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FAA-based queue

In this task, you will implement a concurrent queue that leverages the Fetch-and-Add synchronization primitive. The high-level design of this queue bases on a conceptually infinite array for storing elements and manipulates enqIdx and deqIdx counters, which reference the next working cells in the infinite array for enqueue(..) and dequeue() operations. The infinite array implementation is usually simulated via a linked list of fixed-size segments. The overall algorithm should be at least obstruction-free.

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The task consists of two parts. You first need to implement the queue with a provided infinite array data structure in src/FAABasedQueueSimplified.kt, implementing the full algorithm in src/FAABasedQueue.kt after that.

Write your first and last name in the headers of the files after the @author tag.

To test your solution, please run:

  • ./gradlew test on Linux or MacOS
  • gradlew test on Windows