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hard to interpret error in #392

tlambert03 opened this issue Dec 8, 2023 · 5 comments

hard to interpret error in #392

tlambert03 opened this issue Dec 8, 2023 · 5 comments


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Looks like tries to infer the environment, but it looks like some of the assumptions/logic it's using is a bit faulty and can result in a NameError:

❯ python examples/desktop/line_collection/
/Users/talley/dev/forks/fastplotlib/fastplotlib/graphics/_features/ UserWarning: converting float64 array to float32
  warn(f"converting {array.dtype} array to float32")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/talley/dev/forks/fastplotlib/examples/desktop/line_collection/", line 27, in <module>
  File "/Users/talley/dev/forks/fastplotlib/fastplotlib/layouts/_frame/", line 170, in show
    self._output = QOutputContext(
NameError: name 'QOutputContext' is not defined
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I can probably figure out what is needed, but one way or another, the code probably shouldn't ever reach that NameError

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(using pyqt6 instead of pyside6 solved it... but the error is still confusing)

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Sorry for the late reply, busy time of year! I think the issue is that you tried to force the Qt canvas but pyqt6 was not installed. Right now the %gui qt hook specifically looks for pyqt6, we have plans for pyside etc. support on the roadmap #384

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What makes you say that? I use the %gui qt magic with pyside all the time.

I also could get this error simply by running the script outside of ipython.

But in any case, the issue here is not “add support for pyside”, it’s “ensure that a name error is never encountered, regardless of the user’s environment”

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Yup that hook works with pyside, but fastplotlib doesn't. This is one place where we need to add more than pyqt6:

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kushalkolar commented Apr 1, 2024

this was fixed in #431 , GUI selection mostly done by WGPU now

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