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ScribeUI is an application to create mapfiles with many scale levels.

To get the latest release, clone this repo and then checkout tags/v0.5

If you are updating from a previous version, please follow the migration instructions at the end of this document before checking out.

Automated install using Makefile

Note Checkout master to have this option available, as it is not yet available in any release.

You can use the Makefile to automatically setup ScribeUI for you, simply run:

    sudo make download_deps
    sudo make install

This will download and install the required dependencies, setup the differents configurations files and install them in the proper directories.

NOTE: If you install ScribeUI on your 'localhost' on specific port, you have to modify "./" and specify "" instead of "my_server_name" and restart apache.


Downloading template data is optional, but recommended for a better experience. The basicscribe-data option is for a light download:

    sudo make load-demo-data   ==> (644Mb)


    sudo make load-basicscribe-data   ==> (8Mb)

This will download some natural earth data and will help you get started with ScribeUI by making templates readily working so you don't start with an empty mapfile. (The template code is still available if you don't download the data, but the result will be pink tiles).

Manual installation


  • Apache
  • Python (tested with 2.7.3 only)
  • Mod WSGI 3.4
  • Flask 0.10.1
  • MapServer (version 6.2 or higher)
  • Sqlite3

You can install them using aptitude and pip:

sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi cgi-mapserver sqlite3
sudo pip install Flask


  • Make a copy of the application/runserver.dist.wsgi file as application/runserver.wsgi and edit it. Change the path accordingly.

    cp application/runserver.dist.wsgi application/runserver.wsgi
    vim application/runserver.wsgi
  • Make a copy of the file as and edit it. Change the ip variable accordingly.

  • To reset the sqlite3 database, open a python shell as admin from the the application directory:

    cd application
    sudo python

    in the python shell:

    from init import init_db
  • Place elfinder-python in your cgi-bin repository (/usr/lib/cgi-bin)

    sudo cp -ap elfinder-python /usr/lib/cgi-bin/
  • The owner of the the db folder and the workspace folder must be the current user or www-data if the application is on a server:

    sudo chown -R www-data application/db application/workspaces \
    application/www /usr/lib/cgi-bin/elfinder-python/
  • Run the makefile to download the data


Apache configuration

In /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ScribeUI.conf, use the following configuration (change the path):


WSGIScriptAlias /ScribeUI /opt/apps/ScribeUI/application/
AddType text/html .py
<Directory /opt/apps/ScribeUI/application/templates>
  Order deny,allow
  Allow from all

Alias /ScribeUI/download/ "/opt/apps/ScribeUI/application/www/"
<Directory "/opt/apps/ScribeUI/application/www/">
  AllowOverride None
  Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Multiviews
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all

Note: if there are segfaults in the apache error logs after adding this config, it is fixed by restarting apache.

Version Update and Workspace Migration

If you are updating your version of ScribeUI from an earlier version to 0.2, please follow these instructions:

  • Change the owner of the database and workspace folders back to yourself:

      sudo chown -R yourusername application/db application/workspaces 
  • Checkout the latest release of ScribeUI

      git checkout tags/v0.5
  • Run the update script:

      python application/ 
  • Change the owner of the database and workspace back to www-data:

      sudo chown -R www-data application/db application/workspaces 
  • (optionnal) Restart apache:

      sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
  • The first time you edit a map, add the following line to the map element:

      INCLUDE: '../' 

If you choose not to restart apache, the new version of ScribeUI might take a while to go live because of mod_wsgi.