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27 lines (21 loc) · 1.13 KB


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27 lines (21 loc) · 1.13 KB


Tap "News" iconTap "News" icon
---.. figure:: ../_static/images/usage/News-messages.png



Finish/exit qrcode

News messages

The news icon is only visible if the event supports real-time news and track updates. If necessary, the number of new messages is shown in red above the icon. Once the messages have been read, the number will no longer be shown until a new message arrives.

If a track is actively recording, it is very likely that you have the mobile phone in a bracelet or your pocket and therefore cannot see if there are any new messages coming in. You may have earplugs in and be listening to music, for example. In this case, you can use the app's settings <../getting-started/settings> to indicate that you either want to hear a short sound as soon as there is a new message or that you want to play the message via Text-to-speech.