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Sending Data to Fogwing IIoT via API using API Token

This repository contains three files that enable you to send sample data to Fogwing IoTHub via API using API token.

Note: This SDK is subject to change as it is currently in preview.

Fogwing IIoT Simulation using API client.

To simulate data to Fogwing using via API using API token, you will need to download the following files:

Note: The purpose of the code is to send sample data over Fogwing IoTHub using an API client. To achieve this, you can modify the configuration.json file to configure the Fogwing IoTHub credentials and customize the sample data as needed.

Here are the steps to follow in order to send data to Fogwing IIoT using an API:

1. Moving Files.

  • Move downloaded files to a directory of your choice on your system. Once you have done this, you can proceed with the next steps.

2. Installing Libraries

  • You can install all the required libraries using pip and the requirements.txt file provided using follwing command.

    • pip install -r requirements.txt

3. Update Credentials

  • To update credentials for Fogwing IoTHub access, you need to modify the configuration.json file.
  • Replace the placeholder values of USERNAME and PASSWORD with your Fogwing IoTHub access credentials and save the file.

4. Run the Program and Get Started with Fogwing IIoT

  • To run the program, use the following command.
    • python

Note: If everything goes according to the instructions mentioned above, you should see {"statusCode":201,"message":"Created","description":"The Request Has Succeeded","data":"Successfully published"} message displayed on the Terminal.

5. Analyze Your Data on the Fogwing Platform

  • Now you are ready to analyze your data at Fogwing Platform portal, you can check all the data within the data storage in the portal.

Where to Find Help and Resources for Fogwing

Please visit for more information about Fogwing Industrial IoT Platform.