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Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform

OpenShift Container Platform Features


Openshift Features


Openshift Control Plane


this document using Openshift ver.4.5

Openshift Cluster Operators

  • Kubernetes Operators

    • Operators usually define custom resources (CR) that store their settings and configurations.
    • The syntax of a custom resource is defined by a custom resource definition (CRD).
    • An OpenShift administrator manages an operator by editing its custom resources.
  • Openshift Cluster Operators manages some following list of cluster operator:

    • network
    • ingress
    • storage
    • authentication
    • console
    • monitoring
    • image-registry
    • cluster-autoscaler
    • openshift-apiserver
    • dns
    • openshift-controller-manager
    • cloud-credential
  • Operator

    • An application that manages Kubernetes resources.
  • Operator SDK

    • An open source toolkit for building, testing, and packaging operators.
  • Operator Catalog

    • A repository for discovering and installing operators.
  • Custom Resource Definition (CRD)

    • An extension of the Kubernetes API that defines the syntax of a custom resource.
  • Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM)

    • An application that manages Kubernetes operators.
  • OperatorHub

    • A public web service where you can publish operators that are compatible with the OLM.
  • Operator Image

    • The artifact defined by the Operator Framework that you can publish for consumption by an OLM instance.

Troubleshooting OpenShift Clusters and Applications

Verifying the Health of OpenShift Nodes

  • oc get nodes
master01   Ready    master,worker   2d    v1.18.3+012b3ec
master02   Ready    master,worker   2d    v1.18.3+012b3ec
master03   Ready    master,worker   2d    v1.18.3+012b3ec
  • oc adm top nodes
    Displays the current CPU and memory usage of each node.
    These are actual usage numbers, not the resource requests that the OpenShift scheduler considers as the available and used capacity of the node.
NAME       CPU(cores)   CPU%   MEMORY(bytes)   MEMORY%
master01   499m         14%    3235Mi          21%
master02   769m         21%    4933Mi          33%
master03   1016m        29%    6087Mi          40%
  • oc describe node my-node-name
    To retrieve the cluster version
version   4.5.4     True        False         4d23h   Cluster version is 4.5.4
  • oc get clusteroperators
authentication            4.5.4     True        False         False      3h58m
cloud-credential          4.5.4     True        False         False      4d23h
cluster-autoscaler        4.5.4     True        False         False      4d23h
config-operator           4.5.4     True        False         False      4d23h
console                   4.5.4     True        False         False      3h58m
csi-snapshot-controller   4.5.4     True        False         False      4d23h
dns                       4.5.4     True        False         False      4d23h
etcd                      4.5.4     True        False         False      4d23h
image-registry            4.5.4     True        False         False      4d23h
...output omitted...

Openshift Nodes

Show logs of Openshift Nodes
  • oc adm node-logs -u crio my-node-name
    • display the crio service logs on my-node-name OCP node
  • oc adm node-logs -u kubelet my-node-name
    • display the kubelet service logs on my-node-name OCP node
  • oc adm node-logs my-node-name
    • display all journal logs of node
Open a shell prompt on an Openshift Node
  • oc debug node/my-node-name
Starting pod/master01-debug ...
To use host binaries, run `chroot /host`
Pod IP:
If you don't see a command prompt, try pressing enter.

sh-4.2# chroot /host
sh-4.2# systemctl status kubelet
● kubelet.service - MCO environment configuration
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
  Drop-In: /etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service.d
   Active: active (running) since Fri 2020-07-31 16:26:57 UTC; 4h 32min ago
...output omitted...
sh-4.2# systemctl status cri-o
● crio.service - MCO environment configuration
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/crio.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
  Drop-In: /etc/systemd/system/crio.service.d
   Active: active (running) since Fri 2020-07-31 16:26:50 UTC; 4h 35min ago
...output omitted...

