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File metadata and controls

214 lines (134 loc) · 6.84 KB


To send the metrics to Statsd server, client classes are available in the client package and client.tcp module.

client -- Statsd client


Farzad Ghanei

Default Statsd client that sends each metric in a separate UDP request


the host name (or IP address) of Statsd server. This property is readonly.


the port number of Statsd server. This property is readonly.


the default prefix for all metric names sent from the client


tuple of resolved server address (host, port). This property is readonly.

increment(name, count=1, rate=1)

Increase a ~metrics.Counter metric by count with an integer value. An optional sample rate can be specified.

decrement(name, count=1, rate=1)

Decrease a ~metrics.Counter metric by count with an integer value. An optional sample rate can be specified.

timing(name, milliseconds, rate=1)

Send a ~metrics.Timer metric for the duration of a task in milliseconds. The milliseconds should be a none-negative numeric value. An optional sample rate can be specified.

gauge(name, value, rate=1)

Send a ~metrics.Gauge metric with the specified value. The value should be a none-negative numeric value. An optional sample rate can be specified.

set(name, value, rate=1)

Send a ~metrics.Set metric with the specified value. The server will count the number of unique values during each sampling period. The value could be any value that can be converted to a string. An optional sample rate can be specified.

gauge_delta(name, delta, rate=1)

Send a ~metrics.GaugeDelta metric with the specified delta. The delta should be a numeric value. An optional sample rate can be specified.


Create a ~BatchClient object, using the same configurations of current client. This batch client could be used as a context manager in a with statement. After the with block when the context manager exits, all the metrics are flushed to the server in batch requests.


Create a client.timing.Chronometer that uses current client to send timing metrics.

stopwatch(name, rate=1, reference=None)

Create a client.timing.Stopwatch that uses current client to send timing metrics.


Most Statsd servers do not apply the sample rate on timing metrics calculated results (mean, percentile, max, min), gauge or set metrics, but they take the rate into account for the number of received samples. Some statsd servers totally ignore the sample rate for metrics other than counters.


from statsdmetrics.client import Client
client = Client("")
client.timing("", 3500)
client.prefix = "other"
client.gauge_delta("memory", -256)
client.decrement(name="connections", count=2)
from statsdmetrics.client import Client

client = Client("")
with client.batch_client() as batch_client:
    batch_client.decrement(name="connections", count=2)
    batch_client.timing("", 3500)
# now all metrics are flushed automatically in batch requests

Statsd client that buffers all metrics and sends them in batch requests over UDP when instructed to flush the metrics explicitly.

Each UDP request might contain multiple metrics, but limited to a certain batch size to avoid UDP fragmentation.

The size of batch requests is not the fixed size of the requests, since metrics can not be broken into multiple requests. So if adding a new metric overflows this size, then that metric will be sent in a new batch request.


Size of each batch request. This property is readonly.


Clear buffered metrics


Send the buffered metrics in batch requests.


Create a ~Client object, using the same configurations of current batch client to send the metrics on each request. The client uses the same resources as the batch client.

from statsdmetrics.client import BatchClient

client = BatchClient("")
client.set("unique.ip_address", "")
client.gauge("memory", 20480)
client.flush() # sends one UDP packet to remote server, carrying both metrics

client.tcp -- Statsd client sending metrics over TCP


Farzad Ghanei

Statsd client that sends each metric in separate requests over TCP.

Provides the same interface as ~client.Client.


from statsdmetrics.client.tcp import TCPClient
client = TCPClient("")
client.timing("", 3500)
client.prefix = "other"
client.gauge_delta("memory", -256)
client.decrement(name="connections", count=2)
from statsdmetrics.client.tcp import TCPClient

client = TCPClient("")
with client.batch_client() as batch_client:
    batch_client.decrement(name="connections", count=2)
    batch_client.timing("", 3500)
# now all metrics are flushed automatically in batch requests

Statsd client that buffers all metrics and sends them in batch requests over TCP when instructed to flush the metrics explicitly.

Provides the same interface as ~client.BatchClient.

from statsdmetrics.client.tcp import TCPBatchClient

client = TCPBatchClient("")
client.set("unique.ip_address", "")
client.gauge("memory", 20480)
client.flush() # sends one TCP packet to remote server, carrying both metrics