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Salt Function Flow

The Salt Function Flow is a lightweight flow orchestration component at the memory level, which uses function APIs to implement orchestration.

Quick Start

Including flow node implementation, flow orchestration and flow execution.




Implement flow node

Inherit the FlowNodeWithReturn class, implement the doProcess method, declare @ NodeIdentity, and specify the node ID.

//Get the return value of the previous node, and add 123 to return
@NodeIdentity(nodeId = "demo_add")
public class DemoAddNode extends FlowNodeWithReturn<Integer> {
    public Integer doProcess(IContextBus iContextBus) {
        Integer preResult = (Integer) iContextBus.getPreResult();
        Integer result = preResult + 123;
        System.out.println("DemoAddNode: " + preResult + "+123=" + result);
        return result;
//Get the return value of the previous node, and subtract 15 to return
@NodeIdentity(nodeId = "demo_reduce")
public class DemoReduceNode extends FlowNodeWithReturn<Integer> {
    public Integer doProcess(IContextBus iContextBus) {
        Integer preResult = (Integer) iContextBus.getPreResult();
        Integer result = preResult - 15;
        System.out.println("DemoReduceNode: " + preResult + "-15=" + result) ;
        return result;
//Get the return value of the previous node and multiply by 73 to return
@NodeIdentity(nodeId = "demo_multiply")
public class DemoMultiplyNode extends FlowNodeWithReturn<Integer> {
    public Integer doProcess(IContextBus iContextBus) {
        Integer preResult = (Integer) iContextBus.getPreResult();
        Integer result = preResult * 73;
        System.out.println("DemoMultiplyNode: " + preResult + "*73=" + result);
        return result;
//Get the return value of the previous node, divide by 12, and return
@NodeIdentity(nodeId = "demo_division")
public class DemoDivisionNode extends FlowNodeWithReturn<Integer> {
    public Integer doProcess(IContextBus iContextBus) {
        Integer preResult = (Integer) iContextBus.getPreResult();
        Integer result = preResult / 12;
        System.out.println("DemoDivisionNode: " + preResult + "/12=" + result);
        return result;

Orchestrate flow node

Inject FlowEngine type bean with the registered ID of demo_flow process, use API to arrange nodes for sequential execution.

FlowEngine flowEngine;


Execute flow

FlowEngine flowEngine;

Integer result = flowEngine.execute("demo_flow", 39);
System.out.println("demo_flow result: " + result);


DemoAddNode: 39+123=162
DemoReduceNode: 162-15=147
DemoMultiplyNode: 147*73=10731
DemoDivisionNode: 10731/12=894
demo_flow result: 894

Node function expansion

Extended demo_ Reduce node, If the incoming parameter is>40, execute the extended demo_remainder node. image

                        Info.builder().include("param <= 40").id("demo_reduce").build(),
                        Info.builder().include("param > 40").id("demo_remainder").build()

Complex gateway orchestration

Exclusive execution

Execute the demo according to the incoming conditions demo_reduce or demo_multiply node. image

                        Info.builder().include("param <= 40").id("demo_reduce").build(),
                        Info.builder().include("param > 40").id("demo_multiply").build()

Parallel execution

Parallel form I

Execute the demo in parallel(asynchronous concurrent) demo_reduce、demo_multiply nodes, and add the results. image

                .concurrent(new AddResult(), "demo_reduce", "demo_multiply")
//Result addition handle
private static class AddResult implements IResult<Integer> {
    public Integer handle(IContextBus iContextBus, boolean isTimeout) {
        Integer demoReduceResult = iContextBus.getPassResult("demo_reduce") != null ?  (Integer) iContextBus.getPassResult("demo_reduce") : 0;
        Integer demoMultiplyResult = iContextBus.getPassResult("demo_multiply") != null ? (Integer) iContextBus.getPassResult("demo_multiply"): 0;
        Integer handleResult = demoReduceResult + demoMultiplyResult;
        System.out.println("Addresult " + demoReduceResult + "+" + demoMultiplyResult + "=" + handleResult);
        return handleResult;

Parallel form II

Asynchronous execution of demo_reduce、 demo_multiply nodes, and add the results. image

                .future("demo_reduce", "demo_multiply")
                .wait(new AddResult(), "demo_reduce", "demo_multiply")

Asynchronous execution of demo_reduce node, and execute the demo synchronously demo_multiply, and add the results. image

                .wait(new AddResult(), "demo_reduce")

Notice execution

Notify execution of demo_reduce. image


Inclusive execution

Synchronous Inclusive execution

Synchronous Inclusive execution of demo_reduce、demo_multiply. image

                        Info.builder().include("param > 30").id("demo_reduce").build(),
                        Info.builder().include("param < 50").id("demo_multiply").build()

Asynchronous Inclusive execution

Asynchronous Inclusive execution of demo_reduce、demo_multiply. image

                        new AddResult(),
                        Info.builder().include("param > 30").id("demo_reduce").build(),
                        Info.builder().include("param < 50").id("demo_multiply").build()

Sub process support

Build subprocess.