Troubleshooting Application Deployments

oc get pod
oc status
oc describe pod my-pod-name
oc logs my-pod-name
oc logs my-pod-name -c container-name
oc logs my-pod-name --all-containers

Creating troubleshooting pod using oc debug

oc debug deployment/my-deployment-name --as-root

rsh command

oc rsh my-pod-name
Opens a shell inside a pod to run shell commands interactively and non-interactively.

Copy files

oc cp /local/path my-pod-name:/container/path

Verbose log level

oc get pod --loglevel 6
oc get pod --loglevel 10

Get current token

oc whoami -t


oc port-forward my-pod-name local-port:remote-port
Creates a TCP tunnel from local-port on your workstation to local-port on the pod. The tunnel is alive as long as you keep the oc port-forward running. This allows you to get network access to the pod without exposing it through a route. Because the tunnel starts at your localhost, it cannot be accessed by other machines.

skopeo inspect

skopeo inspect docker://

FATA[0000] Error parsing image name "docker://": Error reading manifest 1 in name unknown: Repo not found

skopeo inspect docker://
This command checks whether the remote registry access is exist or not.

OpenShift Dynamic Storage

Persistent Storage

Two ways of provisioning storage for the cluster:

  • Static
    • Static provisioning requires the cluster administrator to create persistent volumes manually.
  • Dynamic
    • Dynamic provisioning uses storage classes to create the persistent volumes on demand.
    • Verifying dynamic storageclass:
    oc get storageclass
        NAME                    PROVISIONER               ...
        nfs-storage (default)   nfs-storage-provisioner   ...

PVC and PV

  • PVC: persistent volume claim
    • Specify a name for the persistent volume claim.This name is use in the claimName field in the volume section of Deployment manifest.
    • Important to specify Access Modes. If PV persistent volumes are created statically, then an eligible persistent volume must provide this access mode.
      • ReadWriteMany(RWX): Kubernetes can mount the volume as read-write on many nodes.
      • ReadOnlyMany(ROX): Kubernetes can mount the volume as read-only on many nodes.
      • ReadWriteOnce(RWO): Kubernetes can mount the volume as read-write on only a single node.
    • Important to specify Size Request. If persistent volumes are created statically, then an eligible persistent volume must be at least the requested size.
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: example-pv-claim
    app: example-application
    - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 15Gi
Add PVC on the application
     - name: example-pv-storage
         claimName: example-pv-claim
   - name: example-application
     - containerPort: 1234
       - mountPath: "/var/lib/example-app"
         name: example-pv-storage

# Authentication and Authorization

# OpenShift Users and Groups

In the OpenShift Container Platform architecture, users are entities that interact with the API server. The user resource represents an actor within the system. Assign permissions by adding roles to the user directly or to the groups of which the user is a member.

Groups represent a specific set of users. Users are assigned to one or to multiple groups. Groups are leveraged when implementing authorization policies to assign permissions to multiple users at the same time.

The identity resource keeps a record of successful authentication attempts from a specific user and identity provider. Any data concerning the source of the authentication is stored on the identity. Only a single user resource is associated with an identity resource.

Service Account
In OpenShift, applications can communicate with the API independently when user credentials cannot be acquired. To preserve the integrity of a regular user's credentials, credentials are not shared and service accounts are used instead. Service accounts enable you to control API access without the need to borrow a regular user's credentials.

A role defines a set of permissions that enables a user to perform API operations over one or more resource types. You grant permissions to users, groups, and service accounts by assigning roles to them.

# Authenticating API Requests

1. OAuth Access Tokens
2. X.509 Client Certificates

The installation logs provide the location of the kubeconfig file:
INFO Run 'export KUBECONFIG=root/auth/kubeconfig' to manage the cluster with 'oc'.
This kubeconfig file can be used to authenticate to the OCP cluster.

# Authenticating API Requests

To improve OpenShift cluster security, you can remove the kubeadmin user credentials after you define an identity provider, create a new user, and assign that user the cluster-admin role.

