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MailChimp PHP v3 API library by

I couldn't find a good simple PHP library for the MailChimp v3 API, so decided to created one.
Currently it has basic support for campaigns (including some actions), lists and corresponding members. No tests are included at this moment, so please create an issue for any unexpected results you might run into.


You can install this library by editing (or creating) your composer.json:

	"require": {
		"faimmedia/mailchimp-v3-api": "*"

And run composer update or composer install.


There are some more examples in the example folder. All methods can be found in the section below.

All examples below require the initialization of the MailChimp class with your API key. The API key is a 32-length hash followed by your MailChimp datacenter location, separated with a minus. An API key can be obtained here:

$apiKey = '02699f222d95d4dfc53b9f7960b2fa6e-us1';

$mailchimp = new FaimMedia\MailChimp($apiKey);

For all API end-points, required and allowed fields, please check out the MailChimp API documentation page:


Create a new campaign

$campaign = $mailchimp->campaigns()->create([
	'settings' => [
		'subject_line' => 'My newsletter',
		'from_name'    => 'My company',
		'reply_to'     => '',
	'type'     => 'regular',

Get all existing campaigns

$campaigns = $mailchimp->campaigns()->getAll();

Get campaign by id

$campaign = $mailchimp->campaigns()->getById($campaignId);
// or
$campaign = $mailchimp->campaigns($campaignId);

Campaign content

Set content of a campaign

	'html' => 'HTML content of my campaign',
	'text' => 'Text content of my campaign'

Get content of a campaign

$content = $campaign->getContentItem();
echo $content->getHtml();
echo $content->getText();

Campaign actions

Send a campaign


Send test mail for campaign


Schedule a campaign

The schedule method only excepts a DateTime object as first argument.

$datetime = new \DateTime('2018-02-01 01:00:00');


Unschedule a campaign



Create a new list

$list = $mailchimp->lists()->create([
	'name'     => 'Test newsletter list',
	'contact'  => [
		'company'  => '',
		'address1' => 'PO Box 1540',
		'city'     => 'NIJMEGEN',
		'state'    => 'GL',
		'zip'      => '6501 BM',
		'country'  => 'NL',
	'permission_reminder' => 'You signed up for updates on our website',
	'campaign_defaults'   => [
		'from_name'    => '',
		'from_email'   => '',
		'subject'      => 'Newsletter',
		'language'     => 'NL',
	'email_type_option' => false,

Returns: ListItem object

Get all existing lists

$lists = $mailchimp->lists()->getAll();

Returns: Lists object

Get list by id

$list = $mailchimp->lists()->getById($listId);
// or
$list = $mailchimp->campaigns($listId);

Returns: ListItem object

List members

This class and methods can be used to subscribe or unsubscribe list members. When adding a member or updating the subscription status of an existing member, it's not being checked if the member exists. If it already exists the provided data will be overridden, if it doesn't exists the member will be created with the provided subscription status.

Add one list member (subscriber)

Subscribe can simple add one subscriber to the list, by using the add method. If you wish to subscribe multiple members to a list at once, it is recommended to use the multi method instead of the add method. The add method will make a new request for every email address, were multi can send a whole batch of email addresses at once.

$member = $list->members()->add('');

Returns: ListMemberItem object

If you wish to include additional fields, you can specify an array as first attribute.

$member = $list->members()->add([
	'email_address' => '',
	'merge_fields'  => [
		'FNAME' => 'John',
		'LNAME' => 'Doe',

Returns: ListMemberItem object

Subscribe multiple list members

If you wish to add multiple members to a list, you can use the multi method.

$members = $list->members()->multi([

This method also provides a way to included multiple fields, you can simple specify the email address as array key in that case:

$members = $list->members()->multi([
	'' => [
		'merge_fields' => [
			'FNAME' => 'John',
			'LNAME' => 'Doe',
	'' => [
		'merge_fields' => [
			'FNAME' => 'Jane',
			'LNAME' => 'Doe',

Returns: ListMembers object

Get a list member

$member = $list->members()->getByEmail('');

Returns: ListMemberItem object

Change status of a list member

This method changes the list member status and immidiatly saves it.


Returns: ListMemberItem object


Getting properties

All objects returning a AbstractItem instance (CampaignItem, ListItem, ListMemberItem) can easily return the properties. All properties are accessable by calling the camelcased field prefix with get. In example, if you'd wish to get the email_address field, you could use the getEmailAddress method.

foreach($members as $member) {
	echo $member->getId();
	echo $member->getEmailAddress();
	echo $member->getMergeFields()->getFNAME();
	echo $member->getMergeFields()->getLNAME();

// or

	echo $member->id;
	echo $member->emailAddress;
	echo $member->mergeFields->FNAME;
	echo $member->mergeFields->LNAME;

If the value is an array, you could pass the first argument of the method to get that key of the array:


If you would like to get the property by it's snakecase key, you could use the get method.


To get the name of the subscriber more easily there are a few build-in methods:

// alias of $member->getMergeFields()->getFNAME();

// alias of $member->getMergeFields()->getLNAME();

Get all properties

Use the toArray method, to get an array of all properties.


Delete an item

You can delete items by using the delete method. This method returns true on success or throws an Exception on failure. Campaigns that are on sending status can not be deleted. Also lists that are linked to a campaign can't be deleted, in that case you need to delete the campaign first.



Subscribe members can be deleted, however it's not recommended according to the MailChimp API documentation. It's better to update the current member and change it's status to unsubscribed.


// better to unsubscribe


Update items

First get the item you would like to update:

// campaigns
$campaign = $mailchimp->campaigns()->getById();

// lists
$list = $mailchimp->lists()->getById('ag43fe');

// members

Update the fields that need changes. If you use the overloading property ($campaign->type = 'html'), it expects a camelized field, were the set method expects the regular snakecased fields.

// campaigns
	$campaign->type = 'plaintext';
	// or
	$campaign->set('type', 'plaintext');
	// or
		'settings' => [
			'subject_line' => 'New subject line',
			'title'        => 'Updated campaign title',

// lists
	$list->name = 'Updated list name';
	// or
	$list->set('name', 'Updated list name');
	// or
		'name'       => 'Updated list name',
		'visibility' => 'prv',

// members
	$member->status = 'cleaned';
	// or
	$member->set('status', 'cleaned');
	// or
		'status'       => 'cleaned',
		'merge_fields' => [
			'FNAME' => 'Test',

Please note that modifing multi-dimensional properties this way will not work, in example:

$campaign->settings->subjectLine = 'Updated campaign title';

You'll need to provide an array to the first property:

$campaign->settings = [
	'subject_line' => 'Updated campaign subject line',

The new array will be merged with the old one, to if you ommit a certain field (in this case, in example, the title field) the original title will be kept.

If you don't want this behaviour you could pass an extra argument to the set method. This way the array would not be merged, but overwritten:

$campaign->set('settings', [
	'subject_line' => 'Updated campaign subject line',
], false);

Save the item:





Will be provided soon...
See all examples for now, they included most methods.


All exceptions are extended from MailChimpException.


Throw when an item could not be found.


Thrown when there was an error saving the item.


Thrown when there was a problem with the MailChimp API request, could be when the request itselfs fails or when the MailChimp API returns an unexpected response.


Easy to use MailChimp v3 API library for PHP







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