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File metadata and controls

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Connection Pool

A ClientPool is a thread-safe pool of connections to a MongoDB instance.

From a ClientPool you can create regular Client connections to MongoDB.

const REPLICA_SET_URL = "mongodb://,,"

# creates a ClientPool with a maximum of 4 connections.
pool = Mongoc.ClientPool(REPLICA_SET_URL, max_size=4)

# create Clients from a pool
client1 = Mongoc.Client(pool)
client2 = Mongoc.Client(pool)
client3 = Mongoc.Client(pool)
client4 = Mongoc.Client(pool)

When you reach the maximum number of clients, the next call to Mongoc.Client(pool) will block until a Client is released.

Use try_pop=true option to throw an error instead of blocking the current thread:

# will throw `AssertionError`
client5 = Mongoc.Client(pool, try_pop=true)