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File metadata and controls

463 lines (345 loc) · 12.8 KB


This page describes the configuration management scheme used within the Fermipy package and documents the configuration parameters that can be set in the configuration file.

Class Configuration

Classes in the Fermipy package own a configuration state dictionary that is initialized when the class instance is created. Elements of the configuration dictionary can be scalars (str, int, float) or dictionaries containing groups of parameters. The settings in this dictionary are used to control the runtime behavior of the class.

When creating a class instance, the configuration is initialized by passing either a configuration dictionary or configuration file path to the class constructor. Keyword arguments can be passed to the constructor to override configuration parameters in the input dictionary. In the following example the config dictionary defines values for the parameters emin and emax. By passing a dictionary for the selection keyword argument, the value of emax in the keyword argument (10000) overrides the value of emax in the input dictionary.

config = {
'selection' : { 'emin' : 100,
                'emax' : 1000 }

gta = GTAnalysis(config,selection={'emax' : 10000})

The first argument can also be the path to a YAML configuration file rather than a dictionary:

gta = GTAnalysis('config.yaml',selection={'emax' : 10000})

Configuration File

Fermipy uses YAML files to read and write its configuration in a persistent format. The configuration file has a hierarchical structure that groups parameters into dictionaries that are keyed to a section name (data, binning, etc.).

  evfile : ft1.lst
  scfile : ft2.fits
  ltfile : ltcube.fits

  roiwidth   : 10.0
  binsz      : 0.1
  binsperdec : 8

selection :
  emin : 100
  emax : 316227.76
  zmax    : 90
  evclass : 128
  evtype  : 3
  tmin    : 239557414
  tmax    : 428903014
  filter  : null
  target : 'mkn421'

  edisp : True
  irfs : 'P8R2_SOURCE_V6'
  edisp_disable : ['isodiff','galdiff']

  src_roiwidth : 15.0
  galdiff  : '$FERMI_DIFFUSE_DIR/gll_iem_v06.fits'
  isodiff  : 'iso_P8R2_SOURCE_V6_v06.txt'
  catalogs : ['3FGL']

The configuration file has the same structure as the configuration dictionary such that one can read/write configurations using the load/dump methods of the yaml module:

import yaml
# Load a configuration
config = yaml.load(open('config.yaml'))
# Update a parameter and write a new configuration
config['selection']['emin'] = 1000.
yaml.dump(config, open('new_config.yaml','w'))

Most of the configuration parameters are optional and if not set explicitly in the configuration file will be set to a default value. The parameters that can be set in each section are described below.


Options in the binning section control the spatial and spectral binning of the data.


  # Binning
  roiwidth   : 10.0
  npix       : null
  binsz      : 0.1 # spatial bin size in deg
  binsperdec : 8   # nb energy bins per decade
  projtype   : WCS


The components section can be used to define analysis configurations for independent subselections of the data. Each subselection will have its own binned likelihood instance that is combined in a global likelihood function for the ROI (implemented with the SummedLikelihood class in pyLikelihood). The components section is optional and when set to null (the default) only a single likelihood component will be created with the parameters of the root analysis configuration.

The component section is defined as a list of dictionaries where each element sets analysis parameters for a different subcomponent of the analysis. The component configurations follow the same structure and accept the same parameters as the root analysis configuration. Parameters not defined in a given element will default to the values set in the root analysis configuration.

The following example illustrates how to define a Front/Back analysis with two components. Files associated to each component will be given a suffix according to their order in the list (e.g. file_00.fits, file_01.fits, etc.).

# Component section for Front/Back analysis
  - { selection : { evtype : 1 } } # Front
  - { selection : { evtype : 2 } } # Back


The data section defines the input data files for the analysis (FT1, FT2, and livetime cube). evfile and scfile can either be individual files or group of files. The optional ltcube option can be used to choose a pre-generated livetime cube. If ltcube is null a livetime cube will be generated at runtime with gtltcube.

data :
  evfile : ft1.lst
  scfile : ft2.fits
  ltcube : null


The options in extension control the default behavior of the ~fermipy.gtanalysis.GTAnalysis.extension method. For more information about using this method see the :ref:`extension` page.


