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185 lines (134 loc) · 4.62 KB

File metadata and controls

185 lines (134 loc) · 4.62 KB

What does it do?

  • Use your discord bot to create NFT Price targets to be notified.

  • It also gives a sentiment of the targets set by different users (the more the better) on each collection Mfer Collection Info

  • This project uses django for backend integrated with a discord bot. Also viewsets for api is defined.

  • Also Join the server I created:

How to Use

  • create virtual env and install the requirements
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Install postgresql for the database
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3-pip python3-dev libpq-dev postgresql postgresql-contrib
  • Create database and user

    • Log into an interactive Postgres session
    sudo -u postgres psql
    • create database named thewatcher
    CREATE DATABASE thewatcher;
    • create user and give roles and privileges
    CREATE USER watcheroot WITH PASSWORD 'toor';
    ALTER ROLE watcheroot SET client_encoding TO 'utf8';
    ALTER ROLE watcheroot SET default_transaction_isolation TO 'read committed';
    ALTER ROLE watcheroot SET timezone TO 'UTC';
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE thewatcher TO watcheroot;
    • exit
  • Discord Bot Variables Edit this part in "":

    # discord settings
    DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN = "your discord bot token id"
    DISCORD_GUILD_ID = <your discord guild id>
    DISCORD_TARGET_CHANNEL_ID = <discord channel id where you want the bot to send alert messages>

    if you don't know how to create a discord bot, this is a good tutorial: Discord Bot Tutorial

  • If you want to use Celery install and run redis this is a good tutorial: Redis on Mac & Linux

    you can edit celery settings in ""

    # Celery settings
    CELERY_BROKER_URL = "redis://localhost:6379"
    CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND = "redis://localhost:6379"
    CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND = 'django-db'
    CELERY_CACHE_BACKEND = 'django-cache'
  • The cron job updates collection data every 5 minutes from OpenSea API and updates collection images every 1 minute. You can edit it in ""

    # cron job
    CRONJOBS = [
        ('*/5 * * * *', 'api.cron.update_collections', '>> /usr/share/nftwatcher/colljob.log'),
        ('*/1 * * * *', 'api.cron.update_collection_image', '>> /usr/share/nftwatcher/colljob2.log'),
  • Run the project

    • Activate the venv

      source venv/bin/activate
    • Create migrations

      python makemigrations
      python migrate  
      python migrate --run-sync-db
    • Add Cron Jobs

      python crontab add
    • Run Discord Server

      python discordbot
    • (Optional) You can run development server to access admin panel and api

      python runserver
    • You can create service for running discordbot in the background

      sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/discordbot.service

      Write this in the file and change the PROJECT_PATH to the project path:

      Description=Start DiscordBot
      ExecStart=PROJECT_PATH/venv/bin/python PROJECT_PATH/ discordbot

      save the file and run the service start command

      sudo systemctl start discordbot

Discord Commands

  • /collection name:slug

    slug: OpenSea Slug for the Collection

    If the collection exists, it responds with an image of collection info, If not you can add the collection using the button and a text input in the modal

    /collection name:mfers
  • /create_target name:slug target_type:Value/Percentage target:value

    Target Type has two options: Value and Percentage if you choose Value, the target value would be the price value you are expecting

    /create_target name:mfers target_type:Value target:1.5

    if you choose Percetange the target value would be value% above/below the current floor price (based on positive/negative value)


    /create_target name:mfers target_type:Percentage target:10


    /create_target name:mfers target_type:Percentage target:-10

Further Notes

I would appreciate it you could give feedback and follow me on twiterr. Also I'd appreciate any more contributions and suggestions for improvment.