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Authenticating server

The scripts below detail how to start up a simple authentication sever.

In this example the configured redirect URI must match http://localhost:5000/callback and be whitelisted in your application settings. Note that the server need not be accessible from the web. With a server that is hosted elsewhere or one that needs to be accessible from outside, whitelist another redirect URI that matches the server's address.

Run the script and navigate to localhost:5000 to see your user ID. It should be None before logging in. During login you will be redirected to authenticate at Spotify. If access is granted and the state security check passes, another redirection via /callback to an info page will be performed. It should read "successful" and refer you back to the main page. You should now see a generated user ID and your currently playing track. The ID is saved to your session cookies and preserved during navigation. Logging out deletes the cookie and server-stored access token.


The auths dictionary could be used to store arbitrary information. In this example it is used to map the state parameters of ongoing authorisations to UserAuth <tekore.UserAuth> objects.


import tekore as tk

from flask import Flask, request, redirect, session

conf = tk.config_from_environment()
cred = tk.Credentials(*conf)
spotify = tk.Spotify()

auths = {}  # Ongoing authorisations: state -> UserAuth
users = {}  # User tokens: state -> token (use state as a user ID)

in_link = '<a href="/login">login</a>'
out_link = '<a href="/logout">logout</a>'
login_msg = f'You can {in_link} or {out_link}'

def app_factory() -> Flask:
    app = Flask(__name__)
    app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = 'aliens'

    @app.route('/', methods=['GET'])
    def main():
        user = session.get('user', None)
        token = users.get(user, None)

        # Return early if no login or old session
        if user is None or token is None:
            session.pop('user', None)
            return f'User ID: None<br>{login_msg}'

        page = f'User ID: {user}<br>{login_msg}'
        if token.is_expiring:
            token = cred.refresh(token)
            users[user] = token

            with spotify.token_as(token):
                playback = spotify.playback_currently_playing()

            item = if playback else None
            page += f'<br>Now playing: {item}'
        except tk.HTTPError:
            page += '<br>Error in retrieving now playing!'

        return page

    @app.route('/login', methods=['GET'])
    def login():
        if 'user' in session:
            return redirect('/', 307)

        scope = tk.scope.user_read_currently_playing
        auth = tk.UserAuth(cred, scope)
        auths[auth.state] = auth
        return redirect(auth.url, 307)

    @app.route('/callback', methods=['GET'])
    def login_callback():
        code = request.args.get('code', None)
        state = request.args.get('state', None)
        auth = auths.pop(state, None)

        if auth is None:
            return 'Invalid state!', 400

        token = auth.request_token(code, state)
        session['user'] = state
        users[state] = token
        return redirect('/', 307)

    @app.route('/logout', methods=['GET'])
    def logout():
        uid = session.pop('user', None)
        if uid is not None:
            users.pop(uid, None)
        return redirect('/', 307)

    return app

if __name__ == '__main__':
    application = app_factory()'', 5000)


import uvicorn
import tekore as tk
from fastapi import FastAPI, Request
from fastapi.responses import RedirectResponse, HTMLResponse
from starlette.middleware.sessions import SessionMiddleware

app = FastAPI()
app.add_middleware(SessionMiddleware, secret_key="secret_key_placeholder")

conf = tk.config_from_environment()
cred = tk.Credentials(*conf)
spotify = tk.Spotify()

auths = {}  # Ongoing authorisations: state -> UserAuth
users = {}  # User tokens: state -> token (use state as a user ID)

in_link = '<a href="/login">login</a>'
out_link = '<a href="/logout">logout</a>'
login_msg = f"You can {in_link} or {out_link}"

@app.get("/", response_class=HTMLResponse)
def read_root(request: Request):
    user = request.session.get("user", None)
    token = users.get(user, None)

    # Return early if no login or old session
    if user is None or token is None:
        request.session.pop("user", None)
        return f"User ID: None<br>{login_msg}"

    page = f"User ID: {user}<br>{login_msg}"
    if token.is_expiring:
        token = cred.refresh(token)
        users[user] = token

        with spotify.token_as(token):
            playback = spotify.playback_currently_playing()

        item = if playback else None
        page += f"<br>Now playing: {item}"
    except tk.HTTPError:
        page += "<br>Error in retrieving now playing!"

    return HTMLResponse(content=page, status_code=200)

def login(request: Request):
    if "user" in request.session:
        return RedirectResponse(url="/")

    scope = tk.scope.user_read_currently_playing
    auth = tk.UserAuth(cred, scope)
    auths[auth.state] = auth
    return RedirectResponse(auth.url)

def login_callback(request: Request, code: str, state: str):
    auth = auths.pop(state, None)

    if auth is None:
        return "Invalid state!", 400

    token = auth.request_token(code, state)
    request.session["user"] = state
    users[state] = token
    return RedirectResponse("/")

def logout(request: Request):
    uid = request.session.pop("user", None)
    if uid is not None:
        users.pop(uid, None)
    return RedirectResponse("/")

if __name__ == "__main__":