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Json Schema

李通洲 edited this page May 30, 2024 · 18 revisions

JSON config

Title: JSON config

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]

Description: JSON config file for fastfetch. Usually be ~/.config/fastfetch.jsonc

Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- $schema No string No - JSON schema URL, for JSON validation and IDE intelligence
- logo No Combination No - -
- general No object No - Fastfetch general configurations
- display No object No - Configure how things to be displayed
- library No object No - Set the path of a library to load
- modules No array No - Fastfetch modules to run

1. Property JSON config > $schema

Type string
Required No
Format uri
Default ""

Description: JSON schema URL, for JSON validation and IDE intelligence

2. Property JSON config > logo

Type combining
Required No
Additional properties [Any type: allowed]
One of(Option)
item 0
item 1
item 2

2.1. Property JSON config > logo > oneOf > item 0

Type null
Required No

Description: Disable logo

2.2. Property JSON config > logo > oneOf > item 1

Type string
Required No

Description: Set the source file of the logo

2.3. Property JSON config > logo > oneOf > item 2

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]

Description: Fastfetch logo configurations

Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- type No enum (of string) No - Set the type of the logo given
- source No string No - Set the source file of the logo
- color No object No - Overwrite a color in the logo
- width No integer No - Set the width of the logo (in characters). Required for iTerm image protocol
- height No integer No - Set the height of the logo (in characters). Required for iTerm image protocol
- padding No object No - Set the padding of the logo
- printRemaining No boolean No - Whether to print the remaining logo, if it has more lines than modules to display
- preserveAspectRatio No boolean No - Whether to preserve the aspect ratio of the logo. Supported by iTerm image protocol
- recache No boolean No - If true, regenerate image logo cache
- separate No boolean No - If true, print modules at bottom of the logo
- chafa No object No - Chafa configuration. See chafa document for details

2.3.1. Property JSON config > logo > oneOf > item 2 > type

Type enum (of string)
Required No
Default "auto"

Description: Set the type of the logo given

Must be one of:

  • "auto"
  • "builtin"
  • "small"
  • "file"
  • "file-raw"
  • "data"
  • "data-raw"
  • "sixel"
  • "kitty"
  • "kitty-direct"
  • "iterm"
  • "chafa"
  • "raw"
  • "none"

2.3.2. Property JSON config > logo > oneOf > item 2 > source

Type string
Required No

Description: Set the source file of the logo

2.3.3. Property JSON config > logo > oneOf > item 2 > color

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]

Description: Overwrite a color in the logo

Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- 1 No enum (of string) No In #/$defs/colors Color 1
- 2 No enum (of string) No Same as 1 Color 2
- 3 No enum (of string) No Same as 1 Color 3
- 4 No enum (of string) No Same as 1 Color 4
- 5 No enum (of string) No Same as 1 Color 5
- 6 No enum (of string) No Same as 1 Color 6
- 7 No enum (of string) No Same as 1 Color 7
- 8 No enum (of string) No Same as 1 Color 8
- 9 No enum (of string) No Same as 1 Color 9 Property JSON config > logo > oneOf > item 2 > color > 1
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Defined in #/$defs/colors

Description: Color 1

Must be one of:

  • "reset_"
  • "bright_"
  • "dim_"
  • "italic_"
  • "underline_"
  • "blink_"
  • "inverse_"
  • "hidden_"
  • "strike_"
  • "light_"
  • "black"
  • "red"
  • "green"
  • "yellow"
  • "blue"
  • "magenta"
  • "cyan"
  • "white"
  • "default" Property JSON config > logo > oneOf > item 2 > color > 2
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as 1

Description: Color 2 Property JSON config > logo > oneOf > item 2 > color > 3
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as 1

Description: Color 3 Property JSON config > logo > oneOf > item 2 > color > 4
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as 1

Description: Color 4 Property JSON config > logo > oneOf > item 2 > color > 5
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as 1

Description: Color 5 Property JSON config > logo > oneOf > item 2 > color > 6
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as 1

Description: Color 6 Property JSON config > logo > oneOf > item 2 > color > 7
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as 1

Description: Color 7 Property JSON config > logo > oneOf > item 2 > color > 8
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as 1

Description: Color 8 Property JSON config > logo > oneOf > item 2 > color > 9
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as 1

Description: Color 9

2.3.4. Property JSON config > logo > oneOf > item 2 > width

Type integer
Required No

Description: Set the width of the logo (in characters). Required for iTerm image protocol

Minimum ≥ 1

2.3.5. Property JSON config > logo > oneOf > item 2 > height

Type integer
Required No

Description: Set the height of the logo (in characters). Required for iTerm image protocol

Minimum ≥ 1

2.3.6. Property JSON config > logo > oneOf > item 2 > padding

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]

Description: Set the padding of the logo

Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- top No integer No - Set the top padding of the logo
- left No integer No - Set the left padding of the logo
- right No integer No - Set the right padding of the logo Property JSON config > logo > oneOf > item 2 > padding > top
Type integer
Required No

Description: Set the top padding of the logo

Minimum ≥ 0 Property JSON config > logo > oneOf > item 2 > padding > left
Type integer
Required No

Description: Set the left padding of the logo

Minimum ≥ 0 Property JSON config > logo > oneOf > item 2 > padding > right
Type integer
Required No

Description: Set the right padding of the logo

Minimum ≥ 0

2.3.7. Property JSON config > logo > oneOf > item 2 > printRemaining

Type boolean
Required No
Default false

Description: Whether to print the remaining logo, if it has more lines than modules to display

2.3.8. Property JSON config > logo > oneOf > item 2 > preserveAspectRatio

Type boolean
Required No
Default false

Description: Whether to preserve the aspect ratio of the logo. Supported by iTerm image protocol

2.3.9. Property JSON config > logo > oneOf > item 2 > recache

Type boolean
Required No
Default false

Description: If true, regenerate image logo cache

2.3.10. Property JSON config > logo > oneOf > item 2 > separate

Type boolean
Required No
Default false

Description: If true, print modules at bottom of the logo

2.3.11. Property JSON config > logo > oneOf > item 2 > chafa

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]

Description: Chafa configuration. See chafa document for details

Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- fgOnly No boolean No - Produce character-cell output using foreground colors only
- symbols No string No - Specify character symbols to employ in final output
- canvasMode No enum (of string) No - Determine how colors are used in the output. This value maps the value of enum ChafaCanvasMode.
- colorSpace No enum (of string) No - Set color space used for quantization. This value maps the value of enum ChafaColorSpace.
- ditherMode No enum (of string) No - Set output dither mode (No effect with 24-bit color). This value maps the value of enum ChafaDitherMode. Property JSON config > logo > oneOf > item 2 > chafa > fgOnly
Type boolean
Required No
Default false

Description: Produce character-cell output using foreground colors only Property JSON config > logo > oneOf > item 2 > chafa > symbols
Type string
Required No

Description: Specify character symbols to employ in final output Property JSON config > logo > oneOf > item 2 > chafa > canvasMode
Type enum (of string)
Required No

Description: Determine how colors are used in the output. This value maps the value of enum ChafaCanvasMode.

Must be one of:

  • "INDEXED_256"
  • "INDEXED_240"
  • "INDEXED_16"
  • "FGBG"
  • "INDEXED_8"
  • "INDEXED_16_8" Property JSON config > logo > oneOf > item 2 > chafa > colorSpace
Type enum (of string)
Required No

Description: Set color space used for quantization. This value maps the value of enum ChafaColorSpace.

Must be one of:

  • "RGB"
  • "DIN99D" Property JSON config > logo > oneOf > item 2 > chafa > ditherMode
Type enum (of string)
Required No

Description: Set output dither mode (No effect with 24-bit color). This value maps the value of enum ChafaDitherMode.

Must be one of:

  • "NONE"

3. Property JSON config > general

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]

Description: Fastfetch general configurations

Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- multithreading No boolean No - Use multiple threads to detect values
- thread No boolean No - Alias of multithreading
- escapeBedrock No boolean No - On Bedrock Linux, whether to escape the bedrock jail
- playerName No string No - The name of the player to use for module Media and Player. Linux only
- dsForceDrm No Combination No - Force display detection to use DRM. Linux only
- wmiTimeout No integer No - Set the timeout (ms) for WMI queries, `-1` for no timeout. Windows only
- processingTimeout No integer No - Set the timeout (ms) when waiting for child processes, `-1` for no timeout

3.1. Property JSON config > general > multithreading

Type boolean
Required No
Default true

Description: Use multiple threads to detect values

3.2. Property JSON config > general > thread

Type boolean
Required No
Default true

Description: Alias of multithreading

3.3. Property JSON config > general > escapeBedrock

Type boolean
Required No
Default true

Description: On Bedrock Linux, whether to escape the bedrock jail

3.4. Property JSON config > general > playerName

Type string
Required No

Description: The name of the player to use for module Media and Player. Linux only

3.5. Property JSON config > general > dsForceDrm

Type combining
Required No
Additional properties [Any type: allowed]
Default false

Description: Force display detection to use DRM. Linux only

One of(Option)
item 0
item 1
item 2

3.5.1. Property JSON config > general > dsForceDrm > oneOf > item 0

Type const
Required No

Description: Try wayland, then x11, then drm

Specific value: false

3.5.2. Property JSON config > general > dsForceDrm > oneOf > item 1

Type const
Required No

Description: Use /sys/class/drm only.