$ oc delete secret kubeadmin -n kube-system
kind: OAuth
  name: cluster
  - name: my_httpasswd_provider
    mappingMethod: claim
    type: HTPasswd
        name: htpasswd-secret

# Defining and Applying Permissions Using RBAC (Role-based Access Control)

# RBAC Object

  • Rule
    • Allowed actions for objects or groups of objects.
  • Role
    • Sets of rules. Users and groups can be associated with multiple roles.
  • Binding
    • Assignment of users or groups to a role.

# RBAC Scope

  • Cluster Role
    • Users or groups with this role level can manage the OpenShift cluster.
  • Local Role
    • Users or groups with this role level can only manage elements at a project level.

# Managing RBAC using CLI

Add/remove a cluster-role to a user:
oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user CLUSTER-ROLE USER-NAME
oc adm policy remove-cluster-role-to-user CLUSTER-ROLE USER-NAME

Add/remove a role to a user:
oc policy add-role-to-user ROLE USER-NAME -n PROJECT
oc policy remove-role-to-user ROLE USER-NAME -n PROJECT

# Default Roles

  • cluster-admin
    • Users with this role have superuser access to the cluster resources. These users can perform any action on the cluster, and have full control of all projects.
  • cluster-status
    • Users with this role can get cluster status information.
  • self-provisioner
    • Users with this role can create new projects. This is a cluster role, not a project role.
  • admin
    • Users with this role can manage all project resources, including granting access to other users to access the project.
  • basic-user
    • Users with this role have read access to the project.
  • edit
    • Users with this role can create, change, and delete common application resources from the project, such as services and deployment configurations. These users cannot act on management resources such as limit ranges and quotas, and cannot manage access permissions to the project.
  • view
    • Users with this role can view project resources, but cannot modify project resources.

# QUIZ: Configuring Identity Providers

# Follow below instructions:

  1. Create htpasswd file and add user1 with the password pass1. Set the htpasswd file as /tmp/htpasswd.
  2. Add user2 with the password pass2.
  3. Create secret that contains the HTPasswd users file mentioned above. Secret's name is localusers.
  4. Update the HTPasswd identity provider for the cluster so that you can authenticate above users mentioned in the htpasswd file.
  5. Assign user1 as cluster-admin role.
  6. Extract the current localusers secret to htpasswd file at /tmp directory. Add manager user with password manager. Change the password for user2 to pass222. Update the secret and make sure you can login with manager and user2.
  7. Remove the user2 (user and identity).
  8. VERY CAREFUL ON THIS, IF YOU DELETE kubeadmin, YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO LOGIN WITH kubeadmin. After creating all the users, delete the Virtual user kubeadmin to enhance security.


# Answer: Configuring Identity Providers

  1. Create htpasswd file and add user1 with the password pass1. Set the htpasswd file as /tmp/htpasswd.
htpasswd -c -B -b /tmp/htpasswd user1 pass1
  1. Add user2 with the password pass2.
htpasswd -b /tmp/htpasswd user2 pass2
  1. Create secret that contains the HTPasswd users file mentioned above. Secret's name is localusers.
#Login with admin user
oc login -u kubeadmin -p $KUBEADM_PASSWD $OCP_CLUSTER

oc create secret generic localusers --from-file htpasswd=/tmp/htpasswd -n openshift-config

#Check whether the secret created successfully
oc get secret localusers -n openshift-config
oc extract secret/localusers -n openshift-config --to -
  1. Update the HTPasswd identity provider for the cluster so that you can authenticate above users mentioned in the htpasswd file. Configure the HTPasswd identity name as myuser.
#Check the current OAuth setting
oc get oauth
    NAME    AGE
    cluster 234d

#Check the current OAuth Pod
oc get pod -n openshift-authentication

# Edit the current OAuth setting on your OpenShift cluster
oc edit oauth cluster

Edit the oauth cluster with the below entries:

kind: OAuth
  - htpasswd:
        name: localusers    #put the secret name here
    mappingMethod: claim    #set the mappingmethod
    name: myusers           #set the identity name
    type: HTPasswd          #set the identity provider