Exclusive execution

It is basically the same as the same node orchestration.

                        Info.builder().include("param <= 40").id("demo_branch_reduce").build(),
                        Info.builder().include("param > 40").id("demo_branch_multiply").build()

Parallel execution

                .concurrent(new AddBranchResult(), "demo_branch_reduce", "demo_branch_multiply")
                .wait(new AddBranchResult(), "demo_branch_reduce")

Notice execution


Inclusive execution

                .all("demo_branch_reduce", "demo_branch_multiply")

Nested execution


Anonymous subprocess


Conditional judgement


Rule script judgment

The condition judgment parameter defaults to the execution process input parameter. Children's tickets are issued when they are younger than 14 years old, and adult tickets are issued when they are older than 14 years old.

                        Info.builder().include("age < 14").id("child_ticket").build(),
                        Info.builder().include("age >= 14").id("adult_tickt").build())
Passenger passenger = Passenger.builder().name("jack").age(12).build();
Ticket ticket = flowEngine.execute("train_ticket", passenger);
System.out.println("train_ticket result: " + ticket.getPrice());

Custom Condition Parameters

The execution process input parameter is not used as the condition judgment parameter, and the input parameter is customized.

Passenger passenger = Passenger.builder().name("jack").age(12).build();
//Custom Condition Parameters
Map<String, Object> condition = new HashMap();
condition.put("age", 12);
Ticket ticket = flowEngine.execute("train_ticket", passenger, condition);
System.out.println("train_ticket result: " + ticket.getPrice());

Embedded function judgment

Use functions to make conditional judgments.

                       Info.builder().match(iContextBus -> ((Passenger) iContextBus.getParam()).getAge() < 14).id("child_ticket").build(),
                       Info.builder().match(iContextBus -> ((Passenger) iContextBus.getParam()).getAge() >= 14).id("adult_tickt").build())
Passenger passenger = Passenger.builder().name("jack").age(12).build();
Ticket ticket = flowEngine.execute("train_ticket_1", passenger);
System.out.println("train_ticket_1 result: " + ticket.getPrice());

Node input parameter return value

Nodes can have fixed input parameters and return value types. During the orchestration, embedded functions use context construction or transformation.

//The basic fare calculation input parameter is the distance information, 
//inherits the FlowNodeWithReturnAndInput abstract class, and defines the input parameter
@NodeIdentity(nodeId = "base_price")
public class TrainBasePrice extends FlowNodeWithReturnAndInput<Integer, Station> {

    public Integer doProcessWithInput(IContextBus iContextBus, Station station) {
        if (station != null) {
            System.out.println("Passengers travel from " + station.getFrom() + " to " + station.getTo());
        System.out.println("Calculate the basic train ticket price 300");
        return 300;
//Input and output functions are embedded in the orchestration, 
//and input parameters and return values are processed through the following process
                                .input(iContextBus -> {
                                    Passenger passenger = (Passenger) iContextBus.getParam();
                                    return Station.builder().from(passenger.getFrom()).to(passenger.getTo()).build();
                                .output((iContextBus, result) -> {
                                    System.out.println("base_price return " + result);
                        Info.builder().include("age < 14").id("child_ticket").build(),
                        Info.builder().include("age >= 14").id("adult_tickt").build())

Data transmission

The process execution instance context data is transferred through the IContextBus interface

public interface IContextBus<T, R> {

    //Get flow execution parameters
    T getParam();

    //Get flow execution result
    R getResult();

    //Set flow execution result
    void setResult(R result);

    //Put additional transmission context information
    <P> void putTransmitInfo(String key, P content);

    //Get additional transmission context information
    <P> P getTransmitInfo(String key);

    //Get the parameters of node condition judgment
    Map<String, Object> getConditionMap();
    //Add the parameters of node condition judgment
    <P> void addCondition(String key, P value);

    //Get the execution result of the last node, which may return null
    <P> P getPreResult();

    //Get the execution result of any node
    <P> P getPassResult(String nodeId);

    //Get the execution exception of any node
    Exception getPassException(String nodeId);

    //Get flow ID
    String getFlowId();

    //Get flow execution Instance ID
    String getRuntimeId();

    //Stop flow execution instance
    void stopProcess();

    //Rollback flow execution instance
    void rollbackProcess();

Process termination

Normal Termination

Stop the whole process through the stopProcess of the IContextBus interface.

