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This repo tries to collect migrated and merged events over a specified block range.


The collected data will be generated under an account.db sqlite3 database containing the following tables:

type MergedEvent struct {
	ID                       int
	Recipient                string
	Sender                   string
	ClaimedCoins             string
	FundCommunityPool        string
	SenderEvmosPrefix        string
	SenderGenesisClaimRecord string
	Height                   int

type ClaimEvent struct {
	ID     int
	Sender string
	Action string
	Amount string
	Height int

type DecayAmount struct {
	ID                     int
	Sender                 string
	VoteAction             string
	DelegateAction         string
	EVMAction              string
	IBCAction              string
	TotalClaimed           string
	TotalLost              string
	InitialClaimableAmount string
	TotalLostEvmos         float64

type Error struct {
	ID         int
	Height     int
	EventType  string
	TxIndex    string
	EventIndex string


  1. Run go build to install the binary
  2. Run ./decay-data collect-events FROM_BLOCK TO_BLOCK with the block range you want to collect the events from
    • Note that this will take some time depending on the number of blocks that wants to be inspected
  3. Run ./decay-data collect-merge-senders
  4. Run ./decay-data calculate-decay-loss
  5. Run ./decay-data sender-evmos-prefix
  6. New database accounts.db should be generated in the root directory.

How it works

  • collect-events

    • Collects claim and merge_claims_records into a sqlite3 database through the following steps on every block within the specified range:
      1. Creates accounts.db sqlite3 database
      2. Queries BlockResults of every block within range
      3. For every BlockResult it iterates over all of the Txs within the block
        • If Tx emitted either merge_claims_records then it decodes the attributes of the event and stores the event in merged_event table
        • If Tx emitted either claim then it decodes the attributes of the event and stored the event in claim_event table
    • Required Params
      • fromBlock
        • Block height to start collecting events from
      • toBlock
        • End height of block range
    • Results
      • Generates a sqlite3 database, accounts.db

      • There are three tables within the database with the following models

        type MergedEvent struct {
        	ID                 int
        	Recipient          string
        	Sender             string
        	ClaimedCoins       string
        	FundCommunityPool  string
        	SenderEvmosPrefix  string
        	SenderGenesisClaimRecord string
        	Height             int
        type ClaimEvent struct {
        	ID     int
        	Sender string
        	Action string
        	Amount string
        	Height int
        type Error struct {
        	ID         int
        	Height     int
        	EventType  string
        	TxIndex    string
        	EventIndex string
  • collect-merge-senders

    • Because the sender of the transaction is not present on the merge_claims_records event, an extra step was necessary to collect the sender and track the claims properly. To accomplish this the following steps were followed:
      • Iterate over all the events on the merged_event table in accounts.db
      • For every event, query BlockResult at event height
      • Find Tx within block
      • Find recv_packet event within Tx
      • Decode attributes of the event and add the sender to the row record within MergeEvent table
  • calculate-decay-loss

    • The reason why this table was computed was to compared the results from those gather by a validator. This way we were able to validate the data from multiple sources.
    • NOTE: Requires genesis.json file to be downloaded.
    • Using Evmos’s genesis file claims records and the acquired data on claim_event, calculate per address:
      • TotalClaimed - Total amount of aevmos claimed
      • InitialClaimableAmount - Claimable amount at genesis
      • TotalLost - Total amount lost in aevmos
      • TotalLostEvmos - Total amount lost in evmos
      • EVMAction - Amount claimed through EVMAction claim type
      • IBCAction - Amount claimed through IBCAction claim type
      • VoteAction - Amount claimed through VoteAction claim type
      • DelegateAction - Amount claimed through DelegateAction claim type
    • Results
      • A New DecayAmount table gets generated with the following model

        type DecayAmount struct {
        	ID                     int
        	Sender                 string
        	VoteAction             string
        	DelegateAction         string
        	EVMAction              string
        	IBCAction              string
        	TotalClaimed           string
        	TotalLost              string
        	InitialClaimableAmount string
        	TotalLostEvmos         float64
  • sender-evmos-prefix

    • This script will basically populate the SenderEvmosPrefix column in MergedEvent table. This is because the sender on each merge_claims_records event is on osmosis denomination, we need to find the equivalent evmos address to be able to find its respective initial_claimable_record in genesis.
    • It also populates SenderGenesisClaimRecord column finding the information of the sender in the genesis file’s claim records.


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