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Now let's explore PatchableInModule PCD class.

Add new PCD to DEC file UefiLessonsPkg/UefiLessonsPkg.dec under the [PcdsPatchableInModule] section:


Populate it to INF UefiLessonsPkg/PCDLesson/PCDLesson.inf:


To get a value of PCD in a *.c file either PatchPcdGet or generic PcdGet should be used.

Let's test both methods:

Print(L"PcdPatchableInt32=0x%x\n", PatchPcdGet32(PcdPatchableInt32));
Print(L"PcdPatchableInt32=0x%x\n", PcdGet32(PcdPatchableInt32));

Now build and look to AutoGen files.


#define _PCD_TOKEN_PcdPatchableInt32  0U
#define _PCD_PATCHABLE_VALUE_PcdPatchableInt32  ((UINT32)0x31313131U)
extern volatile   UINT32  _gPcd_BinaryPatch_PcdPatchableInt32;
#define _PCD_GET_MODE_32_PcdPatchableInt32  _gPcd_BinaryPatch_PcdPatchableInt32
#define _PCD_PATCHABLE_PcdPatchableInt32_SIZE 4
#define _PCD_GET_MODE_SIZE_PcdPatchableInt32  _gPcd_BinaryPatch_Size_PcdPatchableInt32
extern UINTN _gPcd_BinaryPatch_Size_PcdPatchableInt32;
#define _PCD_SET_MODE_32_PcdPatchableInt32(Value)  (_gPcd_BinaryPatch_PcdPatchableInt32 = (Value))
#define _PCD_SET_MODE_32_S_PcdPatchableInt32(Value)  ((_gPcd_BinaryPatch_PcdPatchableInt32 = (Value)), RETURN_SUCCESS)


volatile  UINT32 _gPcd_BinaryPatch_PcdPatchableInt32 = _PCD_PATCHABLE_VALUE_PcdPatchableInt32;
GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED UINTN _gPcd_BinaryPatch_Size_PcdPatchableInt32 = 4;

According to the

#define PatchPcdGet32(TokenName)  _gPcd_BinaryPatch_##TokenName
#define PcdGet32(TokenName)  _PCD_GET_MODE_32_##TokenName

If you unravel preprocessor code, you'll see that both calls translate to the same variable:

PatchPcdGet32(PcdPatchableInt32) -> _gPcd_BinaryPatch_PcdPatchableInt32

PcdGet32(PcdPatchableInt32) -> _PCD_GET_MODE_32_PcdPatchableInt32 ->  _gPcd_BinaryPatch_PcdPatchableInt32

This is a volatile variable that is assigned in the AutoGen.c:

volatile UINT32  _gPcd_BinaryPatch_PcdPatchableInt32 =  _PCD_PATCHABLE_VALUE_PcdPatchableInt32 // = ((UINT32)0x31313131U)

So the main difference from the FixedAtBuild and FeatureFlag PCDs is that the variable defined as volatile and the set functions aren't blocked.

PCD value modification at run-time

Let's try to set our PCD then. As with get, there are two possibilities. You can use either PatchPcdSet<Type> or generic PcdSet<Type>S API

#define PatchPcdSet32(TokenName, Value)  (_gPcd_BinaryPatch_##TokenName = (Value))
#define PcdSet32S(TokenName, Value)         _PCD_SET_MODE_32_S_##TokenName    ((Value))

Keep in mind that PcdSet32S unravels to a macro returning a value, for example:

PcdSet32S(PcdPatchableInt32, 44) -->  _PCD_SET_MODE_32_S_PcdPatchableInt32 ((44)) --> ((_gPcd_BinaryPatch_PcdPatchableInt32 = (44)), RETURN_SUCCESS)

So if you don't want such error:

/<...>/Build/UefiLessonsPkg/RELEASE_GCC5/X64/UefiLessonsPkg/PCDLesson/PCDLesson/DEBUG/AutoGen.h:108:106: error: right-hand operand of comma expression has no effect [-Werror=unused-value]
  108 | #define _PCD_SET_MODE_32_S_PcdPatchableInt32(Value)  ((_gPcd_BinaryPatch_PcdPatchableInt32 = (Value)), RETURN_SUCCESS)
      |                                                        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.

You should use something like this:

EFI_STATUS Status = PcdSet32S(PcdPatchableInt32, 44);
Print(L"Status=%r\n", Status);

The native PatchPcdSet32 API function doesn't require such thing, so you can use it simply as this:

PatchPcdSet32(PcdPatchableInt32, 43);

Test both set methods in app code:

Print(L"PcdPatchableInt32=0x%x\n", PatchPcdGet32(PcdPatchableInt32));
Print(L"PcdPatchableInt32=0x%x\n", PcdGet32(PcdPatchableInt32));
PatchPcdSet32(PcdPatchableInt32, 43);
Print(L"PcdPatchableInt32=%d\n", PatchPcdGet32(PcdPatchableInt32));
EFI_STATUS Status = PcdSet32S(PcdPatchableInt32, 44);
Print(L"Status=%r\n", Status);
Print(L"PcdPatchableInt32=%d\n", PatchPcdGet32(PcdPatchableInt32));

Now if you build and execute our app under OVMF you would get the following output:

FS0:\> PCDLesson.efi

PCD Patching

In case you've wondered why I've assigned a hex value for the PCD default value or why this PCD type is named PatchableInModule this section is for you.

