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FMN Server-Sent Events

This repository is kept for historical purposes only. It was merged into the fmn repository and you should look there if you would like to contribute or report an issue!

FMN is a family of systems to manage end-user notifications triggered by fedmsg, the Federated Message bus.

The FMN Server-Sent Events server allows users to view their fedmsg feed in realtime using server-sent events. It relies on a service to populate the RabbitMQ message queues for it. Typically, this is done with the FMN core services.


To get fmn.sse directly from PyPi you can use pip:

pip install fmn.sse

If you're using Fedora, you can install it with DNF:

sudo dnf install python-fmn-sse

If you're using CentOS 7, you can install it from EPEL 7 with yum:

sudo yum install python-fmn-sse

Development Environment

To set up the development environment, you can either use Vagrant to provision a virtual machine and automatically configure it, or you can manually set up the environment.


The easiest way to get a development environment set up is with Vagrant. Refer to the fmn repository for the Vagrantfile and instructions on how to set up Vagrant.


  1. Install the system dependencies. For Fedora:
sudo dnf install python python-devel python3-devel python-virtualenvwrapper \
rabbitmq-server python-pip gcc libffi-devel openssl-devel zeromq-devel
  1. Install the Python dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Install the fmn.sse package:
pip install -e .


  1. Ensure RabbitMQ is running:
sudo systemctl start rabbitmq-server
  1. Start the SSE server:
twistd -n -l - -y usr/share/fmn.sse/server.tac
  1. Make sure the server is available. This should return a HTTP 404:
curl -v http://localhost:8080/

Test Data

workon sse-py2
pip install pytz

Manual Testing curl seems to work okay for me curl http://localhost:8080/user/bob


open up sse_test_subscriber.html in a browser and look at the JS console

Running unittests

workon sse-py2
python test

with coverage

workon sse-py2
pip install -r requirements-test.txt
py.test --cov=fmn tests/

Common issues

Q: I can't connect to rabbitmq with pika

A: Make sure you are running rabbitmq sudo systemctl start rabbitmq-server

Q: I get the following error

pika.exceptions.ChannelClosed: (406, "PRECONDITION_FAILED - inequivalent arg 'x-message-ttl' for queue '' in vhost '/': received '60000' but current is '86400000'")

A: You have set the queue a ttl that is not the same. You need to either match the ttl or delete the queue and retry.

Go into http://localhost:15672/ and delete the queue. Thats assuming you enabled the management plugin

Q: Nothing is being displayed on the curl

A: Wait a few more seconds, it takes a moment to display the data. If it's more than a minute check to see if the queue has data via the web ui http://localhost:15672/