The fileio section collects options related to file bookkeeping. The outdir option sets the root directory of the analysis instance where all output files will be written. If outdir is null then the output directory will be automatically set to the directory in which the configuration file is located. Enabling the usescratch option will stage all output data files to a temporary scratch directory created under scratchdir.

   outdir : null
   logfile : null
   usescratch : False
   scratchdir  : '/scratch'


Options in the gtlike section control the setup of the likelihood analysis include the IRF name (irfs).


The options in lightcurve control the default behavior of the ~fermipy.gtanalysis.GTAnalysis.lightcurve method. For more information about using this method see the :ref:`lightcurve` page.


The model section collects options that control the inclusion of point-source and diffuse components in the model. galdiff and isodiff set the templates for the Galactic IEM and isotropic diffuse respectively. catalogs defines a list of catalogs that will be merged to form a master analysis catalog from which sources will be drawn. Valid entries in this list can be FITS files or XML model files. sources can be used to insert additional point-source or extended components beyond those defined in the master catalog. src_radius and src_roiwidth set the maximum distance from the ROI center at which sources in the master catalog will be included in the ROI model.

model :

  # Diffuse components
  galdiff  : '$FERMI_DIR/refdata/fermi/galdiffuse/gll_iem_v06.fits'
  isodiff  : '$FERMI_DIR/refdata/fermi/galdiffuse/iso_P8R2_SOURCE_V6_v06.txt'

  # List of catalogs to be used in the model.
  catalogs :
    - '3FGL'
    - 'extra_sources.xml'

  sources :
    - { 'name' : 'SourceA', 'ra' : 60.0, 'dec' : 30.0, 'SpectrumType' : PowerLaw }
    - { 'name' : 'SourceB', 'ra' : 58.0, 'dec' : 35.0, 'SpectrumType' : PowerLaw }

  # Include catalog sources within this distance from the ROI center
  src_radius  : null

  # Include catalog sources within a box of width roisrc.
  src_roiwidth : 15.0




The options in residmap control the default behavior of the ~fermipy.gtanalysis.GTAnalysis.residmap method. For more information about using this method see the :ref:`residmap` page.


The options in roiopt control the default behavior of the ~fermipy.gtanalysis.GTAnalysis.optimize method. For more information about using this method see the :ref:`fitting` page.


The options in sed control the default behavior of the ~fermipy.gtanalysis.GTAnalysis.sed method. For more information about using this method see the :ref:`sed` page.


The selection section collects parameters related to the data selection and target definition. The majority of the parameters in this section are arguments to gtselect and gtmktime. The ROI center can be set with the target parameter by providing the name of a source defined in one of the input catalogs (defined in the model section). Alternatively the ROI center can be defined by giving explicit sky coordinates with ra and dec or glon and glat.


  # gtselect parameters
  emin    : 100
  emax    : 100000
  zmax    : 90
  evclass : 128
  evtype  : 3
  tmin    : 239557414
  tmax    : 428903014

  # gtmktime parameters
  filter : 'DATA_QUAL>0 && LAT_CONFIG==1'
  roicut : 'no'

  # Set the ROI center to the coordinates of this source
  target : 'mkn421'


The options in sourcefind control the default behavior of the ~fermipy.gtanalysis.GTAnalysis.find_sources method. For more information about using this method see the :ref:`findsources` page.


The options in tsmap control the default behavior of the ~fermipy.gtanalysis.GTAnalysis.tsmap method. For more information about using this method see the :ref:`tsmap` page.


The options in tscube control the default behavior of the ~fermipy.gtanalysis.GTAnalysis.tscube method. For more information about using this method see the :ref:`tscube` page.