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corbel-go is an API library for work with corbel. It currently supports:

  • Creation of a new Client
  • Token workflow
  • Basic Authentication (username/password)
  • Resources (get/create/update/delete/search)

Note: Library in active development; requires >= Go 1.3

Usage/Sample Code

Creating a client

The client is the key to use the platform. All information here is custom for each client since its generated for every application that needs to use it.

Instancing the client allow to use it everywhere. Since Authorization can be for the application itself or its users on dynamic applications will be necessary to have several clients with several authorizations (one for each user) because you will have specific scopes based on your own permissions.

See the Authorization part to get all the possible variations.

// NewClient(http.Client, endpoints, clientId, clientName, clientSecret,
// clientScopes, clientDomain, JWTSigningMethod, tokenExpirationTime)
endpoints := map[string]string{"iam": "https://localhost", "resources": "https://localhost"}
client, _ = NewClient(nil, endpoints, "someID", "", "someSecret", "", "", "HS256", 3000)


Getting token for client app

When you will use the client for application purposes you must ask for a OauthToken to get the specific permissions, that normally are wide open than users.

err = client.IAM.OauthToken()

Getting token for user using basic auth

If the client will be used for operations as user you need validate and get the proper user token. User token will have all the permissions applied to that user that are custom for her.

err = client.IAM.OauthTokenBasicAuth("username", "password")

User Administration

All actions over users on the domain can be done if the application/user have the required permissions. All user interactions are done using the IAM (Identity and Authorization Management) endpoint.

IAM User definition

All operations for an user must be done using the IAMUser struct.

type IAMUser struct {
	ID          string                 `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Domain      string                 `json:"domain,omitempty"`
	Username    string                 `json:"username,omitempty"`
	Email       string                 `json:"email,omitempty"`
	FirstName   string                 `json:"firstName,omitempty"`
	LastName    string                 `json:"lastName,omitempty"`
	ProfileURL  string                 `json:"profileUrl,omitempty"`
	PhoneNumber string                 `json:"phoneNumber,omitempty"`
	Scopes      []string               `json:"scopes,omitempty"`
	Properties  map[string]interface{} `json:"properties,omitempty"`
	Country     string                 `json:"country,omitempty"`
	CreatedDate int                    `json:"createdDate,omitempty"`
	CreatedBy   string                 `json:"createdBy,omitempty"`


  • User properties is a map that allow to add arbitrary information of that user. All JSON serializable types are allowed. Beware of those properties that can be empty, 0, false or nil, since it won't be exported if omitempty are used.
  • Scopes can be an empty array if are defined default scopes for users on the domain definition.
  • CreatedDate and CreatedBy are managed by the platform itself, so any change there will be ignored.

User Creation

anUserProperties := make(map[string]interface{})
anUserProperties["string"] = "test string"
anUserProperties["integer"] = 123456
anUserProperties["float"] = 1.23
anUserProperties["date"] = now

anUser := IAMUser{
  Domain:      "corbel-qa",
  Username:    "corbel-go",
  Email:       "",
  FirstName:   "Corbel",
  LastName:    "Go",
  ProfileURL:  "",
  PhoneNumber: "555-555-555",
  Scopes:      []string{},
  Properties:  anUserProperties,
  Country:     "Somewhere",

err = client.IAM.Add(&anUser)

User Get by ID

anUser2 := IAMUser{}
err = client.IAM.Get("sampleId", &anUser2)

User Get Current User

currentUser := IAMUser{}
err = client.IAM.GetMe(&currentUser)

User Update

anUser.Country = "Internet"
err = client.IAM.Update("sampleId", &anUser)

User Deletion

err = client.IAM.Delete("sampleId")

User Search

search := client.IAM.Search()
search.Query.Eq["username"] = "corbel-go"

var arrUsers []IAMUser

err = search.Page(0, &arrUsers)

NOTE: Searching uses the same interface defined in detail on the Resources documentation part.


Adding resource

Adds a resource of a defined type. Definitions are JSON parseable structs.

Important Note: Avoid using omitempty in the JSON definition if you think you could have a value that could turn false, 0, empty strings or nil. In those cases json.Marshal won't export the data. So value won't be updated in the backend. Important Note 2: Is recommended to define the ID on the structs to be able to update them correctly without workarounds.

type ResourceForTest struct {
  ID   string  `json:"id,omitempty"`
  Key1 string  `json:"key1"`
  Key2 int     `json:"key2"`
  Key3 float64 `json:"key3"`
  Key4 bool    `json:"key4"`

test1 := ResourceForTest{
  Key1: "test string",
  Key2: 123456,
  Key3: 1.123456,
  Key4: true,

err = client.Resources.AddToCollection("test:GoTestResource", &test1)

Search for Resources

Search allow to browse for the required resources using a simple interface. All Search conditions are shared in all modules of corbel, so it's the same for users, for example.