Check the pod at openshift-authentication project:

#The new OAuth Pod should be re-created after the above configuration. 
oc get pod -n openshift-authentication
  1. Assign user1 as cluster-admin role.
oc whoami

oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-admin user1

oc login -u user1 -p pass1

oc get nodes
  1. Extract the current localusers secret to htpasswd file at /tmp directory. Add manager user with password manager. Change the password for user2 to pass222. Update the secret and make sure you can login with manager and user2.
oc extract secret/localusers -n openshift-config --to /tmp/ --confirm

htpasswd -b /tmp/htpasswd-mgr manager manager
htpasswd -b /tmp/htpasswd-mgr user2 pass222

oc set data secret/localusers --from-file htpasswd=/tmp/htpasswd-mgr -n openshift-config

oc get pod -n openshift-authentication

oc login -u manager -p manager
oc login -u user2 -p pass222
  1. Remove the user2 (user and identity).
oc login -u user1 -p pass1

oc extract secret/localusers -n openshift-config --to /tmp/ --confirm

cat /tmp/htpasswd
htpasswd -D /tmp/htpasswd user2
cat /tmp/htpasswd

oc get user,identity

oc set data secret/localusers --from-file htpasswd=/tmp/htpasswd -n openshift-config

oc get pod -n openshift-authentication

oc get user,identity

oc delete user user2

oc delete identity myusers:user2
  1. VERY CAREFUL ON THIS, IF YOU DELETE kubeadmin, YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO LOGIN WITH kubeadmin. After creating all the users, delete the Virtual user kubeadmin to enhance security.
#Login as cluster-admin with user1
oc login -u user1 -p pass1

oc get secret kubeadmin -n kube-system

oc delete secret kubeadmin -n kube-system
oc get secret kubeadmin -n kube-system

# QUIZ: Authentication and Authorization

# This quiz is testing your understanding about HTPasswd identity provider and RBAC :

  1. Create htpasswd file with users tester, leader, admin, developer with the password L@bR3v!ew. Set the htpasswd file as /tmp/htpasswd.
  2. Configure your cluster to use the HTPasswd identity provider using the configured /tmp/htpasswd.
  3. Make the admin user a cluster administrator. Log in as both admin and as developer to verify HTPasswd user configuration and cluster privileges.
  4. As the admin user, remove the ability to create projects cluster wide.
  5. Create a group named managers, and add the leader user to the group. Grant project creation privileges to the managers group. As the leader user, create the auth-review project.
  6. Create a group named developers and grant edit privileges on the auth-review project. Add the developer user to the group.
  7. Create a group named qa and grant view privileges on the auth-review project. Add the tester user to the group.

# Answer: Authentication and Authorization

  1. Create htpasswd file with users tester, leader, admin, developer with the password L@bR3v!ew. Set the htpasswd file as /tmp/htpasswd.
htpasswd -c -B -b /tmp/htpasswd tester 'L@bR3v!ew'
htpasswd -c -B -b /tmp/htpasswd leader 'L@bR3v!ew'
htpasswd -c -B -b /tmp/htpasswd admin 'L@bR3v!ew'
htpasswd -c -B -b /tmp/htpasswd developer 'L@bR3v!ew'
  1. Configure your cluster to use the HTPasswd identity provider using the configured /tmp/htpasswd.
oc login -u kubeadmin -p $RHT_OCP4_KUBEADM_PASSWD $RHT_OCP4_HTTPS

oc create secret generic auth-review --from-file htpasswd=/tmp/htpasswd -n openshift-config

oc get oauth cluster

oc edit oauth cluster

Edit the oauth cluster and add the below HTPasswd configuration:

