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Contributing to omnipy development

Development setup

Install Python, Poetry and dependencies

  • Make sure that you have Python v3 available from your path. Installation of this depends on your local setup. If you are using Conda, you can e.g. install a Python environment with:

    • conda create -n omnipy python=3.10
  • Install Poetry (and follow the instructions to add poetry to your PATH):

    • curl -sSL | python3 -
  • Configure locally installed virtualenv (under .venv):

    • poetry config true
  • Install dependencies:

    • poetry install --with dev --with docs

Poetry commands to update dependencies

  • Update all dependencies:

    • poetry update
  • Update single dependency, e.g.:

    • poetry update prefect
  • If a dependency is not updated to the latest version available on Pypi, you might need to clear the pip cache of poetry:

    • poetry cache clear pypi --all

Running tests

  • To run all tests, type:

    • pytest --mypy-only-local-stub --mypy-pyproject-toml-file=pyproject.toml --mypy-same-process
  • If you are repeatedly running tests on the command line, e.g.:

    • export PYTEST_ARGS="--mypy-only-local-stub --mypy-pyproject-toml-file=pyproject.toml --mypy-same-process"
    • Using zsh, which is default shell on Mac:
      • pytest $=PYTEST_ARGS tests
    • Using bash:
      • eval pytest $PYTEST_ARGS tests
  • With a specific subpackage/testmodule

    • Using zsh:
      • pytest $=PYTEST_ARGS tests/modules/json
    • Using bash:
      • eval pytest $PYTEST_ARGS tests/modules/json
  • With a specific test module (this test example is a mypy typing test, which is the reason for the extra variables in the first place):

    • Using zsh:
      • pytest $=PYTEST_ARGS tests/modules/json/test_json_types.yml
    • Using bash:
      • eval pytest $PYTEST_ARGS tests/modules/json/test_json_types.yml
  • With a specific test:

    • Using zsh:
      • pytest $=PYTEST_ARGS tests/modules/json/test_json_types.yml::test_json_scalar
    • Using bash:
      • eval pytest $PYTEST_ARGS tests/modules/json/test_json_types.yml::test_json_scalar

Configure PyCharm project for Omnipy

  • Preparation (in terminal). Note the paths to the Python and Poetry binaries:

    • which python
    • which poetry
  • In Setting/Preferences dialog:

    • Select Project Interpreter (under Project: omnipy)

      • Click "Add interpreter" -> "Add Local Interpreter"
      • Select "Poetry Environment"
      • Click the three dots button under "Base Interpreter". Paste the path to the Python binary
      • Make sure that "Install packages from pyproject.toml" is checked
      • Under "Poetry Executable", paste the path to the Poetry binary
      • Click "OK"
    • Select "Project structure"

      • Make sure that the "src" directory is selected under "Source Folders"
    • Under "Editor" -> "File Types", select the tab "Ignored Files and Folders"

      • Click the "+" button
        • Type ".venv"
      • Type Enter
    • Click "OK" to save new settings

Setting up test configurations

  • From Run menu (in menubar) or configuration popup (by the triangle icon):
    • Select "Edit Configurations..."
      • Click "+" to add new configuration, select "Python tests"->"pytest"
        • Name: pytest in tests
        • Script path: select "tests" directory
        • Additional arguments: --mypy-only-local-stub --mypy-pyproject-toml-file=pyproject.toml --mypy-same-process
        • Click OK
      • Repeat for other subprojects/test modules as needed, e.g. pytest in tests.modules (path=...tests/modules)

For automatic formatting and linting

The setup for automatic formatting and linting is rather complex. The main alternative is to use black, which is easier to set up, but it does not have as many options and the main omnipy developer is opinionated against the default black setup. The yapf config is not fully defined.

  • To install git hooks that automagically format and lint before every commit:

    • pre-commit install
  • To update pre-commit-managed dependencies to the latest repos' versions:

    • pre-commit autoupdate
  • In PyCharm -> File Watchers:

    • Click arrow icon pointing down and to the left
    • Select pycharm_file_watchers.xml

Recommended Pycharm plugins

  • Install the following plugins:
    • File Expander (to view compressed files as a folder structure)
    • CSV Editor (to edit CSV files as tables. Only needed in Community edition of PyCharm, similar functionality is included in the Professional version)

For mypy support in PyCharm

  • In PyCharm, install "Mypy" plugin (not "Mypy (Official)")
    • which mypy to get path to mypy binary
    • In the PyCharm settings for the mypy plugin:
      • Select the mypy binary
      • Select pyproject.toml as the mypy config file
  • In PyCharm Preferences/Settings->Editor->Inspections, uncheck the following:
    • "Incorrect type"
    • "Invalid type hints definitions and usages"
    • "Missing type hinting for function definition"