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MQTT client for RabbitMQ and AWS Iot. The SDK is built with AWS library and Paho MQTT Java Client library.


This document provides instructions for installing and configuring the SDK for Java.

Install the SDK

Build the SDK from the Source

You can build both the SDK and its sample applications from the source hosted at GitHub.

$ git clone
$ cd mqtt-client-java
$ mvn clean install

Use the SDK

The following section provides some basic examples.


The SDK requires a set of properties to run the program, following are the properties required. It should be in user.home/facilio/facilio.config

  • endpoint = mqtt server url
  • clientId = name of the client making connection
  • certPath = Path of the AWS certificate
  • privateKeyPath = Path of the AWS private key
  • certName = name of the certificate file to look in user.home/facilio directory
  • privateKeyName = name of the private file to look in user.home/facilio directory
  • user = user name incase of username / password authentication
  • password = password incase of username / password authentication

Initialize the Client

FacilioMqttClient client = new AsyncMqttClient();

Publish and Subscribe

After the client is initialized and connected, you can publish messages to a topic and subscribe to topics.

String topic = "myTopic";
String payload = "hello world";
client.setCallback(new MqttCallback());
client.publish(topic, payload, 1);
public class MqttCallback implements FacilioMqttCallback {

   public void onSuccess() {
        // called when the message is published successfully 

   public void onFailure() {
        // called when the message is failed to publish

   public void onTimeout(Throwable cause) {
        // called when connection is terminated or method timedout

   public void onMessage(String topic, MqttMessage message) {
        // called when a message is received for the subscribed topic

API Documentation

The API documentation for the SDK can be found here.

RabbitMQ Configuration

RabbitMQ Installation:

Install RabbitMQ, if it is not installed already. Enable rabbitmq_management and rabbitmq_mqtt plugins.

RabbitMQ Management Console:

After successful installation & running of RabbitMQ, login to RabbitMQ Management console by http://rabbitmq-host:port

  • Click on the Queues tab

    • Create a Queue with the intended Org Domain name.
    • Name:
    • Durability: Durable
    • Auto Delete: No
    • After filling the above, click Add queue button
  • Click on the Admin tab

    • Add a new user
    • Username:
    • Password: (random password)
    • Confirm Password:
    • After filling the above, click Add user button
    • Click on the above created user
  • Give the permission to Virtual Host under permissions. For example:

    • Virtual Host: /
    • Configure regexp: .*
    • Write regexp: .*
    • Read regexp: .*
    • Click on the Set permission button
  • Give topic permission, for example

    • Select the same virtual Host which is used above
    • Exchange: amq.topic
    • Write regexp: .*
    • Read regexp: .*
    • Click on the Set topic permission button
  • Click on the Exchanges tab

    • Inside Exchanges tab, click on the amq.topic
    • In the resulting page, move on to the Add binding from this exchange section
    • Provide the following values for example
    • To queue:
    • Routing key:
    • Click the Bind button