Specific value: "sysfs-only"

3.5.3. Property JSON config > general > dsForceDrm > oneOf > item 2

Type const
Required No

Description: Try libdrm first, then sysfs if libdrm failed

Specific value: true

3.6. Property JSON config > general > wmiTimeout

Type integer
Required No
Default 5000

Description: Set the timeout (ms) for WMI queries, -1 for no timeout. Windows only

3.7. Property JSON config > general > processingTimeout

Type integer
Required No
Default 1000

Description: Set the timeout (ms) when waiting for child processes, -1 for no timeout

4. Property JSON config > display

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]

Description: Configure how things to be displayed

Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- stat No boolean No - Show time usage (in ms) for individual modules
- pipe No boolean No - Whether to enable pipe mode (disable logo and all escape sequences)
- showErrors No boolean No - Print occurring errors to the console. False to ignore errored modules
- disableLinewrap No boolean No - Whether to disable line wrap during the run
- hideCursor No boolean No - Whether to hide the cursor during the run
- separator No string No - Set the separator between key and value
- color No Combination No - Set the color of the keys and title
- brightColor No boolean No - Set if the keys, title and ASCII logo should be printed in bright color
- keyWidth No integer No - Align the width of keys to number of characters, 0 to disable
- binaryPrefix No Combination No - Set the binary prefix to used when printing bytes
- size No object No - Set how a size value should be displayed
- temp No object No - Set how temperature values should be displayed
- bar No object No - Set the bar configuration
- percent No object No - Set how a percentage value should be displayed
- noBuffer No boolean No - Whether to disable the stdout application buffer
- tsVersion No boolean No - Whether to detect and display the version of terminal and shell. Mainly for benchmarking

4.1. Property JSON config > display > stat

Type boolean
Required No
Default false

Description: Show time usage (in ms) for individual modules

4.2. Property JSON config > display > pipe

Type boolean
Required No
Default false

Description: Whether to enable pipe mode (disable logo and all escape sequences)

4.3. Property JSON config > display > showErrors

Type boolean
Required No
Default false

Description: Print occurring errors to the console. False to ignore errored modules

4.4. Property JSON config > display > disableLinewrap

Type boolean
Required No
Default true

Description: Whether to disable line wrap during the run

4.5. Property JSON config > display > hideCursor

Type boolean
Required No
Default true

Description: Whether to hide the cursor during the run

4.6. Property JSON config > display > separator

Type string
Required No
Default ": "

Description: Set the separator between key and value

4.7. Property JSON config > display > color

Type combining
Required No
Additional properties [Any type: allowed]

Description: Set the color of the keys and title

One of(Option)
item 1

4.7.1. Property JSON config > display > color > oneOf > colors

Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as 1

Description: Set the both color of the keys and title

4.7.2. Property JSON config > display > color > oneOf > item 1

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- keys No enum (of string) No Same as 1 Set the color of the keys
- title No enum (of string) No Same as 1 Set the color of the title
- output No enum (of string) No Same as 1 Set the color of the module output
- separator No enum (of string) No Same as 1 Set the color of the key-value separator Property JSON config > display > color > oneOf > item 1 > keys
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as 1

Description: Set the color of the keys Property JSON config > display > color > oneOf > item 1 > title
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as 1

Description: Set the color of the title Property JSON config > display > color > oneOf > item 1 > output
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as 1

Description: Set the color of the module output Property JSON config > display > color > oneOf > item 1 > separator
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as 1

Description: Set the color of the key-value separator

4.8. Property JSON config > display > brightColor

Type boolean
Required No
Default true

Description: Set if the keys, title and ASCII logo should be printed in bright color

4.9. Property JSON config > display > keyWidth

Type integer
Required No
Default 0

Description: Align the width of keys to number of characters, 0 to disable

Minimum ≥ 0

4.10. Property JSON config > display > binaryPrefix

Type combining
Required No

Description: Set the binary prefix to used when printing bytes

One of(Option)
item 0
item 1
item 2

4.10.1. Property JSON config > display > binaryPrefix > oneOf > item 0

Type const
Required No

Description: 1024 Bytes = 1 KiB, 1024 KiB = 1 MiB, ... (standard)

Specific value: "iec"

4.10.2. Property JSON config > display > binaryPrefix > oneOf > item 1

Type const
Required No

Description: 1000 Bytes = 1 KB, 1000 KB = 1 MB, ...

Specific value: "si"

4.10.3. Property JSON config > display > binaryPrefix > oneOf > item 2

Type const
Required No

Description: 1024 Bytes = 1 kB, 1024 K = 1 MB, ...

Specific value: "jedec"

4.11. Property JSON config > display > size

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]

Description: Set how a size value should be displayed

Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- maxPrefix No enum (of string) No - Set the largest binary prefix to use when formatting sizes
- ndigits No integer No - Set the number of digits to keep after the decimal point when formatting sizes

4.11.1. Property JSON config > display > size > maxPrefix

Type enum (of string)
Required No
Default "YB"

Description: Set the largest binary prefix to use when formatting sizes

Must be one of:

  • "B"
  • "kB"
  • "MB"
  • "GB"
  • "TB"
  • "PB"
  • "EB"
  • "ZB"
  • "YB"

4.11.2. Property JSON config > display > size > ndigits

Type integer
Required No
Default 2

Description: Set the number of digits to keep after the decimal point when formatting sizes

Minimum ≥ 0
Maximum ≤ 9

4.12. Property JSON config > display > temp

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]

Description: Set how temperature values should be displayed

Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- unit No enum (of string) No - Set the unit of the temperature
- ndigits No integer No - Set the number of digits to keep after the decimal point when formatting temperature values
- color No object No - Set color used in different states of temperature values

4.12.1. Property JSON config > display > temp > unit

Type enum (of string)
Required No
Default "C"

Description: Set the unit of the temperature

Must be one of:

  • "C"
  • "F"
  • "KELVIN"
  • "K"

4.12.2. Property JSON config > display > temp > ndigits

Type integer
Required No
Default 1

Description: Set the number of digits to keep after the decimal point when formatting temperature values

Minimum ≥ 0
Maximum ≤ 9

4.12.3. Property JSON config > display > temp > color

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]

Description: Set color used in different states of temperature values

Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- green No enum (of string) No Same as 1 Color used in green state
- yellow No enum (of string) No Same as 1 Color used in yellow state
- red No enum (of string) No Same as 1 Color used in red state Property JSON config > display > temp > color > green
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as 1

Description: Color used in green state Property JSON config > display > temp > color > yellow
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as 1

Description: Color used in yellow state Property JSON config > display > temp > color > red
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as 1

Description: Color used in red state

4.13. Property JSON config > display > bar

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]

Description: Set the bar configuration

Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- charElapsed No string No - Set the character to use in elapsed part
- charTotal No string No - Set the character to use in total part
- border No boolean No - Whether to show a border around the bar
- width No integer No - Set the width of the bar, in number of characters

4.13.1. Property JSON config > display > bar > charElapsed

Type string
Required No
Default "■"

Description: Set the character to use in elapsed part

4.13.2. Property JSON config > display > bar > charTotal

Type string
Required No
Default "-"

Description: Set the character to use in total part

4.13.3. Property JSON config > display > bar > border

Type boolean
Required No
Default true

Description: Whether to show a border around the bar

4.13.4. Property JSON config > display > bar > width

Type integer
Required No
Default 10

Description: Set the width of the bar, in number of characters

Minimum ≥ 1

4.14. Property JSON config > display > percent

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]

Description: Set how a percentage value should be displayed

Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- type No number No - Set the percentage output type. 1 for percentage number, 2 for multi-color bar, 3 for both, 6 for bar only, 9 for colored number, 10 for monochrome bar
- ndigits No number No - Set the number of digits to keep after the decimal point when formatting percentage numbers
- color No object No - Set color used in different states of percentage bars and numbers

4.14.1. Property JSON config > display > percent > type

Type number
Required No
Default 9

Description: Set the percentage output type. 1 for percentage number, 2 for multi-color bar, 3 for both, 6 for bar only, 9 for colored number, 10 for monochrome bar

Minimum ≥ 0
Maximum ≤ 255

4.14.2. Property JSON config > display > percent > ndigits

Type number
Required No
Default 0

Description: Set the number of digits to keep after the decimal point when formatting percentage numbers

Minimum ≥ 0
Maximum ≤ 9

4.14.3. Property JSON config > display > percent > color

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]

Description: Set color used in different states of percentage bars and numbers

Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- green No enum (of string) No Same as 1 Color used in green state
- yellow No enum (of string) No Same as 1 Color used in yellow state
- red No enum (of string) No Same as 1 Color used in red state Property JSON config > display > percent > color > green
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as 1

Description: Color used in green state Property JSON config > display > percent > color > yellow
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as 1

Description: Color used in yellow state Property JSON config > display > percent > color > red
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as 1

Description: Color used in red state

4.15. Property JSON config > display > noBuffer

Type boolean
Required No
Default false

Description: Whether to disable the stdout application buffer

4.16. Property JSON config > display > tsVersion

Type boolean
Required No
Default true

Description: Whether to detect and display the version of terminal and shell. Mainly for benchmarking

5. Property JSON config > library

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]

