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Net2Net MNIST Example for Comments #3491

dolaameng opened this issue Aug 16, 2016 · 3 comments

Net2Net MNIST Example for Comments #3491

dolaameng opened this issue Aug 16, 2016 · 3 comments


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I am posting an PR candidate for comments. It is an implementation of "Net2Net: Accelerating Learning via Knowledge Transfer". Updates can be found on my fork.

I noticed there have been several implementations on github, e.g., paengs/Net2Net, DanielSlater/Net2Net, and DT42/net2net_demo. I have tried to squeeze the code into one example file. The current implementation is tested on MNIST - it is fast to run but may not be the ideal case for demonstrating the power of net2net models - slight improvements have been observed against benchmarks.

I am looking for comments on the code so that I may make a PR if possible, as well as

  1. potential bugs
  2. stronger evidence of advantages on other datasets
  3. more natural ways of integrating net2net mechanism into Keras, e.g., specific weight_initializers, layer_wrappers and etc.

See codes below. Thanks!

'''This is an implementation of Net2Net experiment with MNIST in 
"Net2Net: Accelerating Learning via Knowledge Transfer"
by Tianqi Chen, Ian Goodfellow, and Jonathon Shlens

arXiv:1511.05641v4 [cs.LG] 23 Apr 2016

Tested with "Theano" backend and "th" image_dim_ordering. 
Performance Comparisons - loss value of first 3 epoches:
(1) teacher_model:             0.44    0.14    0.09
(2) wider_random_pad:          0.09    0.05    0.04
(3) wider_net2wider:           0.07    0.05    0.05
(4) deeper_random_init:        0.18    0.07    0.05
(5) deeper_net2deeper:         0.07    0.05    0.04

from __future__ import print_function

from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Conv2D, MaxPooling2D, Dense, Flatten
from keras.utils import np_utils
from keras.datasets import mnist

import numpy as np 

input_shape = (1, 28, 28) # image shape

## load and pre-process data

(train_x, train_y), (validation_x, validation_y) = mnist.load_data()
preprocess_input = lambda x: x.reshape((-1, ) + input_shape) / 255.
preprocess_output = lambda y: np_utils.to_categorical(y)
train_x, validation_x = map(preprocess_input, [train_x, validation_x])
train_y, validation_y = map(preprocess_output, [train_y, validation_y])
print("Loading MNIST data...")
print("train_x shape:", train_x.shape, "train_y shape:", train_y.shape)
print("validation_x shape:", validation_x.shape, "validation_y shape", validation_y.shape, "\n")

## algorithm for wider/deeper layers

def wider2net_conv2d(teacher_w1, teacher_b1, teacher_w2, new_width, init):
    """Get initial weights for a wider conv2d layer with a bigger nb_filter, 
    by 'random-padding' or 'net2wider'.

    # Auguments
        teacher_w1: `weight` of conv2d layer to become wider, of shape (nb_filter1, nb_channel1, h1, w1)
        teacher_b1: `bias` of conv2d layer to become wider, of shape (nb_filter1, )
        teacher_w2: `weight` of next connected conv2d layer, of shape (nb_filter2, nb_channel2, h2, w2)
        new_width: new `nb_filter` for the wider conv2d layer
        init: initialization algorithm for new weights, either 'random-pad' or 'net2wider'

    assert teacher_w1.shape[0] == teacher_w2.shape[1]  # nb_filter1 == nb_channel2 for connected layers
    assert teacher_w1.shape[0] == teacher_b1.shape[0]
    assert new_width > teacher_w1.shape[0]

    n = new_width - teacher_w1.shape[0]
    if init == 'random-pad': 
        new_w1 = np.random.normal(0, 0.1, size = (n, ) + teacher_w1.shape[1:])
        new_b1 = np.ones(n) * 0.1
        new_w2 = np.random.normal(0, 0.1, size = (teacher_w2.shape[0], n) + teacher_w2.shape[2:] )
    elif init == 'net2wider':
        index = np.random.randint(teacher_w1.shape[0], size = n)
        factors = np.bincount(index)[index] + 1.
        new_w1 = teacher_w1[index, :, :, :]
        new_b1 = teacher_b1[index]
        new_w2 = teacher_w2[:, index, :, :] / factors.reshape((1, -1, 1, 1))      
        raise ValueError("Unsupported weight initializer: %s" % init)

    student_w1 = np.concatenate((teacher_w1, new_w1), axis = 0)
    student_w2 = np.concatenate((teacher_w2, new_w2), axis = 1)
    if init == 'net2wider':
        student_w2[:, index, :, :] = new_w2
    student_b1 = np.concatenate((teacher_b1, new_b1), axis = 0)

    return student_w1, student_b1, student_w2

def wider2net_fc(teacher_w1, teacher_b1, teacher_w2, new_width, init):
    """Get initial weights for a wider fully connected (dense) layer with a bigger nout, 
    by 'random-padding' or 'net2wider'.

