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A web router for NodeJS, compatible with Connect middlewares. The main goal is to provide a global function (req, res, next) that can do different work regarding the req.method and req.path values.

Notice that it will also fill res.allowedmethods with the list of methods implemented on the path, ie ['POST', 'GET'].

Getting started


Install the module

In your project main directory, type npm install silence-router

Creating an empty router

	var router = require('silence-builder')()
		.createMW(badRequest, notAllowed);

	function badRequest(req, res, next){
		// URI doesn't exist in your router

	function notAllowed(req, res, next){
		// Method req.method is not allowed in your router

This will returns a function (req, res, next) than you will always proceed the badRequest method. You can also see that res.allowedmethods will always equals [].

It's not working, I never have req.path setted.

NodeJS doesn't set this value but it's very trivial to implements. Add this middleware before the router in your Express/Silence/whatever process.

function reqPath(req,res, next){
	var path = require('url').parse(req.url).pathname;
	req.path = path;

Let's create our first endpoints to add a user and one to list users

    function createUser(req, res, next){
    	//Create the user here and send the response you want

    function listUser(req, res, next){
    	//List users here and send the response you want

	var router = require('silence-builder')()
		.createMW(badRequest, notAllowed);

Now you can handle POST /user and GET /user correctly with res.allowedmethods equals to ['POST','GET']

I'd like to handle the OPTIONS verb

You can of course specify it by yourself.

	var router = require('silence-builder')()
		.createMW(badRequest, notAllowed);

But silence-router allows you to define a default OPTIONS handler that will be used on every defined uri, unless you override it.

	function globalOptions(req, res, next){
		//Your code here

	var router = require('silence-builder')({optionsHandler:globalOptions})
		.createMW(badRequest, notAllowed);

I need path variable

You can add a subpath with a name starting with : that will be populated into req.params.

	function userGet(req, res, next){
		//Retrieve user via req.params.userId

	function userDelete(req, res, next){
		//Retrieve user via req.params.userId

	var router = require('silence-builder')({optionsHandler:globalOptions})
		.createMW(badRequest, notAllowed);

How can I stop the path hierarchy?

Simply use ̀.parent()` to go up the path hierarchy.

	var router = require('silence-builder')({optionsHandler:globalOptions})
		.createMW(badRequest, notAllowed);

I have a problem when adding some param path

Be aware that the router will always find the first matche, definition order is important. Look at the following example:

	var router = require('silence-builder')({optionsHandler:globalOptions})
		.createMW(badRequest, notAllowed);

The whoAmi will never be called, just invert two blocks and you problem will be solved.

	var router = require('silence-builder')({optionsHandler:globalOptions})
		.createMW(badRequest, notAllowed);

I want to have some behavior on every path '/user/:id', how can I do it?

The path method allows you to add as many function you want, that will be executed in the right order. Than can be very usefull in some case, see the exemple below.

	function loadUser(req, res, next){
		User.findById(, function(err, user){
				return next(err);
				//Respond with 404

			res.loaded = res.loaded || {};
			res.loaded.user = user;

	function userGet(req, res, next){
		//Simply use res.loaded.user

	var router = require('silence-builder')({optionsHandler:globalOptions})
			.path(":userId", loadUser, doALog)
		.createMW(badRequest, notAllowed);

Having a name on request

It could be very usefull for log to know which endpoint has been use without having to search for a http verb + a regular express on uri. You can simply add a name for a handler as first optionnal parameter and silence-router will manage to set the variable

	var router = require('silence-builder')({optionsHandler:globalOptions})
			.post("createUser", createUser)
			.get("listUser", listUser)
			.path(":userId", loadUser, doALog)
				.get("getUser", userGet)
			.get("unamedMethod", somethingHere)
		.createMW(badRequest, notAllowed);
  optionsHandler : true | function(req,res,next) | (null/undefined/false)

If setted to true, the following method will be used:

function defaultOptionsHandler(req, res, next){

Any falsy value is "do not use defaultOptionsHandler"

path (path, _fcts)

Arguments : * path * _fcts

parent : function()

Arguments : none

use (_fcts)

Arguments : * _fcts

method : function(verb, name, _fct)

Arguments : * verb * name * _fcts

options (name, _fct)

This function is just an helper on method, using "OPTIONS" for verb param.

head (name, _fct)

This function is just an helper on method, using "HEAD" for verb param.

This function is just an helper on method, using "GET" for verb param

Arguments : * name * _fcts

This function is just an helper on method, using "PUT" for verb param

Arguments : * name * _fcts

This function is just an helper on method, using "PATCH" for verb param

Arguments : * name * _fcts

This function is just an helper on method, using "DELETE" for verb param

Arguments : * name * _fcts


A request router for NodeJS, compatible with Connect middlewares.







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