Description: Set the path of a library to load

Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- pci No string No - GPU output (Linux and FreeBSD)
- vulkan No string No - Vulkan module & fallback for GPU output
- freetype No string No - Used for Termux font detection (Android)
- wayland No string No - Better display performance and output in wayland sessions.
Supports different refresh rates per monitor.
(Linux, FreeBSD)
- xcbRandr No string No - X11 sessions for better display detection and faster WM detection.
The randr ones provide multi monitor support The libxcb ones usually have better performance.
(Linux, FreeBSD)
- xcb No string No - X11 sessions for better display detection and faster WM detection.
The randr ones provide multi monitor support The libxcb ones usually have better performance.
(Linux, FreeBSD)
- xrandr No string No - X11 sessions for better display detection and faster WM detection.
The randr ones provide multi monitor support The libxcb ones usually have better performance.
(Linux, FreeBSD)
- x11 No string No - X11 sessions for better display detection and faster WM detection.
The randr ones provide multi monitor support The libxcb ones usually have better performance.
(Linux, FreeBSD)
- drm No string No - Used for fast resolution and refresh rate detection (Linux)
- gio No string No - Needed for values that are only stored GSettings (Linux, FreeBSD)
- dconf No string No - Needed for values that are only stored in DConf + Fallback for GSettings (Linux, FreeBSD)
- dbus No string No - Bluetooth, Player & Media detection (Linux, FreeBSD)
- xfconf No string No - Needed for XFWM theme and XFCE Terminal font (Linux, FreeBSD)
- sqlite3 No string No - Needed for pkg & rpm package count (Linux, FreeBSD)
- rpm No string No - Slower fallback for rpm package count. Needed on openSUSE & old CentOS / Redhat. (Linux)
- imagemagick No string No - Images in terminal using sixel or kitty graphics protocol (Linux, FreeBSD, macOS)
- z No string No - Libz. Faster image output when using kitty graphics protocol (Linux, FreeBSD, macOS)
- chafa No string No - Image output as ascii art (Linux, FreeBSD, macOS)
- egl No string No - Needed by the OpenGL module for gl context creation (Linux, FreeBSD)
- glx No string No - Needed by the OpenGL module for gl context creation (Linux, FreeBSD)
- osmesa No string No - Needed by the OpenGL module for gl context creation (Linux, FreeBSD)
- opencl No string No - OpenCL module (Linux, FreeBSD, Windows)
- pulse No string No - Pulseaudio. Used for Sound detection (Linux, FreeBSD)
- nm No string No - NetworkManager. Used for Wifi detection (Linux)
- ddcutil No string No - Used for brightness detection of external displays (Linux)

5.1. Property JSON config > library > pci

Type string
Required No

Description: GPU output (Linux and FreeBSD)

5.2. Property JSON config > library > vulkan

Type string
Required No

Description: Vulkan module & fallback for GPU output

5.3. Property JSON config > library > freetype

Type string
Required No

Description: Used for Termux font detection (Android)

5.4. Property JSON config > library > wayland

Type string
Required No

Description: Better display performance and output in wayland sessions. Supports different refresh rates per monitor. (Linux, FreeBSD)

5.5. Property JSON config > library > xcbRandr

Type string
Required No

Description: X11 sessions for better display detection and faster WM detection. The randr ones provide multi monitor support The libxcb ones usually have better performance. (Linux, FreeBSD)

5.6. Property JSON config > library > xcb

Type string
Required No

Description: X11 sessions for better display detection and faster WM detection. The randr ones provide multi monitor support The libxcb ones usually have better performance. (Linux, FreeBSD)

5.7. Property JSON config > library > xrandr

Type string
Required No

Description: X11 sessions for better display detection and faster WM detection. The randr ones provide multi monitor support The libxcb ones usually have better performance. (Linux, FreeBSD)

5.8. Property JSON config > library > x11

Type string
Required No

Description: X11 sessions for better display detection and faster WM detection. The randr ones provide multi monitor support The libxcb ones usually have better performance. (Linux, FreeBSD)

5.9. Property JSON config > library > drm

Type string
Required No

Description: Used for fast resolution and refresh rate detection (Linux)

5.10. Property JSON config > library > gio

Type string
Required No

Description: Needed for values that are only stored GSettings (Linux, FreeBSD)

5.11. Property JSON config > library > dconf

Type string
Required No

Description: Needed for values that are only stored in DConf + Fallback for GSettings (Linux, FreeBSD)

5.12. Property JSON config > library > dbus

Type string
Required No

Description: Bluetooth, Player & Media detection (Linux, FreeBSD)

5.13. Property JSON config > library > xfconf

Type string
Required No

Description: Needed for XFWM theme and XFCE Terminal font (Linux, FreeBSD)

5.14. Property JSON config > library > sqlite3

Type string
Required No

Description: Needed for pkg & rpm package count (Linux, FreeBSD)

5.15. Property JSON config > library > rpm

Type string
Required No

Description: Slower fallback for rpm package count. Needed on openSUSE & old CentOS / Redhat. (Linux)

5.16. Property JSON config > library > imagemagick

Type string
Required No

Description: Images in terminal using sixel or kitty graphics protocol (Linux, FreeBSD, macOS)

5.17. Property JSON config > library > z

Type string
Required No

Description: Libz. Faster image output when using kitty graphics protocol (Linux, FreeBSD, macOS)

5.18. Property JSON config > library > chafa

Type string
Required No

Description: Image output as ascii art (Linux, FreeBSD, macOS)

5.19. Property JSON config > library > egl

Type string
Required No

Description: Needed by the OpenGL module for gl context creation (Linux, FreeBSD)

5.20. Property JSON config > library > glx

Type string
Required No

Description: Needed by the OpenGL module for gl context creation (Linux, FreeBSD)

5.21. Property JSON config > library > osmesa

Type string
Required No

Description: Needed by the OpenGL module for gl context creation (Linux, FreeBSD)

5.22. Property JSON config > library > opencl

Type string
Required No

Description: OpenCL module (Linux, FreeBSD, Windows)

5.23. Property JSON config > library > pulse

Type string
Required No

Description: Pulseaudio. Used for Sound detection (Linux, FreeBSD)

5.24. Property JSON config > library > nm

Type string
Required No

Description: NetworkManager. Used for Wifi detection (Linux)

5.25. Property JSON config > library > ddcutil

Type string
Required No

Description: Used for brightness detection of external displays (Linux)

6. Property JSON config > modules

Type array
Required No

Description: Fastfetch modules to run

Array restrictions
Min items N/A
Max items N/A
Items unicity False
Additional items False
Tuple validation See below
Each item of this array must be Description
modules items -

6.1. JSON config > modules > modules items

Type combining
Required No
Additional properties [Any type: allowed]
Any of(Option)
item 0
item 1

6.1.1. Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 0

Type enum (of string)
Required No

Description: Run module with default configurations

Must be one of:

  • "battery"
  • "bios"
  • "bluetooth"
  • "board"
  • "bootmgr"
  • "break"
  • "brightness"
  • "camera"
  • "chassis"
  • "cpu"
  • "cpuusage"
  • "command"
  • "colors"
  • "cursor"
  • "datetime"
  • "display"
  • "disk"
  • "diskio"
  • "de"
  • "editor"
  • "font"
  • "gamepad"
  • "gpu"
  • "host"
  • "icons"
  • "kernel"
  • "lm"
  • "loadavg"
  • "locale"
  • "localip"
  • "media"
  • "memory"
  • "monitor"
  • "netio"
  • "opencl"
  • "opengl"
  • "os"
  • "packages"
  • "physicaldisk"
  • "physicalmemory"
  • "player"
  • "poweradapter"
  • "processes"
  • "publicip"
  • "separator"
  • "shell"
  • "sound"
  • "swap"
  • "terminal"
  • "terminalfont"
  • "terminalsize"
  • "terminaltheme"
  • "title"
  • "theme"
  • "uptime"
  • "users"
  • "version"
  • "vulkan"
  • "wallpaper"
  • "weather"
  • "wm"
  • "wifi"
  • "wmtheme"

6.1.2. Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1

Type combining
Required No
Additional properties [Any type: allowed]

Description: Run module with custom configurations

Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
+ type No string No - -
One of(Option)
CPU Usage
Local IP
Physical Disk
Public IP
WM Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Break

Title: Break

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- type No const No - Print a empty line Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Break > type
Type const
Required No

Description: Print a empty line

Specific value: "break" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > module

Title: module

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]

Description: No additional properties

Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- type No Combination No - -
- key No string No In #/$defs/key Key of the module
- keyColor No enum (of string) No In #/$defs/keyColor Color of the module key. Left empty to use `display.color.keys`
- outputColor No enum (of string) No In #/$defs/outputColor Output color of the module. Left empty to use `display.color.output`
- keyWidth No integer No In #/$defs/keyWidth Width of the module key. Use 0 to use `display.keyWidth`
- format No string No In #/$defs/format Output format of the module. See `-h <module>-format` for detail Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > module > type
Type combining
Required No
Additional properties [Any type: allowed]
Any of(Option)
item 0
item 1
item 2
item 3
item 4
item 5
item 6
item 7
item 8
item 9
item 10
item 11
item 12
item 13
item 14
item 15
item 16
item 17
item 18
item 19
item 20
item 21
item 22
item 23
item 24
item 25
item 26
item 27
item 28
item 29
item 30
item 31
item 32
item 33 Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > module > type > anyOf > item 0
Type const
Required No

Description: Print information of 1st-stage bootloader (name, version, release date, etc)

Specific value: "bios" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > module > type > anyOf > item 1
Type const
Required No

Description: Print motherboard name and other info

Specific value: "board" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > module > type > anyOf > item 2
Type const
Required No

Description: Print information of 2nd-stage bootloader (name, firmware, etc)

Specific value: "bootmgr" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > module > type > anyOf > item 3
Type const
Required No

Description: Print available cameras

Specific value: "camera" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > module > type > anyOf > item 4
Type const
Required No

Description: Print cursor style name

Specific value: "cursor" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > module > type > anyOf > item 5
Type const
Required No

Description: Print current date and time

Specific value: "datetime" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > module > type > anyOf > item 6
Type const
Required No

Description: Print information of the default editor ($VISUAL or $EDITOR)

Specific value: "editor" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > module > type > anyOf > item 7
Type const
Required No

Description: Print system font name

Specific value: "font" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > module > type > anyOf > item 8
Type const
Required No

Description: Print product name of your computer

Specific value: "host" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > module > type > anyOf > item 9
Type const
Required No

Description: Print icon style name

Specific value: "icons" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > module > type > anyOf > item 10
Type const
Required No

Description: Print system kernel version

Specific value: "kernel" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > module > type > anyOf > item 11
Type const
Required No

Description: Print login manager (desktop manager) name and version

Specific value: "lm" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > module > type > anyOf > item 12
Type const
Required No

Description: Print system locale name

Specific value: "locale" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > module > type > anyOf > item 13
Type const
Required No

Description: Print playing song name

Specific value: "media" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > module > type > anyOf > item 14
Type const
Required No