    - name: htpasswd-provider
          name: auth-review # secret name
      mappingMethod: claim
      type: HTPasswd
#Check the OAuth pod which is redeployed after the HTPasswd configuration
oc get pod -n openshift-authentication
  1. Make the admin user a cluster administrator. Log in as both admin and as developer to verify HTPasswd user configuration and cluster privileges.
oc get user,identity

oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-admin admin

oc login -u admin -p 'L@bR3v!ew'
oc whoami; oc get nodes

oc login -u developer -p 'L@bR3v!ew'
oc whoami; oc get nodes
# oc get nodes will be failed (not authorized)
  1. As the admin user, remove the ability to create projects cluster wide.
oc login -u admin -p 'L@bR3v!ew'

oc get clusterrolebinding | egrep "NAME|self-provisioner"

oc adm policy remove-cluster-role-from-group self-provisioner system:authenticated:oauth
  1. Create a group named managers, and add the leader user to the group. Grant project creation privileges to the managers group. As the leader user, create the auth-review project.
oc adm groups new managers

oc adm groups add-users managers leader

oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-group self-provisioner managers

oc login -u leader -p 'L@bR3v!ew'

oc new-project auth-review
  1. Create a group named developers and grant edit privileges on the auth-review project. Add the developer user to the group.
oc login -u admin -p 'L@bR3v!ew'

oc adm groups new developers

oc adm groups add-users developers developer

oc policy add-role-to-group edit developers -n auth-review
  1. Create a group named qa and grant view privileges on the auth-review project. Add the tester user to the group.
oc adm groups new qa

oc adm groups add-users qa tester

oc policy add-role-to-group view qa

# Configuring Application Security

# Managing sensitive information with secrets

#Features of Secret:
  • Secret data can be shared within a project namespace.
  • Secret data is referenced independently of secret definition. Administrators can create and manage a secret resource that other team members can reference in their deployment configurations.
  • Secret data is injected into pods when OpenShift creates a pod. You can expose a secret as an environment variable or as a mounted file in the pod.
  • If the value of a secret changes during pod execution, the secret data in the pod does not update. After a secret value changes, you must create new pods to inject the new secret data.
  • Any secret data that OpenShift injects into a pod is ephemeral. If OpenShift exposes sensitive data to a pod as environment variables, then those variables are destroyed when the pod is destroyed.
#Use Cases of Secret:
  1. Credentials
  • Store sensitive information, such as passwords and username for application.
  1. TLS (Transport Layer Security) and Key Pairs
  • Use a TLS certificate (tls.crt) and key (tls.key) to secure communication to a pod.
oc create secret generic SECRETNAME --from-literal key1=val1
oc create secret generic SECRETNAME --from-file SECRETFILE=/path-to-secret-file
oc create secret tls SECRETNAME --cert /path-to-certificate --key /path-to-key
#Configure secrets inside Pod:
  • Configure secret inside Pod:
  - name: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD       #environment variable in the Pod
        name: demo-secret           #name of secret
        key: root_password          #name of key inside the secret
  • Inject secret to Pod deployment
oc set env deployment/demo --from secret/demo-secret --prefix MYSQL_
  • Secrets as Files in a Pod
oc set volume deployment/demo --add --type=secret --secret-name=demo-secret --mount-path=/app-secrets

# Configuration Map

  • Similar to secrets, configuration maps decouple configuration information from container images. Unlike secrets, the information contained in configuration maps does not require protection.
oc create configmap CONFIGMAPNAME --from-literal key1=val1
oc create configmap CONFIGMAPNAME --from-file CMFILE=/path-to-configmapfile

# Updating Secrets and Configmap

oc extract secret/SECRETNAME -n NAMESPACE --to /path-to-directory/ --confirm

oc set data secret/SECRETNAME --from-file /path-to-directory/secretfile -n NAMESPACE

# QUIZ: Debug error Pod (configure applicaton security)

# Managing sensitive information with secret and allow application to run in less restrictive environment using SECURITY CONTEXT CONSTRAINTS

