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File metadata and controls

114 lines (83 loc) · 4.22 KB



Labelatory is a web application for synchronization of labels among repositories stored on diffenrent git services.

Labelatory is available on


To use the Labelatory application you have to do the following steps:

  • Install it via pip
pip install labelatory
  • Set necessary environment variables:
export FLASK_APP=labelatory
export LABELATORY_CONFIG=<PATH TO YOUR credentials_conf.cfg>
  • Run Flask application
flask run
  • Then go to

It is recommenden to use ngrok or another similar program to make Labelatory be able to process webhooks events from your repositories.


The application after launch

Tests passed

Core functionality

The application allows to manage labels (create, update and delete) for given services and repositries according to API of the services.

  • create - if there is a configuration for the label, but repositry doesn't contain this label, create it.
  • update - if the configuration for the label has changed, update this label in repositories; if the label in some repository has changed, but configuration didn't, update this label according to configuration.
  • delete - if new created label for the repository does not correspond with the configuretion, delete this label.

Work with API runs in asynchronous manner.

Web Application functionality

The application is built with Flask framework and uses webhooks cofigured for labels events. Once some action with some label in managable repository is performed, the application reacts on this event and checks whether the label conforms to configuration. If it does not conform, the application reverts this label.

Web interface displays current preferences for services and repositories that were read by the application from the configuration file.

User can change these preferences at his own discretion - customize already defined labels, add new label, add new repository for service.

Adding support for a new service is provided with implementing the interface for comunnication with git service according to API documentation of the new service.

User can save his customized preferences to local configuration file.

Configuration file example

Credentials cofiguration file is stored locally and contains data for accessing the services and defines, where the label configuration file is stored.

Credentials cofiguration file example:

type = <TYPE>
repo = github_username/github_config_repo

token = <GITHUB_TOKEN>

host = <HOST>
token = <GITLAB_TOKEN>
  • config - defines, where the label configuration file is stored.
    • type (required) - can be "local" or "remote"
    • repo (required for "remote" type) - defines a repo on github, where the label configuration file is stored (confuration file must have name "labels_conf.cfg" and be stored in the root of the repository).
  • service.<service_name> (e.g. service.github) - contains "token" for communication with API of the service and "secret" for work with webhooks.
    • token - access token.
    • secret - defines a webhook secret for repo.
    • host (optional) - defines the instance for gitlab case (ex. ""). If host key is not defined, the default "" is used.

Labels settings are stored in configuration files. The example of such a file is below:

github_username/github_repo_1 = true
github_username/github_repo_2 = false

gitlab_username/gitlab_repo_1 = true
gitlab_username/gitlab_repo_2 = false

color = #123456
description = Indicates an unexpected problem or unintended behavior
  • repo.<service_name> (e.g. repo.github) - contains repositories on the service to be controlled.
    • "username/repo" can be either "true" or "false" - manages whether repository must be under control or not.
  • label.<label_name> - describes features of given label name.
    • "color" - defines the color of the label in hex format.
    • "description" - the descrition of the label.