Description: Print connected physical monitor information

Specific value: "monitor" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > module > type > anyOf > item 15
Type const
Required No

Description: Print highest OpenCL version supported by the GPU

Specific value: "opencl" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > module > type > anyOf > item 16
Type const
Required No

Description: Print operating system name and version

Specific value: "os" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > module > type > anyOf > item 17
Type const
Required No

Description: Print system physical memory devices

Specific value: "physicalmemory" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > module > type > anyOf > item 18
Type const
Required No

Description: Print music player name

Specific value: "player" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > module > type > anyOf > item 19
Type const
Required No

Description: Print power adapter name and charging watts

Specific value: "poweradapter" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > module > type > anyOf > item 20
Type const
Required No

Description: Count running processes

Specific value: "processes" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > module > type > anyOf > item 21
Type const
Required No

Description: Print current shell name and version

Specific value: "shell" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > module > type > anyOf > item 22
Type const
Required No

Description: Print current terminal name and version

Specific value: "terminal" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > module > type > anyOf > item 23
Type const
Required No

Description: Print font name and size used by current terminal

Specific value: "terminalfont" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > module > type > anyOf > item 24
Type const
Required No

Description: Print current terminal size

Specific value: "terminalsize" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > module > type > anyOf > item 25
Type const
Required No

Description: Print current terminal theme (foreground and background colors)

Specific value: "terminaltheme" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > module > type > anyOf > item 26
Type const
Required No

Description: Print current theme of desktop environment

Specific value: "theme" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > module > type > anyOf > item 27
Type const
Required No

Description: Print how long system has been running

Specific value: "uptime" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > module > type > anyOf > item 28
Type const
Required No

Description: Print users currently logged in

Specific value: "users" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > module > type > anyOf > item 29
Type const
Required No

Description: Print Fastfetch version

Specific value: "version" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > module > type > anyOf > item 30
Type const
Required No

Description: Print highest Vulkan version supported by the GPU

Specific value: "vulkan" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > module > type > anyOf > item 31
Type const
Required No

Description: Print image file path of current wallpaper

Specific value: "wallpaper" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > module > type > anyOf > item 32
Type const
Required No

Description: Print connected Wi-Fi info (SSID, connection and security protocol)

Specific value: "wifi" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > module > type > anyOf > item 33
Type const
Required No

Description: Print current theme of window manager

Specific value: "wmtheme" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > module > key
Type string
Required No
Defined in #/$defs/key

Description: Key of the module Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > module > keyColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Defined in #/$defs/keyColor

Description: Color of the module key. Left empty to use display.color.keys Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > module > outputColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Defined in #/$defs/outputColor

Description: Output color of the module. Left empty to use display.color.output Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > module > keyWidth
Type integer
Required No
Default 0
Defined in #/$defs/keyWidth

Description: Width of the module key. Use 0 to use display.keyWidth

Minimum ≥ 0 Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > module > format
Type string
Required No
Defined in #/$defs/format

Description: Output format of the module. See -h &lt;module&gt;-format for detail Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Battery

Title: Battery

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- type No const No - Print battery capacity, status, etc
- useSetupApi No boolean No - Set if `SetupAPI` should be used on Windows to detect battery info, which supports multi batteries, but slower. Windows only
- temp No object No In #/$defs/temperature Detect and display temperature if supported
- percent No object No In #/$defs/percent Threshold of percentage colors
- key No string No Same as key Key of the module
- keyColor No enum (of string) No Same as keyColor Color of the module key. Left empty to use `display.color.keys`
- outputColor No enum (of string) No Same as outputColor Output color of the module. Left empty to use `display.color.output`
- keyWidth No integer No Same as keyWidth Width of the module key. Use 0 to use `display.keyWidth`
- format No string No Same as format Output format of the module. See `-h <module>-format` for detail Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Battery > type
Type const
Required No

Description: Print battery capacity, status, etc

Specific value: "battery" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Battery > useSetupApi
Type boolean
Required No
Default false

Description: Set if SetupAPI should be used on Windows to detect battery info, which supports multi batteries, but slower. Windows only Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Battery > temp
Type combining
Required No
Additional properties [Any type: allowed]
Defined in #/$defs/temperature

Description: Detect and display temperature if supported

One of(Option)
item 0
item 1 Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Battery > temp > oneOf > item 0
Type boolean
Required No
Default false Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Battery > temp > oneOf > item 1
Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- green No integer No - Value (in celsius) less then green will be shown in green
- yellow No integer No - Value (in celsius) greater than green and less then yellow will be shown in yellow.
Value greater than yellow will be shown in red Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Battery > temp > oneOf > item 1 > green
Type integer
Required No

Description: Value (in celsius) less then green will be shown in green

Minimum ≥ 0
Maximum ≤ 100 Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Battery > temp > oneOf > item 1 > yellow
Type integer
Required No

Description: Value (in celsius) greater than green and less then yellow will be shown in yellow. Value greater than yellow will be shown in red

Minimum ≥ 0
Maximum ≤ 100 Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Battery > percent
Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Defined in #/$defs/percent

Description: Threshold of percentage colors

Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- green No integer No - Value less then green will be shown in green
- yellow No integer No - Value greater than green and less then yellow will be shown in yellow.
Value greater than yellow will be shown in red Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Battery > percent > green
Type integer
Required No

Description: Value less then green will be shown in green

Minimum ≥ 0
Maximum ≤ 100 Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Battery > percent > yellow
Type integer
Required No

Description: Value greater than green and less then yellow will be shown in yellow. Value greater than yellow will be shown in red

Minimum ≥ 0
Maximum ≤ 100 Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Battery > key
Type string
Required No
Same definition as key

Description: Key of the module Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Battery > keyColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as keyColor

Description: Color of the module key. Left empty to use display.color.keys Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Battery > outputColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as outputColor

Description: Output color of the module. Left empty to use display.color.output Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Battery > keyWidth
Type integer
Required No
Default 0
Same definition as keyWidth

Description: Width of the module key. Use 0 to use display.keyWidth Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Battery > format
Type string
Required No
Same definition as format

Description: Output format of the module. See -h &lt;module&gt;-format for detail Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Bluetooth

Title: Bluetooth

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- type No const No - List bluetooth devices
- showDisconnected No boolean No - Set if disconnected bluetooth devices should be printed
- percent No object No Same as percent Threshold of percentage colors
- key No string No Same as key Key of the module
- keyColor No enum (of string) No Same as keyColor Color of the module key. Left empty to use `display.color.keys`
- outputColor No enum (of string) No Same as outputColor Output color of the module. Left empty to use `display.color.output`
- keyWidth No integer No Same as keyWidth Width of the module key. Use 0 to use `display.keyWidth`
- format No string No Same as format Output format of the module. See `-h <module>-format` for detail Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Bluetooth > type
Type const
Required No

Description: List bluetooth devices

Specific value: "bluetooth" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Bluetooth > showDisconnected
Type boolean
Required No
Default false

Description: Set if disconnected bluetooth devices should be printed Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Bluetooth > percent
Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Same definition as percent

Description: Threshold of percentage colors Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Bluetooth > key
Type string
Required No
Same definition as key

Description: Key of the module Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Bluetooth > keyColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as keyColor

Description: Color of the module key. Left empty to use display.color.keys Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Bluetooth > outputColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as outputColor

Description: Output color of the module. Left empty to use display.color.output Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Bluetooth > keyWidth
Type integer
Required No
Default 0
Same definition as keyWidth

Description: Width of the module key. Use 0 to use display.keyWidth Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Bluetooth > format
Type string
Required No
Same definition as format

Description: Output format of the module. See -h &lt;module&gt;-format for detail Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Brightness

Title: Brightness

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- type No const No - Print current brightness level of your monitors
- percent No object No Same as percent Threshold of percentage colors
- ddcciSleep No integer No - Set the sleep times (in ms) when sending DDC/CI requests.
See for detail
- key No string No Same as key Key of the module
- keyColor No enum (of string) No Same as keyColor Color of the module key. Left empty to use `display.color.keys`
- outputColor No enum (of string) No Same as outputColor Output color of the module. Left empty to use `display.color.output`
- keyWidth No integer No Same as keyWidth Width of the module key. Use 0 to use `display.keyWidth`
- format No string No Same as format Output format of the module. See `-h <module>-format` for detail Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Brightness > type
Type const
Required No

Description: Print current brightness level of your monitors

Specific value: "brightness" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Brightness > percent
Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Same definition as percent

Description: Threshold of percentage colors Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Brightness > ddcciSleep
Type integer
Required No
Default 10

Description: Set the sleep times (in ms) when sending DDC/CI requests. See for detail

Minimum ≥ 0
Maximum ≤ 400 Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Brightness > key
Type string
Required No
Same definition as key

Description: Key of the module Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Brightness > keyColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as keyColor

Description: Color of the module key. Left empty to use display.color.keys Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Brightness > outputColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as outputColor

Description: Output color of the module. Left empty to use display.color.output Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Brightness > keyWidth
Type integer
Required No
Default 0
Same definition as keyWidth

Description: Width of the module key. Use 0 to use display.keyWidth Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Brightness > format
Type string
Required No
Same definition as format

Description: Output format of the module. See -h &lt;module&gt;-format for detail Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Chassis

Title: Chassis

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- type No const No - Print chassis type (desktop, laptop, etc)
- key No string No Same as key Key of the module
- keyColor No enum (of string) No Same as keyColor Color of the module key. Left empty to use `display.color.keys`
- outputColor No enum (of string) No Same as outputColor Output color of the module. Left empty to use `display.color.output`
- keyWidth No integer No Same as keyWidth Width of the module key. Use 0 to use `display.keyWidth`
- format No string No Same as format Output format of the module. See `-h <module>-format` for detail Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Chassis > type
Type const
Required No

Description: Print chassis type (desktop, laptop, etc)

Specific value: "chassis" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Chassis > key
Type string
Required No
Same definition as key