This PCD type is named like that because the value of this PCD can be changed in a binary PE/COFF image (i.e. the final *.efi file). To do this two utilities are used:

  • GenPatchPcdTable - this tool is used to get the patchable PCD offset for the EFI image by parsing the map file
  • PatchPcdValue - this tool is used to actually patch PCD value

You can download rtf manuals for these utilities from edk2 repo: - -

Let's start with GenPatchPcdTable. First check out help for this tool:

$ ./BaseTools/BinWrappers/PosixLike/GenPatchPcdTable -h
Usage: -m <MapFile> -e <EfiFile> -o <OutFile>

Copyright (c) 2008 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m MAPFILE, --mapfile=MAPFILE
                        Absolute path of module map file.
  -e EFIFILE, --efifile=EFIFILE
                        Absolute path of EFI binary file.
  -o OUTFILE, --outputfile=OUTFILE
                        Absolute path of output file to store the got
                        patchable PCD table.

Now let's create a PatchPcdTable for our app:

For the *.efi file we can use one of:


For the *.map file we can use one of:


In case you wonder how our PCD can be found in a map file, execute:

$ grep PatchableInt32 Build/UefiLessonsPkg/RELEASE_GCC5/X64/UefiLessonsPkg/PCDLesson/PCDLesson/DEBUG/ -A2
                0x00000000000055a0        0x4 /tmp/PCDLesson.dll.96BX4a.ltrans0.ltrans.o
 *fill*         0x00000000000055a4        0xc

So as you can see the default value for our PCD is placed under the 0x55a0 offset.

Now let's execute GenPatchPcdTable and create a file PCDLessonPatchPcdTable in the app Build DEBUG folder:

./BaseTools/BinWrappers/PosixLike/GenPatchPcdTable \
  -m Build/UefiLessonsPkg/RELEASE_GCC5/X64/UefiLessonsPkg/PCDLesson/PCDLesson/DEBUG/ \
  -e Build/UefiLessonsPkg/RELEASE_GCC5/X64/UefiLessonsPkg/PCDLesson/PCDLesson/DEBUG/PCDLesson.efi \
  -o Build/UefiLessonsPkg/RELEASE_GCC5/X64/UefiLessonsPkg/PCDLesson/PCDLesson/DEBUG/PCDLessonPatchPcdTable

Checkout the created PCDLessonPatchPcdTable file.

$ cat Build/UefiLessonsPkg/RELEASE_GCC5/X64/UefiLessonsPkg/PCDLesson/PCDLesson/DEBUG/PCDLessonPatchPcdTable
PCD Name                       Offset    Section Name
PcdPatchableInt32              0x55A0     .data

As you can see it has the same offset that we've seen in a map file.

Now let's get a final look at our default PCD value in an *.elf file:

hexdump -s 0x55A0 Build/UefiLessonsPkg/RELEASE_GCC5/X64/UefiLessonsPkg/PCDLesson/PCDLesson/DEBUG/PCDLesson.efi -n 4
00055a0 3131 3131

Checkout help for the PatchPcdValue tool:

$ ./BaseTools/BinWrappers/PosixLike/PatchPcdValue -h
Usage: -f Offset -u Value -t Type [-s MaxSize] <input_file>

Copyright (c) 2010 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

                        Start offset to the image is used to store PCD value.
                        PCD value will be updated into the image.
                        The name of PCD data type may be one of VOID*,BOOLEAN,
                        UINT8, UINT16, UINT32, UINT64.
                        Max size of data buffer is taken by PCD value.It must
                        be set when PCD type is VOID*.
  -v, --verbose         Run verbosely
                        Run with debug information
  -q, --quiet           Run quietly
  -?                    show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Now use it to patch our PCD in an *.elf file:

./BaseTools/BinWrappers/PosixLike/PatchPcdValue \
  --offset=0x55a0 \
  --value=0xDEADDEAD \
  --type=UINT32 \

Look at hexdump again:

$ hexdump -s 0x55A0 Build/UefiLessonsPkg/RELEASE_GCC5/X64/UefiLessonsPkg/PCDLesson/PCDLesson/DEBUG/PCDLesson.efi -n 4
00055a0 dead dead

We've successfully changed our PCD in a binary!

Now copy the modified Build/UefiLessonsPkg/RELEASE_GCC5/X64/UefiLessonsPkg/PCDLesson/PCDLesson/DEBUG/PCDLesson.efi file to the UEFI shared disk and execute our app under OVMF:

FS0:\> PCDLesson.efi