  1. Create test-pj project with developer user.
  2. Configure secret-pj secret in test-pj with the below entries. This secret will be used MySQL database and WordPress application:
  • user = wpuser
  • password = redhat123
  • database = wordpress
  1. Create Database app with the following details:
  • deployment name = mysql
  • use image from
  • Analyze the logs and fix the error. (Modify the mysql deployment to use the secret-pj secrets as environment variable)
  1. Create WordPress application that uses the MySQL database. Details as follow:
  • deployment name = wordpress
  • use image from
  • Analyze the logs and fix the error
  • Update your secret and add some additional variables:
    • host = mysql
    • name = wordpress
    • in the real configuration, WordPress container use the variable as WORDPRESS_DB_HOST and WORDPRESS_DB_NAME
  • WordPress application has to use the secret-pj secret
  • Make sure the application can connect to the Database. Check the route configuration which can be access with the, etc.

# Answer: Debug error Pod (configure applicaton security)

  1. Create test-pj project with developer user.
oc login -u developer -p $DEVELOPER_PASSWD

oc new-project test-pj
  1. Configure secret-pj secret in test-pj with the below entries. This secret will be used MySQL database and WordPress application:
  • user = wpuser
  • password = redhat123
  • database = wordpress
oc create secret generic secret-pj --from-literal user=wpuser --from-literal password=redhat123 --from-literal database=wordpress

oc get secret secret-pj

oc describe secret secret-pj
  1. Create Database app with the following details:
  • deployment name = mysql
  • use image from
  • Analyze the logs and fix the error. (Modify the mysql deployment to use the secret-pj secrets as environment variable)
oc new-app --name mysql --docker-image 

oc get pod 

#Find the details of pod's error info
oc logs PODNAME

oc get deployment

#Modify pod's deployment to use the secret mysql
oc set env deployment/mysql --from secret/mysql --prefix MYSQL_

#Make sure your pod run normal
oc get pod
oc logs PODNAME

#If needed, you can also mount the secret as file to a pod
oc set volume deployment/mysql --add --type secret --mount-path /secret-mount-path --secret-name mysql

---VERIFY your mysql pod connection---
$ mysql -u myuser --password=redhat123 test_secrets -e 'show databases;'
  1. Create WordPress application that uses the MySQL database. Details as follow:
  • deployment name = wordpress
  • use image from
  • Analyze the logs and fix the error
  • Update your secret and add some additional variables:
    • host = mysql
    • name = wordpress
    • in the real configuration, WordPress container use the variable as WORDPRESS_DB_HOST and WORDPRESS_DB_NAME
  • WordPress application has to use the secret-pj secret
  • Make sure the application can connect to the Database. Check the route configuration which can be access with the, etc.
oc new-app --name wordpress --docker-image

#Analyze the pod condition and error logs
oc get pod
oc get deployment

#Add variables for WordPress app to the secret
oc set data secret/secret-pj --from-literal host=mysql --from-literal name=wordpress

#Configure secret to pod
oc set env deployment/wordpress --from secret/mysql --prefix WORDPRESS_DB_

oc get pod
        NAME                        READY   STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
        wordpress-68c49c9d4-wq46g   0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   5          4m30s

#Notice that we need to execute WordPress pod in a less secure SCC
        ...output omitted...
        (13)Permission denied: AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:80
        (13)Permission denied: AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address
        no listening sockets available, shutting down
        AH00015: Unable to open logs

#To modify the SCC, we need to do the operation as admin
oc login -u admin -p $ADMIN_PASSWORD

#Check whether using a different SCC resolves the permissions problem.
oc get pod WORDPRESSPODNAME -oyaml | oc adm policy scc-subject-review -f -
        RESOURCE                        ALLOWED BY
        Pod/wordpress-68c49c9d4-wq46g   anyuid

#Create serviceaccount for WordPress pod
oc create serviceaccount wordpress-sa

#Grant anyuid SCC to wordpress-sa
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid wordpress-sa