Description: Key of the module Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Chassis > keyColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as keyColor

Description: Color of the module key. Left empty to use display.color.keys Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Chassis > outputColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as outputColor

Description: Output color of the module. Left empty to use display.color.output Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Chassis > keyWidth
Type integer
Required No
Default 0
Same definition as keyWidth

Description: Width of the module key. Use 0 to use display.keyWidth Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Chassis > format
Type string
Required No
Same definition as format

Description: Output format of the module. See -h &lt;module&gt;-format for detail Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > CPU

Title: CPU

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- type No const No - Print CPU name, frequency, etc
- temp No object No Same as temp Detect and display temperature if supported
- freqNdigits No integer No - Set the number of digits to keep after the decimal point when printing CPU frequency
- showPeCoreCount No boolean No - Detect and display CPU frequency of different core types (eg. Pcore and Ecore) if supported
- key No string No Same as key Key of the module
- keyColor No enum (of string) No Same as keyColor Color of the module key. Left empty to use `display.color.keys`
- outputColor No enum (of string) No Same as outputColor Output color of the module. Left empty to use `display.color.output`
- keyWidth No integer No Same as keyWidth Width of the module key. Use 0 to use `display.keyWidth`
- format No string No Same as format Output format of the module. See `-h <module>-format` for detail Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > CPU > type
Type const
Required No

Description: Print CPU name, frequency, etc

Specific value: "cpu" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > CPU > temp
Type combining
Required No
Additional properties [Any type: allowed]
Same definition as temp

Description: Detect and display temperature if supported Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > CPU > freqNdigits
Type integer
Required No
Default 2

Description: Set the number of digits to keep after the decimal point when printing CPU frequency

Minimum ≥ 0
Maximum ≤ 9 Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > CPU > showPeCoreCount
Type boolean
Required No
Default false

Description: Detect and display CPU frequency of different core types (eg. Pcore and Ecore) if supported Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > CPU > key
Type string
Required No
Same definition as key

Description: Key of the module Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > CPU > keyColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as keyColor

Description: Color of the module key. Left empty to use display.color.keys Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > CPU > outputColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as outputColor

Description: Output color of the module. Left empty to use display.color.output Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > CPU > keyWidth
Type integer
Required No
Default 0
Same definition as keyWidth

Description: Width of the module key. Use 0 to use display.keyWidth Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > CPU > format
Type string
Required No
Same definition as format

Description: Output format of the module. See -h &lt;module&gt;-format for detail Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > CPU Usage

Title: CPU Usage

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- type No const No - Print CPU usage. Costs some time to collect data
- percent No object No Same as percent Threshold of percentage colors
- separate No boolean No - Display CPU usage per CPU logical core, instead of an average result Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > CPU Usage > type
Type const
Required No

Description: Print CPU usage. Costs some time to collect data

Specific value: "cpuusage" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > CPU Usage > percent
Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Same definition as percent

Description: Threshold of percentage colors Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > CPU Usage > separate
Type boolean
Required No
Default false

Description: Display CPU usage per CPU logical core, instead of an average result Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Colors

Title: Colors

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- type No const No - Print some colored blocks
- symbol No enum (of string) No - Set the symbol to use
- paddingLeft No integer No - Set the number of white spaces to print before the symbol
- block No object No - Set behavior of block printing
- key No string No Same as key Key of the module Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Colors > type
Type const
Required No

Description: Print some colored blocks

Specific value: "colors" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Colors > symbol
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Default "block"

Description: Set the symbol to use

Must be one of:

  • "block"
  • "circle"
  • "diamond"
  • "triangle"
  • "square"
  • "star" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Colors > paddingLeft
Type integer
Required No
Default 0

Description: Set the number of white spaces to print before the symbol

Minimum ≥ 0 Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Colors > block
Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]

Description: Set behavior of block printing

Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- width No integer No - Set the block width in spaces
- range No array of integer No - Set the range of colors in the blocks to print Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Colors > block > width
Type integer
Required No
Default 3

Description: Set the block width in spaces

Minimum ≥ 1 Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Colors > block > range
Type array of integer
Required No

Description: Set the range of colors in the blocks to print

Array restrictions
Min items 2
Max items 2
Items unicity False
Additional items False
Tuple validation See below
Each item of this array must be Description
range items - JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Colors > block > range > range items
Type integer
Required No
Minimum ≥ 0
Maximum ≤ 15 Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Colors > key
Type string
Required No
Same definition as key

Description: Key of the module Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Command

Title: Command

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- type No const No - Running custom shell scripts
- shell No string No - Set the shell program to execute the command text
Default: cmd for Windows, /bin/sh for *nix
- text No string No - Set the command text to be executed
- key No string No Same as key Key of the module
- keyColor No enum (of string) No Same as keyColor Color of the module key. Left empty to use `display.color.keys`
- outputColor No enum (of string) No Same as outputColor Output color of the module. Left empty to use `display.color.output`
- keyWidth No integer No Same as keyWidth Width of the module key. Use 0 to use `display.keyWidth`
- format No string No Same as format Output format of the module. See `-h <module>-format` for detail Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Command > type
Type const
Required No

Description: Running custom shell scripts

Specific value: "command" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Command > shell
Type string
Required No

Description: Set the shell program to execute the command text Default: cmd for Windows, /bin/sh for *nix Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Command > text
Type string
Required No

Description: Set the command text to be executed Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Command > key
Type string
Required No
Same definition as key

Description: Key of the module Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Command > keyColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as keyColor

Description: Color of the module key. Left empty to use display.color.keys Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Command > outputColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as outputColor

Description: Output color of the module. Left empty to use display.color.output Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Command > keyWidth
Type integer
Required No
Default 0
Same definition as keyWidth

Description: Width of the module key. Use 0 to use display.keyWidth Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Command > format
Type string
Required No
Same definition as format

Description: Output format of the module. See -h &lt;module&gt;-format for detail Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Custom

Title: Custom

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- type No const No - Print a custom string, with or without key
- key No string No - Leave empty not to print the key
- keyColor No enum (of string) No Same as keyColor Color of the module key. Left empty to use `display.color.keys`
- outputColor No enum (of string) No Same as outputColor Output color of the module. Left empty to use `display.color.output`
- keyWidth No integer No Same as keyWidth Width of the module key. Use 0 to use `display.keyWidth`
- format No string No - Text to print Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Custom > type
Type const
Required No

Description: Print a custom string, with or without key

Specific value: "custom" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Custom > key
Type string
Required No

Description: Leave empty not to print the key Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Custom > keyColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as keyColor

Description: Color of the module key. Left empty to use display.color.keys Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Custom > outputColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as outputColor

Description: Output color of the module. Left empty to use display.color.output Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Custom > keyWidth
Type integer
Required No
Default 0
Same definition as keyWidth

Description: Width of the module key. Use 0 to use display.keyWidth Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Custom > format
Type string
Required No

Description: Text to print Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Display

Title: Display

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- type No const No - Print resolutions, refresh rates, etc
- compactType No enum (of string) No - Set if all displays should be printed in one line
- preciseRefreshRate No boolean No - Set if decimal refresh rates should not be rounded into integers when printing
- order No enum (of string) No - Set the order should be used when printing
- key No string No Same as key Key of the module
- keyColor No enum (of string) No Same as keyColor Color of the module key. Left empty to use `display.color.keys`
- outputColor No enum (of string) No Same as outputColor Output color of the module. Left empty to use `display.color.output`
- keyWidth No integer No Same as keyWidth Width of the module key. Use 0 to use `display.keyWidth`
- format No string No Same as format Output format of the module. See `-h <module>-format` for detail Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Display > type
Type const
Required No

Description: Print resolutions, refresh rates, etc

Specific value: "display" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Display > compactType
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Default "none"

Description: Set if all displays should be printed in one line

Must be one of:

  • "none"
  • "original"
  • "scaled"
  • "original-with-refresh-rate"
  • "scaled-with-refresh-rate" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Display > preciseRefreshRate
Type boolean
Required No
Default false

Description: Set if decimal refresh rates should not be rounded into integers when printing Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Display > order
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Default "none"

Description: Set the order should be used when printing

Must be one of:

  • "none"
  • "asc"
  • "desc" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Display > key
Type string
Required No
Same definition as key

Description: Key of the module Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Display > keyColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as keyColor

Description: Color of the module key. Left empty to use display.color.keys Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Display > outputColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as outputColor

Description: Output color of the module. Left empty to use display.color.output Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Display > keyWidth
Type integer
Required No
Default 0
Same definition as keyWidth

Description: Width of the module key. Use 0 to use display.keyWidth Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Display > format
Type string
Required No
Same definition as format

Description: Output format of the module. See -h &lt;module&gt;-format for detail Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Disk

Title: Disk

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- type No const No - Print partitions, space usage, disk type, etc
- folders No string No - A colon (semicolon on Windows) separated list of folder paths for the disk output
Default: auto detection using mount-points
This option overrides other `show*` options
- showExternal No boolean No - Set if external volume should be printed
- showHidden No boolean No - Set if hidden volumes should be printed
- showSubvolumes No boolean No - Set if subvolumes should be printed
- showReadOnly No boolean No - Set if read only volumes should be printed
- showUnknown No boolean No - Set if unknown (unable to detect sizes) volumes should be printed
- useAvailable No boolean No - Use f_bavail (lpFreeBytesAvailableToCaller for Windows) instead of f_bfree to calculate used bytes
- percent No object No Same as percent Threshold of percentage colors
- key No string No Same as key Key of the module
- keyColor No enum (of string) No Same as keyColor Color of the module key. Left empty to use `display.color.keys`
- outputColor No enum (of string) No Same as outputColor Output color of the module. Left empty to use `display.color.output`
- keyWidth No integer No Same as keyWidth Width of the module key. Use 0 to use `display.keyWidth`
- format No string No Same as format Output format of the module. See `-h <module>-format` for detail Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Disk > type
Type const
Required No

