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Full Experiment

Here we describe a full working example of how to use PanPA to generate a panproteome of some assemblies and perform alignments with query sequences against this panproteome. We will collect annotations from NCBI of 10 E. coli assemblies. The general steps are:

  1. Downloading annotations of the example assemblies
  2. Separating the downloaded into two groups, one for building the Panproteome and one for alignment (leave one out)
  3. Generating protein clusters
  4. Generating MSAs from the protein clusters
  5. Generating graphs in GFA format from the MSAs
  6. Indexing the set of MSAs/GFAs
  7. Aligning the left-out samples back to the generated panproteome


For this example, you need to install PanPA, mmseqs for clustering, and some MSA software like clustalo for example. You can get mmseqs using conda, brew, docker, or simply downloading the precompiled version with wget; tar xvfz mmseqs-linux-avx2.tar.gz


In this example, we will be using 10 E. coli assemblies/annotations randomly selected from RefSeq. The list of ftp links are listed in ftp_links.txt Here

Accession FTP Link










Step 1: Download annotations

To download the annotations using the FTP links from RefSeq with the download script

$ bash ftp_links.txt

This will download 10 the proteins FASTA file for each assembly.

Step 2: Separating into groups

We can use 9 of these assemblies to generate the protein clusters, hence graphs and use the last 1 to align back to the grpahs generated. Therefore, we can mix all the proteins form 9 of these assemblies to generate the clusters and leave one out for the alignment.

  • Let's keep one of these FASTA files for the alignments later, this one was chosen randomly
$ gzip -cd GCF_000006625.1_ASM662v1_protein.faa.gz > GCF_000006625.1_ASM662v1_protein.fasta && rm GCF_000006625.1_ASM662v1_protein.faa.gz
  • We can now merge all sequences from the other 9 into one FASTA file
$ for f in *faa.gz;do gzip -cd $f >> all_proteins.fasta && rm $f;done
  • You can use to calculate simple statistics on any FASTA or FASTQ file. However, it only accepts files where each sequence is contained in one line. Therefore, we can use this one-liner to remove the new lines in the sequence
$ awk '/^>/ {printf("\n%s\n",$0);next; } { printf("%s",$0);}  END {printf("\n");}' < all_proteins.fasta | sed '/^$/d' > tmp && mv tmp all_proteins.fasta

$ bash scripts/ all_proteins.fasta
61979 reads
27500039 total length
443.699 average read length

Step 3: Generating clusters with mmseqs

Now that we have all proteins from the 9 assemblies, we can cluster them using mmseqs. The parameters chosen here are just an example, but this of course can be changed.

$ ./mmseqs easy-linclust all_proteins.fasta all_proteins_cluster tmp --min-seq-id 0.4
$ rm -r tmp/

After running mmseqs, we get several outputs, a table with cluster names and sequences in the cluster all_proteins_cluster_cluster.tsv, a FASTA file with the representetive sequences all_proteins_cluster_rep_seq.fasta, and a FASTA file with all sequences all_proteins_cluster_all_seqs.fasta.

We need each cluster to be in a separate FASTA file, you can then use scripts/ which a simple Python script that takes a simple txt file with sequences names and the FASTA file with all sequences and an output directory, and it outputs the sequences of each cluster in a separate FASTA file:

$ cut -f1 all_proteins_cluster_cluster.tsv | uniq > cluster_names.txt
$ mkdir clusters
$ python3 scripts/ cluster_names.txt all_proteins_cluster_all_seqs.fasta clusters/

Step 4: Generating MSAs from clusters

This, of course, can be done using many different MSA tools, for this tutorial we used clustalo, where we first move all clusters that contain one sequence because there's nothing to do, then we run clustalo on each clusters to generate an MSA.

$ python3 /scripts/alignment_validation/ clusters msas
$ for f ``ls -1 clusters/``;do ./clustalo --in clusters/$f > msas/$f;done

This will take some time to run as there are many clusters.

Step 5: MSA to GFA

Now that we have many MSAs, we can use PanPA to generate a graph for each MSA.

$ mkdir graphs
$ PanPA build_gfa -d msas/ -c 4 -o graphs

The build_index subcommand can take several cores and run in parallel, here we gave it 4 cores, and finished converting all clusters to graphs in about 2 minutes on a standard laptop.

Step 6: Indexing

We need to also index the MSAs where we use the index to guide the alignment to which graphs to align to as we have a 1 to 1 equivalency between an MSA and a GFA, if a seed points to e.g. MSA1 then we align to GFA1. The user can choose several parameters for indexing and can increase or decrease the seed size depending on the data used.

$ PanPA build_index -d msas/ --seeding_alg wk_min -k 5 -w 3 --seed_limit 0 -o index_k5_w3_no_limit.index

This step takes a bit more tan 1 minute

Step 7: Aligning

Finally, we have generated graphs and an index, we can give both of these to the align subcommand in PanPA and some query sequences to do the alignments.

$ PanPA align -d graphs/ --index index_k5_w3_no_limit.index -r GCF_000006625.1_ASM662v1_protein.fasta --min_id_score 0.5 --seed_limit 30 -c 4 -o GCF_000006625.1_aligned.gaf

This subcommand can also take several cores which makes alignment faster. For these parameters the aligment was done in about a minute.