#Configure wordpress deployment to use the wordpress-sa serviceaccount
oc set serviceaccount deployment/wordpress wordpress-sa

#Check the pod status
oc get pod --watch

#Expose the quotes service
oc get service
oc expose service wordpress --hostname

curl -s

# Debug Pod and Problem Analyzation

Case scenario:

  1. MySQL Database by using deployment/mysql.
  2. Frontend application deploymed by deployment/frontend that is connect to the MySQL Database.
  3. mysql and frontend Pod have their own service resource.
  4. Your task is to check the connection between each pod by using service or pod private IP address.
# Check the connection from frontend -> mysql via mysql-service
oc get service mysql -oyaml | grep -i clusterip

oc debug -t deployment/frontend
    $ curl -v telnet://MYSQLPOD-SERVICE-IP:3306

# Check the connection from mysql -> frontend via frontend-service
oc get service frontend -oyaml | grep -i clusterip

oc debug -t deployment/mysql --image
    $ curl -v http://FRONTEND-SERVICE-IP:8080

# Check the connection from mysql pod -> frontend pod
oc get pod -owide
    : find the ip for the frontend pod

oc debug -t deployment/mysql --image
    $ curl -v http://FRONTEND-POD-IP:8080

# Securing Routes (Exposing application for external access)

# Methods for Managing Ingress Traffic

  1. Route
  • Routes provide ingress traffic to services in the cluster. Routes were created before Kubernetes ingress objects and provide more features. Routes provide advanced features that may not be supported by Kubernetes ingress controllers through a standard interface, such as TLS re-encryption, TLS passthrough, and split traffic for blue-green deployments.
  1. Ingress
  • An ingress is a Kubernetes resource that provides some of the same features as routes (which are an OpenShift resource). Ingresses accept external requests and proxy them based on the route. You can only allow certain types of traffic: HTTP, HTTPS and server name identification (SNI), and TLS with SNI. In OpenShift, routes are generated to meet the conditions specified by the ingress object.

Route Service

# Securing Routes

  1. Edge
  • TLS termination occurs at the router, before the traffic is routed to the pods. So, connections from the router to the endpoints over the internal network are not encrypted.
  • In default, OpenShift assigns its own certificate to the router for TLS termination. But, you can customize it by assigning your own certificates.
  1. Re-encryption
  • Re-encryption is a variation on edge termination, whereby the router terminates TLS with a certificate, and then re-encrypts its connection to the endpoint, which might have a different certificate. The full path of the connection is encrypted.
  1. Passthrough
  • Encrypted traffic is sent straight to the destination pod without the router providing TLS termination.
  • Passthrough support mutual authentication between the application and the client that access it.

Securing Routes

# QUIZ: Configuring OpenShift Networking for applications

# Answer: Configuring OpenShift Networking for applications

Passthrough Route

  1. Create application with below details:
  • Create apps with developer user and network-ingress project
  • Create todo-http1 deployment by using docker image from
  • Expose service to be accessed at
  1. Check whether the connection is not encypted by using tcpdump command.
  2. Create new application configured with passthrough-route (encrypted access) using the provided CA and self-signed certificate.
  • CA = training-CA.pem, CA key = training-CA.key, passphrase file = passphrase.txt, extension file = training.ext
  • Create customized certificate to be valid for 10 years
  • Configure the passthrough-route as, with port 8443
  • create self-signed certificate -> configure the self-signed certificate as a tls-type secret -> create application pod using the tls-type secret
  • Application yaml (todo-https.yaml):
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: todo-https
    app: todo-https
    name: todo-https
  replicas: 1
      app: todo-https
      name: todo-https
        app: todo-https
        name: todo-https
      - name: todo-https
        - containerPort: 8080
          name: todo-http
        - containerPort: 8443
          name: todo-https
        - name: tls-certs
          readOnly: true
          mountPath: /usr/local/etc/ssl/certs
      - name: tls-certs
          secretName: todo-certs
  1. Create application with below details:
  • Create apps with developer user and network-ingress project
  • Create todo-http1 deployment by using docker image from
  • Expose service to be accessed at
oc login -u developer -p developer

