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C - Function pointers


  • tests/ - Main functions provided by Holberton School to test the files.
  • function_pointers.h - Header file with function prototypes.


  • 0. What's my name
  • 1. If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you'll never get it done
    • 1-array_iterator.c - Function that executes a function given as a parameter on each element of an array.
  • 2. To hell with circumstances; I create opportunities
  • 3. A goal is not always meant to be reached, it often serves simply as something to aim at
    • Program that performs simple operations.
      • 3-main.c - Main function that calls all functions.
      • 3-get_op_func.c - Function that checks the operator sign and returns the corresponding function.
      • 3-op_functions.c - Contains all the operation functions that return the result.
      • 3-calc.h - Header file with function prototypes and a structure.