Per Page

var arrResourceForTest []ResourceForTest

search = client.Resources.SearchCollection("test:GoTestResource")

err = search.Page(0, &arrResourceForTest)


Searching resources by specifying conditions.

search = client.Resources.SearchCollection("test:GoTestResource")

// all items where firstName == "testName"
search.Query.Eq["firstName"] = "testName"

// sort by firstName
search.Sort.Asc = []string{"firstName"}

// list 20 resources por search page
search.PerPage = 20

err = search.Page(0, &arrResourceForTest)

All allowed search conditions

	Eq   map[string]string     // Equal to
	Gt   map[string]int        // Greater than
	Gte  map[string]int        // Greater than or equal
	Lt   map[string]int        // Less than
	Lte  map[string]int        // Less than or equal
	Ne   map[string]string     // Not Equal
	In   map[string][]string   // One of this array
	All  map[string][]string   // All of this array
	Like map[string]string     // Like

Sort conditions

  Asc  []string   // Ascendent
  Desc []string   // Descendent


func (s *Search) Count(field string) (int, error) {}
func (s *Search) CountAll() (int, error) {}
func (s *Search) Average(field string) (float64, error) {}
func (s *Search) Sum(field string) (float64, error) {}

Get resource

test2 := ResourceForTest{}

err = client.Resources.GetFromCollection("test:GoTestResource",
                                         "1234567890abcdef", &test2)

Updating resource

test2.Key1 = "new string"
err = client.Resources.UpdateInCollection("test:GoTestResource",
                                         "1234567890abcdef", &test2)

Delete resource

err = client.Resources.DeleteFromCollection("test:GoTestResource",

Relations between Resources

Resources can have related resources using collections. As sample think in a Music Group resource that have several Album resources.

Add Related Resource to Collection

Adding a resource to a Collection automatically creates the Colection, so you don't need to be worried on Collection creation. All relations allow to add custom metadata. To query that metadata is posible to create custom metadata structs to use it later.

// Sample without metadata
err = client.Resources.AddRelation("test:MusicGroup", "12345",
                                   "test:Album", "23456",

// Sample with custom metadata
type groupAlbumRelation struct {
  RecordLabel string `json:"recordLabel"`
metadata := groupAlbumRelation{
  RecordLabel: "Sample Record Label",
err = client.Resources.AddRelation("test:MusicGroup", "12345",
                                   "test:Album", "23456",

Move/Reorder target Resources in a Relation

Resources relation allows to reorder the items to be able to get them in the desired order in searches.

Sample: Items: ["1", "2", "3"] MoveRelation "3", 1 Items: ["3", "1", "2"]

// Move the Item "2" to the first position.
err = client.Resources.MoveRelation("test:ToDoList", "12345",
                                    "test:ToDoItem", "2",

Search Related Resources Information

To get relations you can use the RelationData struct if you don't added metadata or extend RelationData with your own data.

// RelationData definition.
type RelationData struct {
	Order float64                  `json:"_order,omitempty"`
	ID    string                   `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Links []map[string]interface{} `json:"links, omitempty"`

Sample with standard metadata.

var arrRelationData []corbel.RelationData

search = client.Resources.SearchRelation("test:Group", "12345",
err = search.Page(0, &arrRelationData)

Sample with custom metadata.

type customRelationData struct {
	Order       float64                  `json:"_order,omitempty"`
	ID          string                   `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Links       []map[string]interface{} `json:"links, omitempty"`
  RecordLabel string                   `json:"recordLabel"`
var arrRelationData []customRelationData

search = client.Resources.SearchRelation("test:Group", "12345",
err = search.Page(0, &arrRelationData)

Sample with selected ordering.

var arrRelationData []customRelationData

search = client.Resources.SearchRelation("test:Group", "12345",
search.Sort.Asc = []string{"_order"}
err = search.Page(0, &arrRelationData)

Get Resource from Response

Searching for resources information does not return the target object itself, it returns a pointer to to plus the custom metadata (if added).

type Album struct {
  Title           string `json:"title"`
  PublicationYear int    `json:"publicationYear"`

var anAlbum Album

err = client.Resources.GetFromRelationDefinition(arrRelationData[0].ID, &anAlbum)

Delete a Relation*

err = client.Resources.DeleteRelation("test:Group", "12345",
                                      "test:Album", "23456")

Delete all Relations

err = client.Resources.DeleteAllRelations("test:Group", "12345",


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Go library for interact with Corbel Platform








Contributors 4

