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File metadata and controls

193 lines (171 loc) · 10.3 KB

0.9.5 release (2013-02-12)

  • Fixed a long-standing issue with varargs usage in ternary expressions (#311) by @shamanas
  • Processes launched in Unix systems now check for segfault (@shamanas)
  • nagaqueen (and thus rock) are now able to parse .ooc files from memory, not only from files. This allows nice things such as (@nddrylliog)
  • Add '#pragma once' in generated headers, this makes compilation faster for some (gcc/clang), and header guards are still here as a fallback for old compilers (@shamanas)
  • 'CustomPkg' support in .use files, see #492 - used in scissors for llvm-config, but also in ooc-sdl2 for sdl2-config, for example (@nddrylliog)
  • 'Linker' support in .use files, great when using ooc-llvm because it requires the final linking step to be done with g++ (@nddrylliog)
  • Fixed a strange varargs but that was basically an off-by-one error
  • Make relative 'IncludePaths'/'LibsPaths' work in .use files (@nddrylliog)
  • Display command line in case rock fails to execute a process on Win32
  • 'Frameworks' support for .use files, useful when building on OSX (@nddrylliog)
  • String + Number now does concatenation again (@shamanas)
  • Fix GetTimeFormat usage on Win32, had a null byte before (@nddrylliog)
  • Sequence driver now uses multiple threads - 1.5x your number of processors by default. You can control the number of parallel jobs with '-j' (@nddrylliog)
  • Cleanup os/Terminal implementation, make it cross-platform again in a cleaner way (@nddrylliog)
  • Enum decls were buggy, sometimes they couldn't be used because of undefind symbols, as caused by invalid generated C code - that's now fixed. (@nddrylliog)
  • Lots of cachelib fixes, recompilation now almost always works (#541 is still an issue), SequenceDriver is a lot cleaner, CombineDriver is gone, and cachelib is now the one true way - and never hangs anymore on Win32. (@nddrylliog)
  • rock releases have codenames again! This one is panda.
  • Add built-ins - symbols in ooc code that will get replaced while resolving. At the time of this release, those are: BUILD_DATETIME, BUILD_TARGET, BUILD_ROCK_VERSION, BUILD_ROCK_CODENAME, BUILD_HOSTNAME
  • Fix match-related bugs with catch-all clauses being the only ones / first ones (@shamanas)
  • Varargs were broken on ARM - that's now all fixed, and ooc code runs beautifully on both the Raspberry PI (rock bootstraps) and ARM Android phones (game projects) (@nddrylliog, @duckinator, @geckojsc)
  • The sdk is now a proper library with a .use file and default imports - instead of having ugly hardcoded hacks in the compiler instead. That makes swapping the default sdk with your own real easy (@nddrylliog)
  • $OOC_LIBS now accepts multiple paths, separated by the File separator (: on *nix, ; on Windows) - that's useful when swapping SDKs, or when having to use different usefiles depending on the platform, to work around #561 (@nddrylliog)
  • Make process launching more solid on all platforms, introducing os/ShellUtils that's been imported from rock's codebase. (@nddrylliog)
  • Process launching on Win32 now supports cwd (current working directory) (@nddrylliog)
  • The explain backend has been removed for a slimmer codebase. It may find a second life as a separate tool (@nddrylliog)
  • dot output (to graph dependencies between modules) has been removed, for a slimmer codebase. I'm afraid it's dead for good, but it was fun while it lasted! (@nddrylliog)
  • Fix an annoying bug with properties: when we had a property access on the right hand side of an assignment, it assumed it was a real member. Now handled correctly (@nddrylliog)
  • 'Additionals' support in .use files - to use .c code bases directly in your .ooc bindings, example: nagaqueen-generated grammar in rock.use, and stb_image.c in
  • Add 'seek' to the Reader interface - it's actually handy to subclass this for alternative I/O, see this example with SDL_rwops: (@nddrylliog)
  • Android driver added, generate files in your jni/ directory (specify with -outpath), and generate files to be used with ndk-build. (@nddrylliog)

0.9.4 release (2012-11-21)

  • BSD support added by @duckinator
  • Fixed compilation on ArchLinux x64
  • Fixed and ported parts of the SDK for win32 support, thanks to @nddrylliog
  • Added '=>' operator (not overloaded by the SDK) by @shamanas
  • Added File getReducedPath
  • Added namespace type support
  • Added single-line version blocks
  • Cleaned up rock's codebase thanks to @duckinator
  • Various Makefle fixes and additions
  • Default main() generated by rock now returns 0 as expected
  • Added support for Travis-CI builds
  • Various scoring improvements (for function types, operators, ...)
  • clone, merge and merge! added to HashMap by @nddrylliog
  • Nested array support added by @shamanas
  • Better errors for dot-args and ass-args outside of non-static methods
  • Lots of bugfixes by @shamanas, @nddrylliog, @duckinator, @showstopper, @fredreichbier