    # Auguments
        teacher_w1: `weight` of fc layer to become wider, of shape (nin1, nout1)
        teacher_b1: `bias` of fc layer to become wider, of shape (nout1, )
        teacher_w2: `weight` of next connected fc layer, of shape (nin2, nout2)
        new_width: new `nout` for the wider fc layer
        init: initialization algorithm for new weights, either 'random-pad' or 'net2wider'

    assert teacher_w1.shape[1] == teacher_w2.shape[0] ## nout1 == nin2 for connected layers
    assert teacher_w1.shape[1] == teacher_b1.shape[0]
    assert new_width > teacher_w1.shape[1]

    n = new_width - teacher_w1.shape[1]
    if init == 'random-pad':
        new_w1 = np.random.normal(0, 0.1, size = (teacher_w1.shape[0], n))
        new_b1 = np.ones(n) * 0.1
        new_w2 = np.random.normal(0, 0.1, size = (n, teacher_w2.shape[1]))
    elif init == 'net2wider':
        index = np.random.randint(teacher_w1.shape[1], size = n)
        factors = np.bincount(index)[index] + 1.
        new_w1 = teacher_w1[:, index]
        new_b1 = teacher_b1[index]
        new_w2 = teacher_w2[index, :] / factors[:, np.newaxis]
        raise ValueError("Unsupported weight initializer: %s" % init)

    student_w1 = np.concatenate((teacher_w1, new_w1), axis = 1)
    student_w2 = np.concatenate((teacher_w2, new_w2), axis = 0)
    if init == 'net2wider':
        student_w2[index, :] = new_w2
    student_b1 = np.concatenate((teacher_b1, new_b1), axis = 0)

    return student_w1, student_b1, student_w2

def deeper2net_conv2d(teacher_w):
    """Get initial weights for a deeper conv2d layer by net2deeper'.

    # Auguments
        teacher_w: `weight` of previous conv2d layer, of shape (nb_filter, nb_channel, h, w)
    nb_filter, nb_channel, w, h = teacher_w.shape
    student_w = np.zeros((nb_filter, nb_filter, w, h))
    for i in xrange(nb_filter):
        student_w[i, i, (h - 1) / 2, (w - 1) / 2] = 1.
    student_b = np.zeros(nb_filter)
    return student_w, student_b

def copy_weights(teacher_model, student_model, layer_names):
    """Copy weights from teacher_model to student_model, 
     for layers listed in layer_names 
    for name in layer_names:
        weights = teacher_model.get_layer(name = name).get_weights()
        student_model.get_layer(name = name).set_weights(weights)

## experiments setup

def make_teacher_model(train_data, validation_data):
    """Train a simple CNN as teacher model.
    model = Sequential()
    model.add(Conv2D(64, 3, 3, input_shape = input_shape, border_mode = "same", name = "conv1"))
    model.add(MaxPooling2D(name = "pool1"))
    model.add(Conv2D(128, 3, 3, border_mode = "same", name = "conv2"))
    model.add(MaxPooling2D(name = "pool2"))
    model.add(Flatten(name = "flatten"))
    model.add(Dense(128, activation = "relu", name = "fc1"))
    model.add(Dense(10, activation = "softmax", name = "fc2"))
    model.compile(loss = "categorical_crossentropy", optimizer = "sgd", metrics = ["accuracy"])

    train_x, train_y = train_data
    history =, train_y, nb_epoch=3, validation_data = validation_data)
    return model, history

def make_wider_student_model(teacher_model, train_data, validation_data, init):
    """Train a wider student model based on teacher_model, with either 'random-pad' (baseline)
    or 'net2wider'
    new_conv1_width = 128
    new_fc1_width = 256

    model = Sequential()
    ## a wider conv1 compared to teacher_model
    model.add(Conv2D(new_conv1_width, 3, 3, input_shape = input_shape, border_mode = "same", name = "conv1"))
    model.add(MaxPooling2D(name = "pool1"))
    model.add(Conv2D(128, 3, 3, border_mode = "same", name = "conv2"))
    model.add(MaxPooling2D(name = "pool2"))
    model.add(Flatten(name = "flatten"))
    ## a wider fc1 compared to teacher model
    model.add(Dense(new_fc1_width, activation = "relu", name = "fc1"))
    model.add(Dense(10, activation = "softmax", name = "fc2"))

    ## The weights for other layers need to be copied from teacher_model 
    ## to student_model, except for widened layers and their immediate downstreams, 
    ## which will be initialized separately.
    ## For this example there are no other layers that need to be copied.

