SSCD row in Table 3.

Note that SSCD has better strong subset mAP metrics (although often reduced µAP) when evaluated on CD10K without whitening, using simple centering and L2 normalization (the PCA512,L2norm,Flat row in the CSV): 88.4% here versus 86.5%.

We explore image preprocessing methods used by various baselines on Copydays, such as resizing to square tensors (--preserve_aspect_ratio=false) and resizing the long edge to a specified size (--size=800 --resize_long_edge=true --preserve_aspect_ratio=false).

FAISS codec strings

The evaluations above specify descriptor postprocessing methods (eg. whitening and L2 normalization) using FAISS codec strings.

For instance, if we start with 512d L2 normalized descriptors (as our ResNet50 models produce), and use the codec string PCAW512,L2norm,Flat, this means that descriptors will be whitened, then L2 normalized again, before being used for retrieval.

Evaluation scripts can evaluate features using multiple codecs separated by ;, such as PCAW512,L2norm,Flat;PCA512,L2norm,Flat to evaluate both whitening followed by L2 normalization and centering followed by L2 normalization.

(PCA512 centers a 512 dimensional representation by subtracting the mean before applying an orthogonal PCA projection. That projection does not change descriptor distances, so the only distance-changing effect is the centering.)