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File metadata and controls

339 lines (265 loc) · 16.3 KB


Kind: global class

Name Type Description
target CanvasDrawer the CanvasDrawer element in which to draw the text
id string an optional STRING defining the name by which the text will be referenced. Defaults to 'canvasdItemX' where X = the number of elements in a CanvasDrawer
text string the string of text for the canvas textfield. Supports line breaks <br>
css object standard css object, see properties:
css.x number NUMBER X coordinate for where to draw the image data
css.y number NUMBER Y coordinate for where to draw the image data
css.fontSize number | string NUMBER or STRING (12, '12', '12px', or '12pt') representing the font size
css.fontFamily string STRING defining the font name
css.alignText string | Align STRING or Align constant defining text's horizontal alingment: 'center', 'left', or 'right'. Can also use Align.CENTER, Align.LEFT, or Align.RIGHT.
css.scale number NUMBER for uniform scale of the text, scaling from drawing center unless transformOrigin is changed. Will compound with but not change values of scaleX or scaleY
css.scaleX number NUMBER for X scale of the text, scaling from drawing center unless transformOrigin is changed
css.scaleY number NUMBER for Y scale of the text, scaling from drawing center unless transformOrigin is changed
css.rotation number NUMBER IN DEGREES for the start rotation of the text
css.transformOrigin string an optional STRING defining an element's origin for scale and rotation, written as two values in a string with either a '%' or 'px' marker. Defaults to '0% 0%'
css.alpha number NUMBER for alpha of the drawing
css.dropShadow object an optional OBJECT defining properties of the text's drop shadow, see following properties:
css.dropShadow.angle number NUMBER IN DEGREES for the angle to position the shadow
css.dropShadow.distance number NUMBER for how far away from the text the shadow is
css.dropShadow.blur number NUMBER for how blurry the shadow is
css.dropShadow.color string | object optional color of shadow as either a HEX STRING :"#ff0000", RGB/A STRING: "rgb(255, 0, 0)" / "rgba(255, 0, 0, 1)", or an RGB/A OBJECT:{r:255,g:0,b:0} / {r:255,g:0,b:0,a:1}. Defaults to '#000000'
css.dropShadow.alpha number NUMBER for the alpha of the shadow. Defaults to 1, overrides the alpha of an RGBA color
offsetX number NUMBER representing the X offset of the text
offsetY number NUMBER representing the Y offset of the text
maxWidth number NUMBER which determines the maximum width of the text field, which is used to create MUTLI-LINE text
lineHeight number NUMBER which determines the line height between lines of text with defined maxWidth values
blendMode string | CanvasBlendMode an optional STRING for the globalCompositeOperation - controls overlays, screens, multiply, masking, etc. Defaults to 'source-over'
fill string | CanvasTexture an optional STRING or gradiant variable defining the color fill of the text. Defaults to none / invisible.
stroke object an optional OBJECT defining properties of the shape's stroke
stroke.fill string | CanvasTexture an optional STRING or gradiant variable defining the color fill of the shape stroke. Defaults to none / invisible
stroke.width number an optional NUMBER value determining stroke width. Defaults to 0
stroke.position string an optional STRING determining if the stroke will be 'outer' or 'center'. Defaults to 'outer', there is no 'inner'
stroke.cap string an optional STRING value determining a line's cap style: 'butt', 'round', and 'square'. Defaults to 'butt'

stroke.join string an optional STRING value determining how two lines/corners connect: 'round', 'bevel', and 'miter'. Defaults to 'round'

dashSize number an optional NUMBER value determining the length of each segment in a dashed line
dashGap number an optional NUMBER value determining the gap between each segment in a dashed line. Defaults to 0, unless dashSize is defined, then defaults to dashSize
visible boolean an optional BOOLEAN that, when set to false, will not render the element. Defaults to true

new CanvasText(textObj)

Add a text field to the drawer based on a given object, and return a reference to that text

import { CanvasText } from 'ad-canvas'

transformOrigin is based on the text alignment. '0% 0%' for text aligned right will be at that text's TOP-RIGHT, '100% 0%' would be its TOP-LEFT. Centered and left-aligned text's '0% 0%' is its TOP-LEFT.

