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facty-fact edited this page Oct 31, 2019 · 1 revision

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Apples are a fruit that is grown in all 50 States at the USA of America. The Pilgrims implanted the initial United States apple trees at the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Apples are a good source of flavonoids, which have antioxidant properties. It is thought that most of the compound in apples is located in the peel. It's beneficial to your health to consume apples without peeling the apple off skin. Apples are all healthy , giving a good source of a natural energy, including organic carbohydratevitamin C, vitamin C and potassium and boron. Eating Apples provides a good means to increase dietary fibre, in fact, an ordinary size apple is said to include more fibre than a bowl of oatmeal or many chilly peppers! I enjoy produce. I like to grow it. I like to eat it. I like to create recipes with it. I am also sort of a nerd and like to get to know my produce. I enjoy learning fun or new tidbits of info about the produce I am growing/eating/baking. If you are a weirdo like me then buckle up for this new series as I dip into plenty of produce facts and share them with you.

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