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executable file
78 lines (52 loc) · 2.42 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
78 lines (52 loc) · 2.42 KB


Example use of the FeathersJS fgraphql hook.


This app shows the use of the fgraphql hook from @feathers-plus/feathers-hooks-common.

This app was generated using @feathers-plus/cli (a.k.a. cli+).

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repo to your machine.

  2. Install your dependencies

    cd path/to/hooks-graphql-example
    npm install
  3. Start your app

    npm start
  4. The console will display populated data from the users service.

Other commands

npm install -g @feathers-plus/cli         # Install cli+
feathers-plus generate fakes              # Generate new fake data with cli+

npm start                                 # Start the server.
npm run start:seed                        # Start the server and reseed the database with the fake data.

Modules of interest

src/services/users/users.populate.js      # Configure the fgraphql hook for the users service.
src/services/users/users.hooks.js         # Attach the fgraphql hook to the users service.
src/index.js                              # Run users.find() on startup.

src/services/graphql/graphql.schemas.js   # The generated schema
src/services/graphql/service.resolvers.js # The generated resolver functions


Feathers-plus has a powerful command line interface. Here are a few things it can do:

$ npm install -g @feathers-plus/cli       # Install cli+

$ feathers-plus generate options          # Specify options for this app
$ feathers-plus generate app              # Generate scaffolding for app
$ feathers-plus generate authentication   # Generate authentication and user-entity service
$ feathers-plus generate secret           # Generate a new secret for authentication
$ feathers-plus generate service          # Generate a new service with its model
$ feathers-plus generate hook             # Generate a hook
$ feathers-plus generate graphql          # Generate a GraphQL endpoint for the services
$ feathers-plus generate fakes            # Generate fake data
$ feathers-plus generate test             # Generate a test
$ feathers-plus generate all              # Regenerate the entire app


For more information on all the things you can do, visit the generator, FeathersJS and extensions.


Copyright (c) 2018

Licensed under the MIT license.