oc new-project network-ingress

oc new-app --name todo-http1 --docker-image

oc expose service todo-http1 --hostname
  1. Check whether the connection is not encypted by using tcpdump command.
sudo tcpdump -i eth0 -A -n port 80
  1. Create new application configured with passthrough-route (encrypted access) using the provided CA and self-signed certificate.
  • CA = training-CA.pem, CA key = training-CA.key, passphrase file = passphrase.txt, extension file = training.ext
  • Create customized certificate to be valid for 10 years
  • Configure the passthrough-route as, with port 8443
  • create self-signed certificate -> configure the self-signed certificate as a tls-type secret -> create application pod using the tls-type secret
  • Application yaml (todo-https.yaml):
#Generate key  
openssl genrsa -out training.key 2048

#Generate CSR
openssl req -new -key training.key -out training.csr
#-> On the prompt, dont forget to mention the Common Name for

#Generate the signed certificate
openssl x509 -req -in training.csr ¥
    -CA training-CA.pem -CAkey training-CA.key -CAcreateserial ¥
    -passin file:passphrase.txt ¥
    -out training.crt -days 3650 -sha256 -extfile training.ext

#Create TLS secret
oc create secret tls todo-secret --cert training.crt --key training.key

#Deploy application pod
oc create -f todo-https.yaml
#deployment and service created

#Create passthrough route  
oc create route passthrough todo-https --service todo-https --port 8443 --hostname 

#Check the connection to the route from the nodes
curl -I --cacert training-CA.pem 

#Check the connection with Browser. Notice that your certificate information is the same as you've configured in the above steps

# Controlling Pod Scheduling

# Labeling Nodes

#Add label
oc label node master01 env=dev
oc label node master01 env=dev --overwrite

#Remove label
oc label node master01 env-

#Show labels 
oc get nodes --show-labels

# Configuring Node selector for a project

oc adm new-project --node-selector "tier=1"

# Pod Scheduling

# Taint and Tolerations

  • Default Tolerations
    Default toleration on pods:
kind: Pod
  - effect: NoExecute
    operator: Exist
    tolerationSeconds: 300
  - effect: NoExecute
    operator: Exist
    tolerationSeconds: 300
  • Cordoned node will have below taint

# Quiz: Create TLS secured route apps

# Steps by step

1. Prepare the CA (myCA.key and myCA.crt)
openssl genrsa -out myCA.key 2048
openssl req -x509 -new -key myCA.key -out myCA.crt
    CountryName: XX 
    State: Tokyo 
    City: Shinagawa 
    Company: XX 
    CN: <blank>

2. Prepare the Keys and Certificate Signing Request (CSR) for Secured-Route (myRoute.key, myRoute.csr)
openssl genrsa -out myRoute.key 2048
openssl req -new -key myRoute.key -out myRoute.csr 
    CountryName: XX 
    State: Tokyo 
    City: Shinagawa 
    Company: XX 

3. Signing the Secure-Route certificate with self-created CA (output=myRoute.crt)
openssl x509 -req -in myRoute.csr -CA myCA.crt -CAkey myCA.key -CAcreateserial -out myRoute.crt 

4. Check the created certificate 
openssl x509 -in myRoute.crt -noout -text 

5. Create TLS secret(todo-certs) using the above certificates 
oc create secret tls todo-certs --cert ./myRoute.crt --key ./myRoute.key 

6. Deploy apps with the provided yaml 
oc create -f secure-app.yaml 

7. Expose apps with secure passthrough-route 
oc create route passthrough todo-https --service todo-https --port 8443 --hostname 

8. Check the connection 
#from node 
curl -I --cacert ./myCA.crt



# Template
