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Daniel Boos edited this page Dec 7, 2023 · 117 revisions

USASpending logo is the official source for spending data for the U.S. Government, per the DATA Act of 2014. Its mission is to show the American public what the federal government spends every year and how it spends the money.

This wiki aims to serve as a guide for navigating around the purpose, domain knowledge, and current configuration of all things related to the DATA Act, the Data Broker, and

  • To get a deeper understanding of our mission and a basic primer on all the domain knowledge, visit the Data Sources page. If you have any further questions on domain knowledge, visit the Federal Spending Guide. Finally, you can always refer back to this wiki for more details.
  • If you are interesting in contributing, start with our readme and contributing files.
  • To get deep into the code, check out our api page.

Remember that while we strive to keep this wiki as accurate as possible, this is documentation written by and for developers, not accountants. Nothing provided here should be taken as a substitute for official documentation of technical or legal concepts. The purpose of this wiki is to provide guidance about how our application works, with more authoritative sources provided for either the tools we use or data we handle whenever appropriate.

See the glossary in the right sidebar to dive into each topic, suggesting to start with the DATA Act.