Description: Print partitions, space usage, disk type, etc

Specific value: "disk" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Disk > folders
Type string
Required No

Description: A colon (semicolon on Windows) separated list of folder paths for the disk output Default: auto detection using mount-points This option overrides other show* options Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Disk > showExternal
Type boolean
Required No
Default true

Description: Set if external volume should be printed Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Disk > showHidden
Type boolean
Required No
Default false

Description: Set if hidden volumes should be printed Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Disk > showSubvolumes
Type boolean
Required No
Default false

Description: Set if subvolumes should be printed Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Disk > showReadOnly
Type boolean
Required No
Default false

Description: Set if read only volumes should be printed Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Disk > showUnknown
Type boolean
Required No
Default false

Description: Set if unknown (unable to detect sizes) volumes should be printed Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Disk > useAvailable
Type boolean
Required No
Default false

Description: Use f_bavail (lpFreeBytesAvailableToCaller for Windows) instead of f_bfree to calculate used bytes Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Disk > percent
Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Same definition as percent

Description: Threshold of percentage colors Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Disk > key
Type string
Required No
Same definition as key

Description: Key of the module Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Disk > keyColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as keyColor

Description: Color of the module key. Left empty to use display.color.keys Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Disk > outputColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as outputColor

Description: Output color of the module. Left empty to use display.color.output Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Disk > keyWidth
Type integer
Required No
Default 0
Same definition as keyWidth

Description: Width of the module key. Use 0 to use display.keyWidth Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Disk > format
Type string
Required No
Same definition as format

Description: Output format of the module. See -h &lt;module&gt;-format for detail Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > DiskIO

Title: DiskIO

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- type No const No - Print physical disk I/O throughput
- namePrefix No string No - Show disks with given name prefix only
- detectTotal No boolean No - Detect total bytes instead of current rate
- key No string No Same as key Key of the module
- keyColor No enum (of string) No Same as keyColor Color of the module key. Left empty to use `display.color.keys`
- outputColor No enum (of string) No Same as outputColor Output color of the module. Left empty to use `display.color.output`
- keyWidth No integer No Same as keyWidth Width of the module key. Use 0 to use `display.keyWidth`
- format No string No Same as format Output format of the module. See `-h <module>-format` for detail Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > DiskIO > type
Type const
Required No

Description: Print physical disk I/O throughput

Specific value: "diskio" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > DiskIO > namePrefix
Type string
Required No

Description: Show disks with given name prefix only Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > DiskIO > detectTotal
Type boolean
Required No
Default false

Description: Detect total bytes instead of current rate Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > DiskIO > key
Type string
Required No
Same definition as key

Description: Key of the module Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > DiskIO > keyColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as keyColor

Description: Color of the module key. Left empty to use display.color.keys Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > DiskIO > outputColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as outputColor

Description: Output color of the module. Left empty to use display.color.output Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > DiskIO > keyWidth
Type integer
Required No
Default 0
Same definition as keyWidth

Description: Width of the module key. Use 0 to use display.keyWidth Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > DiskIO > format
Type string
Required No
Same definition as format

Description: Output format of the module. See -h &lt;module&gt;-format for detail Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > DE

Title: DE

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- type No const No - Print desktop environment name
- slowVersionDetection No boolean No - Set if DE version should be detected with slow operations.
Should be unnecessary for most cases.
- key No string No Same as key Key of the module
- keyColor No enum (of string) No Same as keyColor Color of the module key. Left empty to use `display.color.keys`
- outputColor No enum (of string) No Same as outputColor Output color of the module. Left empty to use `display.color.output`
- keyWidth No integer No Same as keyWidth Width of the module key. Use 0 to use `display.keyWidth`
- format No string No Same as format Output format of the module. See `-h <module>-format` for detail Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > DE > type
Type const
Required No

Description: Print desktop environment name

Specific value: "de" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > DE > slowVersionDetection
Type boolean
Required No
Default "false"

Description: Set if DE version should be detected with slow operations. Should be unnecessary for most cases. Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > DE > key
Type string
Required No
Same definition as key

Description: Key of the module Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > DE > keyColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as keyColor

Description: Color of the module key. Left empty to use display.color.keys Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > DE > outputColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as outputColor

Description: Output color of the module. Left empty to use display.color.output Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > DE > keyWidth
Type integer
Required No
Default 0
Same definition as keyWidth

Description: Width of the module key. Use 0 to use display.keyWidth Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > DE > format
Type string
Required No
Same definition as format

Description: Output format of the module. See -h &lt;module&gt;-format for detail Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Gamepad

Title: Gamepad

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- type No const No - List connected gamepads
- percent No object No Same as percent Threshold of percentage colors
- key No string No Same as key Key of the module
- keyColor No enum (of string) No Same as keyColor Color of the module key. Left empty to use `display.color.keys`
- outputColor No enum (of string) No Same as outputColor Output color of the module. Left empty to use `display.color.output`
- keyWidth No integer No Same as keyWidth Width of the module key. Use 0 to use `display.keyWidth`
- format No string No Same as format Output format of the module. See `-h <module>-format` for detail Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Gamepad > type
Type const
Required No

Description: List connected gamepads

Specific value: "gamepad" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Gamepad > percent
Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Same definition as percent

Description: Threshold of percentage colors Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Gamepad > key
Type string
Required No
Same definition as key

Description: Key of the module Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Gamepad > keyColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as keyColor

Description: Color of the module key. Left empty to use display.color.keys Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Gamepad > outputColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as outputColor

Description: Output color of the module. Left empty to use display.color.output Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Gamepad > keyWidth
Type integer
Required No
Default 0
Same definition as keyWidth

Description: Width of the module key. Use 0 to use display.keyWidth Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Gamepad > format
Type string
Required No
Same definition as format

Description: Output format of the module. See -h &lt;module&gt;-format for detail Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > GPU

Title: GPU

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- type No const No - Print GPU names, graphic memory size, type, etc
- temp No object No Same as temp Detect and display temperature if supported
- driverSpecific No boolean No - Use driver specific method to detect more detailed GPU information (memory usage, core count, etc)
- detectionMethod No enum (of string) No - Force using a specified method to detect GPUs
- hideType No enum (of string) No - Specify the type of GPUs should not be printed
- key No string No Same as key Key of the module
- keyColor No enum (of string) No Same as keyColor Color of the module key. Left empty to use `display.color.keys`
- outputColor No enum (of string) No Same as outputColor Output color of the module. Left empty to use `display.color.output`
- keyWidth No integer No Same as keyWidth Width of the module key. Use 0 to use `display.keyWidth`
- format No string No Same as format Output format of the module. See `-h <module>-format` for detail Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > GPU > type
Type const
Required No

Description: Print GPU names, graphic memory size, type, etc

Specific value: "gpu" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > GPU > temp
Type combining
Required No
Additional properties [Any type: allowed]
Same definition as temp

Description: Detect and display temperature if supported Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > GPU > driverSpecific
Type boolean
Required No
Default false

Description: Use driver specific method to detect more detailed GPU information (memory usage, core count, etc) Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > GPU > detectionMethod
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Default "auto"

Description: Force using a specified method to detect GPUs

Must be one of:

  • "auto"
  • "pci"
  • "vulkan"
  • "opengl" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > GPU > hideType
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Default "none"

Description: Specify the type of GPUs should not be printed

Must be one of:

  • "integrated"
  • "discrete"
  • "none" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > GPU > key
Type string
Required No
Same definition as key

Description: Key of the module Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > GPU > keyColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as keyColor

Description: Color of the module key. Left empty to use display.color.keys Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > GPU > outputColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as outputColor

Description: Output color of the module. Left empty to use display.color.output Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > GPU > keyWidth
Type integer
Required No
Default 0
Same definition as keyWidth

Description: Width of the module key. Use 0 to use display.keyWidth Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > GPU > format
Type string
Required No
Same definition as format

Description: Output format of the module. See -h &lt;module&gt;-format for detail Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Local IP

Title: Local IP

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- type No const No - List local IP addresses (v4 or v6), MAC addresses, etc
- showIpv4 No boolean No - Show IPv4 addresses
- showIpv6 No boolean No - Show IPv6 addresses
- showMac No boolean No - Show MAC addresses
- showLoop No boolean No - Show loop back addresses (
- showPrefixLen No boolean No - Show network prefix length (/N)
- showAllIps No boolean No - Show all IPs bound to the same interface.
By default only the first IP is shown
- compact No boolean No - Show all IPs in one line
- namePrefix No string No - Show IPs with given name prefix only
- defaultRouteOnly No boolean No - Show ips that are used for default routing only
- key No string No Same as key Key of the module
- keyColor No enum (of string) No Same as keyColor Color of the module key. Left empty to use `display.color.keys`
- outputColor No enum (of string) No Same as outputColor Output color of the module. Left empty to use `display.color.output`
- keyWidth No integer No Same as keyWidth Width of the module key. Use 0 to use `display.keyWidth`
- format No string No Same as format Output format of the module. See `-h <module>-format` for detail Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Local IP > type
Type const
Required No

Description: List local IP addresses (v4 or v6), MAC addresses, etc

Specific value: "localip" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Local IP > showIpv4
Type boolean
Required No
Default true

Description: Show IPv4 addresses Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Local IP > showIpv6
Type boolean
Required No
Default false

Description: Show IPv6 addresses Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Local IP > showMac
Type boolean
Required No
Default false

Description: Show MAC addresses Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Local IP > showLoop
Type boolean
Required No
Default false

Description: Show loop back addresses ( Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Local IP > showPrefixLen
Type boolean
Required No
Default true

Description: Show network prefix length (/N) Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Local IP > showAllIps
Type boolean
Required No
Default false

Description: Show all IPs bound to the same interface. By default only the first IP is shown Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Local IP > compact
Type boolean
Required No
Default false

Description: Show all IPs in one line Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Local IP > namePrefix
Type string
Required No

Description: Show IPs with given name prefix only Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Local IP > defaultRouteOnly
Type boolean
Required No
Default true