@NodeIdentity(nodeId = "demo_bit_and")
public class DemoBitAndNode extends FlowNodeWithReturn<Integer> {

    public Integer doProcess(IContextBus iContextBus) {
        Integer preResult = (Integer) iContextBus.getPreResult();
        if (preResult > 500) {
            System.out.println("DemoBitAndNode: stop flow");
        } else {
            Integer result = preResult & 256;
            System.out.println("DemoBitAndNode: " + preResult + "&256=" + result);
            return result;
        return null;

Abnormal termination

Terminate the process by throwing an exception in the node, but only the synchronous execution node.

@NodeIdentity(nodeId = "demo_bit_or")
public class DemoBitOrNode extends FlowNodeWithReturn<Integer> {

    public Integer doProcess(IContextBus iContextBus) {
        Integer preResult = (Integer) iContextBus.getPreResult();
        if (preResult > 500) {
            System.out.println("DemoBitOrNode: throw exception");
            throw new RuntimeException("DemoBitOrNode Exception!");
        } else {
            Integer result = preResult | 128;
            System.out.println("DemoBitOrNode: " + preResult + "|128=" + result);
            return result;

Rollback Process

Through the rollback process method of the IContextBus interface, the entire process is actively rolled back, and the rollback method of executed nodes is triggered in reverse order. The rollback method is empty by default, and nodes can be selectively implemented as needed.

default <T, R> void rollback(IContextBus<T, R> iContextBus) {}
@NodeIdentity(nodeId = "demo_bit_xor")
public class DemoBitXorNode extends FlowNodeWithReturn<Integer> {

    public Integer doProcess(IContextBus iContextBus) {
        Integer preResult = (Integer) iContextBus.getPreResult();
        if (preResult > 500) {
            System.out.println("DemoBitOrNode: rollback flow");
        } else {
            Integer result = preResult | 128;
            System.out.println("DemoBitOrNode: " + preResult + "|128=" + result);
            return result;
        return null;

    public <T, R> void rollback(IContextBus<T, R> iContextBus) {
        System.out.println("DemoBitOrNode: rollback execute");



The concurrent and wait functions are executed asynchronously. The maximum waiting time can be set through the timeout parameter

//Concurrent Add timeout wait parameter, in milliseconds
                .concurrent(new AddResult(), 10, "demo_reduce", "demo_bit_right")
//The parallel result processing handle can receive isTimeout and judge whether there is timeout
private static class AddResult implements IResult<Integer> {
        public Integer handle(IContextBus iContextBus, boolean isTimeout) {
            System.out.println("AddResult handle isTimeout: " + isTimeout);

Thread Pool Configuration

Define thread pool configuration through yml file

        coreSize: 50
        maxSize: 150
        queueCapacity: 256
        keepAlive: 30

Custom thread pool

Redefine beans

Redefine the thread pool bean named flowThreadPool.

@ConditionalOnMissingBean(name = "flowThreadPool")
public ThreadPoolTaskExecutor flowThreadPool() {
    ThreadPoolTaskExecutor threadPoolTaskExecutor = new ThreadPoolTaskExecutor();
    threadPoolTaskExecutor.setRejectedExecutionHandler(new ThreadPoolExecutor.CallerRunsPolicy());
    Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(() -> {
    return threadPoolTaskExecutor;

Parameter incoming

Pass the parameter to an independent thread pool.

                .concurrent(new AddResult(), Executors.newFixedThreadPool(3), "demo_reduce", "demo_bit_right")

ThreadLocal processing

ThreadLocal processing transfers the required ThreadLocal information to the asynchronous thread by implementing the IThreadContent interface.

//Inherit the IThreadContent interface and define it as a bean
public class TestThreadContent implements IThreadContent {

    private static ThreadLocal<Map<String, Object>> threadLocal = new ThreadLocal<>();

    public Object getThreadContent() {
        return threadLocal.get();

    public void setThreadContent(Object content) {
        threadLocal.set((Map<String, Object>) content);

    public void cleanThreadContent() {

Dynamic construction process

The process can be built dynamically through the builder. buildDynamic method. The dynamic process is not registered and can be built multiple times.

for (int i=0; i<5; i++) {
	int a = (new Random()).nextInt(20);
	String flowID = "demo_flow_dynamic_" + i;
	FlowEngine.Builder builder = flowEngine.builder().id(flowID);"demo_add");
	if (a < 10) {"demo_reduce");
	} else {"demo_multiply");
	FlowInstance flowInstance = builder.buildDynamic();
	System.out.println(flowID + " a: " + a);
	System.out.println(flowID + " test: ");
	Integer result = flowEngine.execute(flowInstance, 39);
	System.out.println(flowID + " result: " + result);