Adding a red text field with a yellow 4px outer stroke and an overlay blend mode.
var _myText = new CanvasText({
	target: View.main.myCanvasDrawer,
	id: 'textItem',
	text: 'Watch the Trailer',
	css: {
		x: 0,
		y: 0,
		fontSize: 40,
		fontFamily: 'FuturaBold',
		alignText: Align.LEFT,
		offsetX: -5,
		offsetY: 5,
		maxWidth: 50,
		lineHeight: 100
	fill: 'red',
	stroke: {
		fill: 'yellow',
		position: 'outer',
		width: 4
	blendMode: CanvasBlendMode.OVERLAY
Param Type Description
textObj object an object containing the arguments for defining / orienting the text, see Properties for more info:

CanvasText.x : number

NUMBER representing the horizontal position of the element

Kind: static property of CanvasText

CanvasText.left : number

NUMBER representing a reference to the x property,

Kind: static property of CanvasText

CanvasText.y : number

NUMBER representing the vertical position of the element,

Kind: static property of CanvasText : number

NUMBER representing a reference to the y property,

Kind: static property of CanvasText

CanvasText.rotation : number

Kind: static property of CanvasText

CanvasText.alpha : number

NUMBER representing the opacity of the element,

Kind: static property of CanvasText

CanvasText.opacity : number

NUMBER representing a reference to the alpha property,

Kind: static property of CanvasText

CanvasText.scale : number

NUMBER representing the scale of the element. Will compound with but not change values of scaleX or scaleY,

Kind: static property of CanvasText

CanvasText.scaleX : number

NUMBER representing the horizontal scale of the element,

Kind: static property of CanvasText

CanvasText.scaleY : number

NUMBER representing the vertical scale of the element,

Kind: static property of CanvasText

CanvasText.blendMode : number

NUMBER representing the blend or masking style applied to the element,

Kind: static property of CanvasText

CanvasText.visible : boolean

BOOLEAN representing whether or not the element should be drawn,

Kind: static property of CanvasText

CanvasText.transformOrigin : string

STRING representing the origin from which to perform scales and rotations. Written as two values in a string with either a '%' or 'px' marker (ie '50% 50%' or '5px 100px'). NOTE::

  • 50% 50% is centered, based on percentage.
  • 50px 50px is 50 px away from 0% 0% vertically and horizontally.
  • 50 50 is the same as 50px 50px.
  • Values can be mixed: 50% 10px, for instance.

View.main.myCanvasDrawer.elements.smoke.transformOrigin = '50% 50%'
View.main.myCanvasDrawer.elements.smoke.transformOrigin = '10px 100px'
View.main.myCanvasDrawer.elements.smoke.transformOrigin = '10 100'

Kind: static property of CanvasText

CanvasText.fontFamily : string

STRING representing the font name,

Kind: static property of CanvasText

CanvasText.fontSize : number

NUMBER or STRING (12, '12', '12px', or '12pt') representing the font size,

Kind: static property of CanvasText

CanvasText.lineHeight : number

NUMBER which determines the line height between lines of text with defined maxWidth values,

Kind: static property of CanvasText

CanvasText.maxWidth : number

NUMBER which determines the maximum width of the text field, which is used to create MUTLI-LINE text,

Kind: static property of CanvasText

CanvasText.alignText : string

STRING or Align constant defining text's horizontal alingment: 'center', 'left', or 'right'. Can also use Align.CENTER, Align.LEFT, or Align.RIGHT,

Kind: static property of CanvasText

CanvasText.fill : string

STRING, gradient, or texture representing the color used to fill the text,

Kind: static property of CanvasText

CanvasText.strokeFill : string

STRING, gradient, or texture representing the color used to fill the text's stroke,

Kind: static property of CanvasText

CanvasText.strokeWidth : number

NUMBER representing the width of the text's outline,

Kind: static property of CanvasText

CanvasText.strokeJoin : string

STRING representing how two lines/corners form: 'round', 'bevel', and 'miter',

Kind: static property of CanvasText

CanvasText.strokePosition : string

STRING repsenting the position of the text's stroke, 'outer' or 'center'; there is no 'inner',

Kind: static property of CanvasText

CanvasText.strokeDashSize : number

NUMBER representing the length of each segment in a dashed line,

Kind: static property of CanvasText

CanvasText.strokeDashGap : number

NUMBER representing the gap between each segment in a dashed line,

Kind: static property of CanvasText

CanvasText.strokeDashOffset : number

NUMBER representing the offset positioning of the dash segments,

Kind: static property of CanvasText

CanvasText.shadowColor : string

STRING representing the color of the drop shadow in RGBA format,

Kind: static property of CanvasText

CanvasText.shadowBlur : number

NUMBER representing the amount of blur on the drop shadow,

Kind: static property of CanvasText

CanvasText.shadowAngle : number

NUMBER representing the angle, in degrees, of the drop shadow,

Kind: static property of CanvasText

CanvasText.shadowDistance : number

NUMBER representing the distance of the drop shadow from the element,

Kind: static property of CanvasText : string

READ-ONLY: STRING representing the id of the element

Kind: static constant of CanvasText

CanvasText.width : number

READ-ONLY: NUMBER representing the approximate width of the text,

Kind: static constant of CanvasText

CanvasText.height : number

READ-ONLY: NUMBER representing the approximate height of the text,

Kind: static constant of CanvasText