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Generates a "hackpack" for competitive programmers


This software is in alpha. Use with a salt of caution. Readme documentation may fall out of date with the latest releases. More error checking and logging output will be added in later releases.

Quick Start

Download the Windows executable from releases. Move this file somewhere that is seen by the PATH system variable. Then simply execute


from the root of a project, and a .pdf will automatically be generated.

Command line arguments

The path to the settings file and the path to the output file can be changed with the flags --config and --output, respectively. Neither of these paths should include a file extension. More options can be found by hackpack --help.

hackpack --config=hackpack/config --output=hackpack/hackpack


To see what options are available, generate a default config file with

hackpack --init

(run from the root of a project). Comments should explain each one. Not every option must be overriden; ones that are not mentioned in the .toml file are given their default values.

Example configuration

# Will be printed at the top of each page
title = "Hackpack"

# Style the lexer will use to do syntax highlighting
# Styles & lexer are provided by
# You can test out styles at
# ==========================================================
# abap, algol, algol_nu, arduino, autumn, borland, bw, colorful,
# dracula, emacs, friendly, fruity, github, igor, lovelace, manni,
# monokai, monokailight, murphy, native, paraiso-dark, paraiso-light,
# pastie, perldoc, pygments, rainbow_dash, rrt, solarized-dark, 
# solarized-dark256, solarized-light, swapoff, tango, trac, vim,
# vs, xcode
theme = "colorful"


# The root directories of the source files
roots = [

# Golang-style regexes of files to ignore. Regexes can be tested on
# ======================================================================================
# Generally settings files and testing files should be ignored
ignore = [


# Type of paper this will be printed on
# Pdf generation framwork is provided by
# =========================================================================
# Letter, A4
page = "Letter"

# Number of columns the the document is split into. This will affect both the main body and the index
columns = 3

# Settings that affect the size of the text in different areas of the document
# These are in mm
code_font_size = 6.0
header_font_size = 10.0
index_font_size = 8.0

Example output

Sample Body Page Sample Index Page


Generates a "hackpack" for competitive programmers







No packages published
