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File metadata and controls

143 lines (140 loc) · 5.27 KB


Kind: global class

new CanvasElement()

Is the returned instance of a CanvasElement, which makes up all CanvasShapes and CanvasImages. Never called directly by a user.

Import from ad-canvas

import { CanvasElement } from 'ad-canvas'

Properties available to every CanvasElement, except where noted::

id STRING representing the name of the element
x NUMBER representing the horizontal position of the element
y NUMBER representing the vertical position of the element
rotation NUMBER representing the rotation, in degrees, of the element
alpha NUMBER representing the opacity of the element
scale NUMBER representing the scale of the element. Will compound with but not change values of scaleX or scaleY
scaleX NUMBER representing the horizontal scale of the element
scaleY NUMBER representing the vertical scale of the element
blendMode NUMBER representing the blend or masking style applied to the element
visible BOOLEAN representing whether or not the element should be drawn
shadowColor STRING representing the color of the drop shadow in RGBA format
shadowBlur NUMBER representing the amount of blur on the drop shadow
shadowAngle NUMBER representing the angle, in degrees, of the drop shadow
shadowDistance NUMBER representing the distance of the drop shadow from the element
transformOrigin STRING representing the origin from which to perform scales and rotations. Written as two values in a string with either a '%' or 'px' marker (ie '50% 50%' or '5px 100px')

The following *ONLY* apply to [CanvasImage](#CanvasImage) instances::
sourceX NUMBER representing the horizontal value from which to start drawing data from the source image
sourceY NUMBER representing the vertical value from which to start drawing data from the source image
sourceW NUMBER representing the width value from which to draw data from the source image
sourceH NUMBER representing the height value from which to draw data from the source image

The following *ONLY* apply to [CanvasText](#CanvasText) instances::
fontFamily STRING representing the font name
fontSize NUMBER or STRING (12, '12', '12px', or '12pt') representing the font size
lineHeight NUMBER which determines the line height between lines of text with defined maxWidth values
marginLeft NUMBER representing the X offset of the text
marginTop NUMBER representing the Y offset of the text
maxWidth NUMBER which determines the maximum width of the text field, which is used to create MUTLI-LINE text
alignText STRING or Align constant defining text's horizontal alingment: 'center', 'left', or 'right'. Can also use Align.CENTER, Align.LEFT, or Align.RIGHT.

The following *ONLY* apply to [CanvasImage](#CanvasImage)s, [CanvasCircle](#CanvasCircle)s, and [CanvasRect](#CanvasRect)s instances::
width NUMBER representing the total width or diameter of the element
height NUMBER representing the total height or diameter of the element

The following *ONLY* apply to [CanvasCircle](#CanvasCircle)s, [CanvasRect](#CanvasRect)s, and [CanvasText](#CanvasText) instances (heretofore referred to as 'shapes')::
fill STRING, gradient, or texture representing the color used to fill the shape
strokeFill STRING, gradient, or texture representing the color used to fill the shape's stroke
strokeWidth NUMBER representing the width of the shape's outline
strokeJoin STRING representing how two lines/corners form: 'round', 'bevel', and 'miter'
strokePosition STRING repsenting the position of the shape's stroke, 'outer' or 'center'; there is no 'inner'
strokeDashSize NUMBER representing the length of each segment in a dashed line
strokeDashGap NUMBER representing the gap between each segment in a dashed line
strokeDashOffset NUMBER representing the offset positioning of the dash segments