Description: Show ips that are used for default routing only Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Local IP > key
Type string
Required No
Same definition as key

Description: Key of the module Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Local IP > keyColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as keyColor

Description: Color of the module key. Left empty to use display.color.keys Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Local IP > outputColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as outputColor

Description: Output color of the module. Left empty to use display.color.output Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Local IP > keyWidth
Type integer
Required No
Default 0
Same definition as keyWidth

Description: Width of the module key. Use 0 to use display.keyWidth Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Local IP > format
Type string
Required No
Same definition as format

Description: Output format of the module. See -h &lt;module&gt;-format for detail Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Memory

Title: Memory

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- type No const No - Print system memory usage info
- percent No object No Same as percent Threshold of percentage colors
- key No string No Same as key Key of the module
- keyColor No enum (of string) No Same as keyColor Color of the module key. Left empty to use `display.color.keys`
- outputColor No enum (of string) No Same as outputColor Output color of the module. Left empty to use `display.color.output`
- keyWidth No integer No Same as keyWidth Width of the module key. Use 0 to use `display.keyWidth`
- format No string No Same as format Output format of the module. See `-h <module>-format` for detail Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Memory > type
Type const
Required No

Description: Print system memory usage info

Specific value: "memory" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Memory > percent
Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Same definition as percent

Description: Threshold of percentage colors Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Memory > key
Type string
Required No
Same definition as key

Description: Key of the module Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Memory > keyColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as keyColor

Description: Color of the module key. Left empty to use display.color.keys Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Memory > outputColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as outputColor

Description: Output color of the module. Left empty to use display.color.output Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Memory > keyWidth
Type integer
Required No
Default 0
Same definition as keyWidth

Description: Width of the module key. Use 0 to use display.keyWidth Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Memory > format
Type string
Required No
Same definition as format

Description: Output format of the module. See -h &lt;module&gt;-format for detail Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Loadavg

Title: Loadavg

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- type No const No - Print system load averages
- ndigits No integer No - Set the number of digits to keep after the decimal point
- key No string No Same as key Key of the module
- keyColor No enum (of string) No Same as keyColor Color of the module key. Left empty to use `display.color.keys`
- outputColor No enum (of string) No Same as outputColor Output color of the module. Left empty to use `display.color.output`
- keyWidth No integer No Same as keyWidth Width of the module key. Use 0 to use `display.keyWidth`
- format No string No Same as format Output format of the module. See `-h <module>-format` for detail Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Loadavg > type
Type const
Required No

Description: Print system load averages

Specific value: "loadavg" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Loadavg > ndigits
Type integer
Required No
Default 2

Description: Set the number of digits to keep after the decimal point

Minimum ≥ 0
Maximum ≤ 9 Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Loadavg > key
Type string
Required No
Same definition as key

Description: Key of the module Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Loadavg > keyColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as keyColor

Description: Color of the module key. Left empty to use display.color.keys Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Loadavg > outputColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as outputColor

Description: Output color of the module. Left empty to use display.color.output Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Loadavg > keyWidth
Type integer
Required No
Default 0
Same definition as keyWidth

Description: Width of the module key. Use 0 to use display.keyWidth Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Loadavg > format
Type string
Required No
Same definition as format

Description: Output format of the module. See -h &lt;module&gt;-format for detail Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > NetIO

Title: NetIO

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- type No const No - Print network I/O throughput
- namePrefix No string No - Show IPs with given name prefix only
- defaultRouteOnly No boolean No - Show ips that are used for default routing only
- detectTotal No boolean No - Detect total bytes instead of current rate
- key No string No Same as key Key of the module
- keyColor No enum (of string) No Same as keyColor Color of the module key. Left empty to use `display.color.keys`
- outputColor No enum (of string) No Same as outputColor Output color of the module. Left empty to use `display.color.output`
- keyWidth No integer No Same as keyWidth Width of the module key. Use 0 to use `display.keyWidth`
- format No string No Same as format Output format of the module. See `-h <module>-format` for detail Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > NetIO > type
Type const
Required No

Description: Print network I/O throughput

Specific value: "netio" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > NetIO > namePrefix
Type string
Required No

Description: Show IPs with given name prefix only Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > NetIO > defaultRouteOnly
Type boolean
Required No
Default true

Description: Show ips that are used for default routing only Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > NetIO > detectTotal
Type boolean
Required No
Default false

Description: Detect total bytes instead of current rate Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > NetIO > key
Type string
Required No
Same definition as key

Description: Key of the module Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > NetIO > keyColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as keyColor

Description: Color of the module key. Left empty to use display.color.keys Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > NetIO > outputColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as outputColor

Description: Output color of the module. Left empty to use display.color.output Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > NetIO > keyWidth
Type integer
Required No
Default 0
Same definition as keyWidth

Description: Width of the module key. Use 0 to use display.keyWidth Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > NetIO > format
Type string
Required No
Same definition as format

Description: Output format of the module. See -h &lt;module&gt;-format for detail Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > OpenGL

Title: OpenGL

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- type No const No - Print highest OpenGL version supported by the GPU
- library No enum (of string) No - Set the OpenGL context creation library to use. Linux only
- key No string No Same as key Key of the module
- keyColor No enum (of string) No Same as keyColor Color of the module key. Left empty to use `display.color.keys`
- outputColor No enum (of string) No Same as outputColor Output color of the module. Left empty to use `display.color.output`
- keyWidth No integer No Same as keyWidth Width of the module key. Use 0 to use `display.keyWidth`
- format No string No Same as format Output format of the module. See `-h <module>-format` for detail Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > OpenGL > type
Type const
Required No

Description: Print highest OpenGL version supported by the GPU

Specific value: "opengl" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > OpenGL > library
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Default "auto"

Description: Set the OpenGL context creation library to use. Linux only

Must be one of:

  • "auto"
  • "egl"
  • "glx"
  • "osmesa" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > OpenGL > key
Type string
Required No
Same definition as key

Description: Key of the module Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > OpenGL > keyColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as keyColor

Description: Color of the module key. Left empty to use display.color.keys Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > OpenGL > outputColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as outputColor

Description: Output color of the module. Left empty to use display.color.output Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > OpenGL > keyWidth
Type integer
Required No
Default 0
Same definition as keyWidth

Description: Width of the module key. Use 0 to use display.keyWidth Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > OpenGL > format
Type string
Required No
Same definition as format

Description: Output format of the module. See -h &lt;module&gt;-format for detail Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Packages

Title: Packages

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- type No const No - List installed package managers and count of installed packages
- disabled No array of enum (of string) No - List of package managers to be disabled when detecting
- key No string No Same as key Key of the module
- keyColor No enum (of string) No Same as keyColor Color of the module key. Left empty to use `display.color.keys`
- outputColor No enum (of string) No Same as outputColor Output color of the module. Left empty to use `display.color.output`
- keyWidth No integer No Same as keyWidth Width of the module key. Use 0 to use `display.keyWidth`
- format No string No Same as format Output format of the module. See `-h <module>-format` for detail Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Packages > type
Type const
Required No

Description: List installed package managers and count of installed packages

Specific value: "packages" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Packages > disabled
Type array of enum (of string)
Required No
Default ["winget"]

Description: List of package managers to be disabled when detecting

Array restrictions
Min items N/A
Max items N/A
Items unicity False
Additional items False
Tuple validation See below
Each item of this array must be Description
disabled items - JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Packages > disabled > disabled items
Type enum (of string)
Required No

Must be one of:

  • "am"
  • "apk"
  • "brew"
  • "choco"
  • "dpkg"
  • "emerge"
  • "eopkg"
  • "flatpak"
  • "macports"
  • "nix"
  • "opkg"
  • "pacman"
  • "paludis"
  • "pkg"
  • "pkgtool"
  • "rpm"
  • "scoop"
  • "snap"
  • "winget"
  • "xbps" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Packages > key
Type string
Required No
Same definition as key

Description: Key of the module Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Packages > keyColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as keyColor

Description: Color of the module key. Left empty to use display.color.keys Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Packages > outputColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as outputColor

Description: Output color of the module. Left empty to use display.color.output Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Packages > keyWidth
Type integer
Required No
Default 0
Same definition as keyWidth

Description: Width of the module key. Use 0 to use display.keyWidth Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Packages > format
Type string
Required No
Same definition as format

Description: Output format of the module. See -h &lt;module&gt;-format for detail Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Physical Disk

Title: Physical Disk

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- type No const No - Print physical disk information
- namePrefix No string No - Show disks with given name prefix only
- temp No object No Same as temp Detect and display temperature if supported
- key No string No Same as key Key of the module
- keyColor No enum (of string) No Same as keyColor Color of the module key. Left empty to use `display.color.keys`
- outputColor No enum (of string) No Same as outputColor Output color of the module. Left empty to use `display.color.output`
- keyWidth No integer No Same as keyWidth Width of the module key. Use 0 to use `display.keyWidth`
- format No string No Same as format Output format of the module. See `-h <module>-format` for detail Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Physical Disk > type
Type const
Required No

Description: Print physical disk information

Specific value: "physicaldisk" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Physical Disk > namePrefix
Type string
Required No

Description: Show disks with given name prefix only Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Physical Disk > temp
Type combining
Required No
Additional properties [Any type: allowed]
Same definition as temp

Description: Detect and display temperature if supported Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Physical Disk > key
Type string
Required No
Same definition as key

Description: Key of the module Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Physical Disk > keyColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as keyColor

Description: Color of the module key. Left empty to use display.color.keys Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Physical Disk > outputColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as outputColor

Description: Output color of the module. Left empty to use display.color.output Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Physical Disk > keyWidth
Type integer
Required No
Default 0
Same definition as keyWidth

Description: Width of the module key. Use 0 to use display.keyWidth Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Physical Disk > format
Type string
Required No
Same definition as format

Description: Output format of the module. See -h &lt;module&gt;-format for detail Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Public IP