    w_conv1, b_conv1 = teacher_model.get_layer("conv1").get_weights()
    w_conv2, b_conv2 = teacher_model.get_layer("conv2").get_weights()
    new_w_conv1, new_b_conv1, new_w_conv2  = wider2net_conv2d(w_conv1, b_conv1, w_conv2, new_conv1_width, init)
    model.get_layer("conv1").set_weights([new_w_conv1, new_b_conv1])
    model.get_layer("conv2").set_weights([new_w_conv2, b_conv2])

    w_fc1, b_fc1 = teacher_model.get_layer("fc1").get_weights()
    w_fc2, b_fc2 = teacher_model.get_layer("fc2").get_weights()
    new_w_fc1, new_b_fc1, new_w_fc2  = wider2net_fc(w_fc1, b_fc1, w_fc2, new_fc1_width, init)
    model.get_layer("fc1").set_weights([new_w_fc1, new_b_fc1])
    model.get_layer("fc2").set_weights([new_w_fc2, b_fc2])

    model.compile(loss = "categorical_crossentropy", optimizer = "sgd", metrics = ["accuracy"])

    train_x, train_y = train_data
    history =, train_y, nb_epoch=3, validation_data = validation_data)
    return model, history

def make_deeper_student_model(teacher_model, train_data, validation_data, init):
    """Train a deeper student model based on teacher_model, with either 'random-init' (baseline)
    or 'net2deeper'
    model = Sequential()
    model.add(Conv2D(64, 3, 3, input_shape = input_shape, border_mode = "same", name = "conv1"))
    model.add(MaxPooling2D(name = "pool1"))
    model.add(Conv2D(128, 3, 3, border_mode = "same", name = "conv2"))
    ## add another conv2d layer to make original conv2 deeper
    if init == "net2deeper":
        prev_w, _ = model.get_layer("conv2").get_weights()
        new_weights = deeper2net_conv2d(prev_w)
        model.add(Conv2D(128, 3, 3, border_mode = "same", name = "conv2-deeper", weights = new_weights))
    elif init == "random-init":
        model.add(Conv2D(128, 3, 3, border_mode = "same", name = "conv2-deeper"))
        raise ValueError("Unsupported weight initializer: %s" % init)
    model.add(Dense(128, activation="relu", name="fc1"))
    ## add another fc layer to make original fc1 deeper
    if init == "net2deeper":
        ## net2deeper for fc layer with relu, is just an identity initializer
        model.add(Dense(128, init = "identity", activation = "relu", name = "fc1-deeper"))
    elif init == "random-init":
        model.add(Dense(128, activation = "relu", name = "fc1-deeper"))
        raise ValueError("Unsupported weight initializer: %s" % init)
    model.add(Dense(10, activation="softmax", name="fc2"))

    ## copy weights for other layers
    copy_weights(teacher_model, model, layer_names=["conv1", "conv2", "fc1", "fc2"])

    model.compile(loss = "categorical_crossentropy", optimizer = "sgd", metrics = ["accuracy"])

    train_x, train_y = train_data
    history =, train_y, nb_epoch=3, validation_data = validation_data)
    return model, history

def net2wider_experiment():
    """Benchmark performances of 
    (1) a teach model, 
    (2) a wider student model with `random_pad` initializer
    (3) a wider student model with `Net2WiderNet` initializer
    train_data = (train_x, train_y)
    validation_data = (validation_x, validation_y)
    print("Experiment of Net2WiderNet ...")
    print("building teacher model ...")
    teacher_model, teacher_history = make_teacher_model(train_data, validation_data)

    print("building wider student model by random padding ...")
    random_student_model, random_student_history = make_wider_student_model(
    print("building wider student model by net2wider ...")
    net2wider_student_model, net2wider_student_history = make_wider_student_model(

def net2deeper_experiment():
    """Benchmark performances of 
    (1) a teach model, 
    (2) a deeper student model with `random_init` initializer
    (3) a deeper student model with `Net2DeeperNet` initializer
    train_data = (train_x, train_y)
    validation_data = (validation_x, validation_y)
    print("Experiment of Net2DeeperNet ...")
    print("building teacher model ...")
    teacher_model, teacher_history = make_teacher_model(train_data, validation_data)

    print("building deeper student model by random init ...")
    random_student_model, random_student_history = make_deeper_student_model(
    print("building deeper student model by net2deeper ...")
    net2deeper_student_model, net2deeper_student_history = make_deeper_student_model(

## run the experiments

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Yes, that would make an interesting example. It would require a bit more explanations in the docstring I think. Feel free to create a PR.

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Thanks for comments @fchollet I will work on the explanations and create the PR.

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PR created #3503

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