0.9.3 release (2011-12-13)

  • OSX support is back! Thanks @nilium for upgrading us to the latest libatomic_ops (yup, it was that simple).
  • rock -r now doesn't display warnings anymore, cause it's irrelevant if you just want to run the program
  • rock -x now cleans completely the directory (.libs / rock_tmp)
  • rock without any options will look for a .use file and if there's a "Main:" compile an executable, otherwise static and dynamic libraries
  • The -help message is now a lot more detailed, it explains a lot of debug/obscure options we've been keeping for ourselves up till now.
  • Added eachUntil() and contains?() to List
  • Add XPath-like selectors to HashBag
  • Added a convenient text/json module
  • FileWriter asPipe, createTempFile
  • Added an exponent operator (**) to the grammar, it's not overriden by default for integer types, so don't use it yet :) When everybody has migrated to 0.9.3, we'll include that in 0.9.4
  • Again, lots of bugfixes and cleanups, lookup the commits

0.9.2 release (2011-09-05)

  • Lots of bugfixes, refactorings (see GitHub milestone), thanks to @shamanas, @duckinator, @fredreichbier, @showstopper, @tsion, @rofl0r, @nddrylliog
  • New Socket API by @duckinator (aka Nicholas Markwell)
  • FreeBSD support by @nikobordx
  • Better error messages through nagaqueen fixes
  • Enums now start at 0 instead of 1 (a really hard change to make in a self-hosting compiler)
  • String literal optimizations - allocate once, not per-usage
  • New command-line options: libfolder, staticlib, dynamiclib
  • yajit removal, it wasn't being used anywhere in rock
  • New Time methods
  • Somehow the SDK now includes an HTTPRequest and RestClient? Courtesy of @pheuter aka Mark Fayngersh
  • Added loop(|| ...)
  • Variants of each(...) with index
  • main now acceps String* as parameter (@showstopper aka Yannic Ahrens)
  • version blocks now support else {} (@nddrylliog aka Amos Wenger)
  • Probably the biggest change, which also explains why this release took a whopping 15 months - newstr, ie. String is now a class, and CStrnig is now the cover of char*. It's handled smoothly in many cases, thanks to implicit cases and related trickery but it's a scar rock will always bear.

0.9.1 release (2010-06-02)

  • 2010-05 reverse iterators / backIterator() added to collection classes by Noel Cower (nilium)
  • 2010-05 lib-caching was added to rock, and partial recompilation is much smarter with the .libs/ directory and .cacheinfo files. Can be disabled with -nolibcache. Added by Amos Wenger (nddrylliog)
  • 2010-05 ACS (awesome closure syntax) is in! Our closures capture syntax and even generate trampoline functions to translate generic types into specific types. Thanks Yannic Ahrens (showstopper) !
  • 2010-05 oos now compiles under rock - we still have to figure out a good syntax for stack-allocation of C arrays.
  • 2010-04 Added support for ooc arrays, early implementation of this proposal:

0.9.0 release (2010-04-23 - 600+ downloads)

  • 2010-04 : rock bootstraps under Gentoo, Ubuntu, Win32, OSX, the first release of the 0.9.x branch is out!


  • 2010-02 : rock compiles most, if not all, generic collection classes, produces correct code. we're going toward self-hosting, fixing bugs as we encounter them.
  • 2010-02 : twitter announcement: for the first time, rock, a 10k SLOC pure ooc codebase, compiles under Win32, and produces executables with gcc. party?
  • 2010-01 : Copying chunks of the sdk from j/ooc to rock/custom-sdk, generics for functions are mostly implemented, classes still to come. Most control flow structures are implemented (if/else/while/foreach/match/case/break/continue), decl-assign, 'This', member calls, covers, etc.
  • 2009-11 : Wohow, resolving spree. Pretty much everything resolves now, straight/member accesses/calls even accross different modules, with imports and all. Most of the syntax is parsed, except generics, and only a few AST node types are missing. The code is a lot shorter and clearer than j/ooc's, I have high hopes as to the maintainability of rock. Plus, it's still fast.
  • 2009-11 : Most of the resolving architecture is now there, it resolve types at module scope correctly. Still need to implement planned implementations that weren't in j/ooc (e.g. sharing Types per module, except for generics, to group resolves)
  • 2009-11 : Overwhelmed by complexity, rewrote the grammar as a reusable piece, in a separate github project. nagaqueen (its fancy name) is now needed to make rock compile
  • 2009-10 : Made a leg frontend, builds the AST, ported a lot of Java code with itrekkie, rock now compiles things =)
  • 2009-10 : Creating the AST structure, code generation works well, putting the frontend on hold for a moment
  • 2009-09 : The tokenizing code is all there, and it's working simply great. Now onto constructing AST nodes.
  • 2009-06 : Basic structure, it's gonna be some time till it can do anything useful