Title: Public IP

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- type No const No - Print your public IP address, etc
- url No string No - The URL of public IP detection server to be used. Only HTTP protocol is supported
- timeout No integer No - Time in milliseconds to wait for the public ip server to respond
- ipv6 No boolean No - Whether to use IPv6 for public IP detection server
- key No string No Same as key Key of the module
- keyColor No enum (of string) No Same as keyColor Color of the module key. Left empty to use `display.color.keys`
- outputColor No enum (of string) No Same as outputColor Output color of the module. Left empty to use `display.color.output`
- keyWidth No integer No Same as keyWidth Width of the module key. Use 0 to use `display.keyWidth`
- format No string No Same as format Output format of the module. See `-h <module>-format` for detail Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Public IP > type
Type const
Required No

Description: Print your public IP address, etc

Specific value: "publicip" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Public IP > url
Type string
Required No
Format url
Default ""

Description: The URL of public IP detection server to be used. Only HTTP protocol is supported Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Public IP > timeout
Type integer
Required No
Default "disabled (0)"

Description: Time in milliseconds to wait for the public ip server to respond

Minimum ≥ 0 Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Public IP > ipv6
Type boolean
Required No
Default false

Description: Whether to use IPv6 for public IP detection server Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Public IP > key
Type string
Required No
Same definition as key

Description: Key of the module Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Public IP > keyColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as keyColor

Description: Color of the module key. Left empty to use display.color.keys Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Public IP > outputColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as outputColor

Description: Output color of the module. Left empty to use display.color.output Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Public IP > keyWidth
Type integer
Required No
Default 0
Same definition as keyWidth

Description: Width of the module key. Use 0 to use display.keyWidth Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Public IP > format
Type string
Required No
Same definition as format

Description: Output format of the module. See -h &lt;module&gt;-format for detail Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Separator

Title: Separator

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- type No const No - Print a separator line
- string No string No - Set the string to be printed
- outputColor No enum (of string) No Same as outputColor Output color of the module. Left empty to use `display.color.output` Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Separator > type
Type const
Required No

Description: Print a separator line

Specific value: "separator" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Separator > string
Type string
Required No
Default "-"

Description: Set the string to be printed Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Separator > outputColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as outputColor

Description: Output color of the module. Left empty to use display.color.output Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Sound

Title: Sound

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- type No const No - Print sound devices, volume, etc
- soundType No enum (of string) No - Set what type of sound devices should be printed
- percent No object No Same as percent Threshold of percentage colors
- key No string No Same as key Key of the module
- keyColor No enum (of string) No Same as keyColor Color of the module key. Left empty to use `display.color.keys`
- outputColor No enum (of string) No Same as outputColor Output color of the module. Left empty to use `display.color.output`
- keyWidth No integer No Same as keyWidth Width of the module key. Use 0 to use `display.keyWidth`
- format No string No Same as format Output format of the module. See `-h <module>-format` for detail Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Sound > type
Type const
Required No

Description: Print sound devices, volume, etc

Specific value: "sound" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Sound > soundType
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Default "main"

Description: Set what type of sound devices should be printed

Must be one of:

  • "main"
  • "active"
  • "all" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Sound > percent
Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Same definition as percent

Description: Threshold of percentage colors Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Sound > key
Type string
Required No
Same definition as key

Description: Key of the module Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Sound > keyColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as keyColor

Description: Color of the module key. Left empty to use display.color.keys Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Sound > outputColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as outputColor

Description: Output color of the module. Left empty to use display.color.output Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Sound > keyWidth
Type integer
Required No
Default 0
Same definition as keyWidth

Description: Width of the module key. Use 0 to use display.keyWidth Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Sound > format
Type string
Required No
Same definition as format

Description: Output format of the module. See -h &lt;module&gt;-format for detail Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Swap

Title: Swap

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- type No const No - Print swap (paging file) space usage
- percent No object No Same as percent Threshold of percentage colors
- key No string No Same as key Key of the module
- keyColor No enum (of string) No Same as keyColor Color of the module key. Left empty to use `display.color.keys`
- outputColor No enum (of string) No Same as outputColor Output color of the module. Left empty to use `display.color.output`
- keyWidth No integer No Same as keyWidth Width of the module key. Use 0 to use `display.keyWidth`
- format No string No Same as format Output format of the module. See `-h <module>-format` for detail Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Swap > type
Type const
Required No

Description: Print swap (paging file) space usage

Specific value: "swap" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Swap > percent
Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Same definition as percent

Description: Threshold of percentage colors Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Swap > key
Type string
Required No
Same definition as key

Description: Key of the module Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Swap > keyColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as keyColor

Description: Color of the module key. Left empty to use display.color.keys Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Swap > outputColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as outputColor

Description: Output color of the module. Left empty to use display.color.output Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Swap > keyWidth
Type integer
Required No
Default 0
Same definition as keyWidth

Description: Width of the module key. Use 0 to use display.keyWidth Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Swap > format
Type string
Required No
Same definition as format

Description: Output format of the module. See -h &lt;module&gt;-format for detail Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Title

Title: Title

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- type No const No - Print title, which contains your user name, hostname
- fqdn No boolean No - Set if the title should use fully qualified domain name
- color No object No - Set colors of the different part of title
- key No string No Same as key Key of the module
- keyColor No enum (of string) No Same as keyColor Color of the module key. Left empty to use `display.color.keys`
- outputColor No enum (of string) No Same as outputColor Output color of the module. Left empty to use `display.color.output`
- keyWidth No integer No Same as keyWidth Width of the module key. Use 0 to use `display.keyWidth`
- format No string No Same as format Output format of the module. See `-h <module>-format` for detail Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Title > type
Type const
Required No

Description: Print title, which contains your user name, hostname

Specific value: "title" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Title > fqdn
Type boolean
Required No
Default false

Description: Set if the title should use fully qualified domain name Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Title > color
Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]

Description: Set colors of the different part of title

Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- user No enum (of string) No Same as 1 Set color of the user name (left part)
- at No enum (of string) No Same as 1 Set color of the @ symbol (middle part)
- host No enum (of string) No Same as 1 Set color of the host name (right part) Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Title > color > user
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as 1

Description: Set color of the user name (left part) Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Title > color > at
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as 1

Description: Set color of the @ symbol (middle part) Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Title > color > host
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as 1

Description: Set color of the host name (right part) Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Title > key
Type string
Required No
Same definition as key

Description: Key of the module Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Title > keyColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as keyColor

Description: Color of the module key. Left empty to use display.color.keys Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Title > outputColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as outputColor

Description: Output color of the module. Left empty to use display.color.output Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Title > keyWidth
Type integer
Required No
Default 0
Same definition as keyWidth

Description: Width of the module key. Use 0 to use display.keyWidth Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Title > format
Type string
Required No
Same definition as format

Description: Output format of the module. See -h &lt;module&gt;-format for detail Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Weather

Title: Weather

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- type No const No - Print weather information
- location No string No - The location to display
- timeout No integer No - Time in milliseconds to wait for the weather server to respond
- outputFormat No string No - The output weather format to be used (must be URI encoded)
- key No string No Same as key Key of the module
- keyColor No enum (of string) No Same as keyColor Color of the module key. Left empty to use `display.color.keys`
- outputColor No enum (of string) No Same as outputColor Output color of the module. Left empty to use `display.color.output`
- keyWidth No integer No Same as keyWidth Width of the module key. Use 0 to use `display.keyWidth`
- format No string No Same as format Output format of the module. See `-h <module>-format` for detail Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Weather > type
Type const
Required No

Description: Print weather information

Specific value: "weather" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Weather > location
Type string
Required No

Description: The location to display Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Weather > timeout
Type integer
Required No
Default "disabled (0)"

Description: Time in milliseconds to wait for the weather server to respond

Minimum ≥ 0 Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Weather > outputFormat
Type string
Required No
Default "%t+-+%C+(%l)"

Description: The output weather format to be used (must be URI encoded) Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Weather > key
Type string
Required No
Same definition as key

Description: Key of the module Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Weather > keyColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as keyColor

Description: Color of the module key. Left empty to use display.color.keys Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Weather > outputColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as outputColor

Description: Output color of the module. Left empty to use display.color.output Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Weather > keyWidth
Type integer
Required No
Default 0
Same definition as keyWidth

Description: Width of the module key. Use 0 to use display.keyWidth Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > Weather > format
Type string
Required No
Same definition as format

Description: Output format of the module. See -h &lt;module&gt;-format for detail Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > WM

Title: WM

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Property Pattern Type Deprecated Definition Title/Description
- type No const No - Print window manager name and version
- detectPlugin No boolean No - Set if window manager plugin should be detected on supported platforms
- key No string No Same as key Key of the module
- keyColor No enum (of string) No Same as keyColor Color of the module key. Left empty to use `display.color.keys`
- outputColor No enum (of string) No Same as outputColor Output color of the module. Left empty to use `display.color.output`
- keyWidth No integer No Same as keyWidth Width of the module key. Use 0 to use `display.keyWidth`
- format No string No Same as format Output format of the module. See `-h <module>-format` for detail Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > WM > type
Type const
Required No

Description: Print window manager name and version

Specific value: "wm" Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > WM > detectPlugin
Type boolean
Required No
Default false

Description: Set if window manager plugin should be detected on supported platforms Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > WM > key
Type string
Required No
Same definition as key

Description: Key of the module Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > WM > keyColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as keyColor

Description: Color of the module key. Left empty to use display.color.keys Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > WM > outputColor
Type enum (of string)
Required No
Same definition as outputColor

Description: Output color of the module. Left empty to use display.color.output Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > WM > keyWidth
Type integer
Required No
Default 0
Same definition as keyWidth

Description: Width of the module key. Use 0 to use display.keyWidth Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > oneOf > WM > format
Type string
Required No
Same definition as format

Description: Output format of the module. See -h &lt;module&gt;-format for detail Property JSON config > modules > modules items > anyOf > item 1 > type
Type string
Required Yes

Generated using json-schema-for-humans on 2024-05-30 at 14:00:55 +0800