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345 lines (272 loc) · 10.3 KB

File metadata and controls

345 lines (272 loc) · 10.3 KB


Kind: global class

new VideoPlayer()

This object creates a custom Video Player instance. This player has the ability to function as a regular player or it can work as the inline/autoplay video.

import { VideoPlayer } from 'ad-video'

Sample Player

View.main.videoPlayer = new VideoPlayer({
	source: adParams.videosPath + 'RED_Html5_Showcase_300x250.mp4',
	target: View.main,
	id: 'My_Unique_ID',
	css: {
		width: 300,
		height: 250
	preload : false,
	autoPlay : false,
	muted : false,
	volume: .8,
	onComplete: function(event){
		console.log( 'video complete' )
	onFail: global.failAd,

Sample Autoplay

View.main.videoPlayer = new VideoPlayer({
	source: [
		adParams.videosPath + 'RED_Html5_Showcase_300x250.mp4',
		adParams.videosPath + 'RED_Html5_Showcase_300x250.mpg'
	target: View.main,
	id: 'My_Unique_ID',
	css: {
		width: 300,
		height: 250
	preload : true,
	autoPlay : true,
	muted : true,
	forceInline : true,
	onComplete: function(event){
		console.log( 'video complete' )
	onFail: global.failAd,

VideoPlayer.complete : boolean

A Boolean representing if the video has ended.

Kind: static property of VideoPlayer

VideoPlayer.hasPlayed : boolean

A Boolean representing if the video has played to completion.

Kind: static property of VideoPlayer

VideoPlayer.onComplete : function

A callback for when the Video is finished. Can be set as optional parameter on instantiated.

Kind: static property of VideoPlayer

VideoPlayer.onFail : function

A callback for when the Video fails. Can be set as optional parameter on instantiated.

Kind: static property of VideoPlayer

VideoPlayer.onBuffer : function

A callback for when the Video pauses due to buffering. Can be set as optional parameter on instantiated.

Kind: static property of VideoPlayer

VideoPlayer.onProgress : function

A callback for when as Video progresses while playing. Can be set as optional parameter on instantiated.

Kind: static property of VideoPlayer

VideoPlayer.onReady : function

A callback for when Video is buffered and ready to play.

Kind: static property of VideoPlayer

VideoPlayer.container : UIComponent

A <div>, the top level container for the entire player instance.

Kind: static property of VideoPlayer

VideoPlayer.screen : video

The <video> element, or if autoplay on a device, will return the driver object.

Kind: static property of VideoPlayer

VideoPlayer.autoPlay : boolean

A Boolean that changes if the video will automatically play.

Kind: static property of VideoPlayer

myVideoPlayer.autoPlay = false;

VideoPlayer.currentTime : number

A Number representing the video time position.

Kind: static property of VideoPlayer

VideoPlayer.duration : number

A Number representing the length of the video in seconds.

Kind: static property of VideoPlayer

VideoPlayer.paused : boolean

A Boolean representing if the video is playing.

Kind: static property of VideoPlayer

VideoPlayer.percent : number

A Number 0-1 representing the video timeline percent position.

Kind: static property of VideoPlayer

VideoPlayer.source : string

Changes the source of the video. Pass a string of the video file path to set.

Kind: static property of VideoPlayer

myVideoPlayer.source = 'videos/myVideoFile.mp4';

VideoPlayer.volume : number

Changes the volume of the video. Assign a number, between 0 - 1 to set the volume.

Kind: static property of VideoPlayer

myVideoPlayer.volume = .8;

VideoPlayer.muted : boolean

A Boolean representing if the video volume is muted.

Kind: static property of VideoPlayer

VideoPlayer.forceInline : boolean

A Boolean to force the video to play inline, NOTE: applies only to iphone iOS < 10

Kind: static property of VideoPlayer


Loads the current video source. If preload is true, this is redundant.

Kind: static method of VideoPlayer


Plays the current video.

Kind: static method of VideoPlayer


Pauses the current video.

Kind: static method of VideoPlayer


Skips the video to a specific time.

Kind: static method of VideoPlayer

Param Type Description
sec number The time to skip the video to in seconds.



Stops the video and resets it to the beginning.

Kind: static method of VideoPlayer



Mutes the Video Player, does not change the volume.

Kind: static method of VideoPlayer



Unmutes the Video Player, does not change the volume.

Kind: static method of VideoPlayer


VideoPlayer.resize(width, height)

Changes the size of the Video Player

Kind: static method of VideoPlayer

Param Type Description
width number A number of the width
height number A number of the height


myVideoPlayer.resize(400, 300)

VideoPlayer.addCuePoint(time, handler, params)

Add to the load queue: a single or array of files or even another Loader.

Kind: static method of VideoPlayer

Param Type Description
time number The time, in seconds, to fire the call back.
handler function A callback function.
params object Optional parameters to pass back through the call back.


myVideoPlayer.addCuePoint(3, handleCuePoint, [true, .3, {}])

function handleCuePoint(isVar, num, obj) {
	console.log('cue point', isVar, num, obj)


Adds VideoControls to the VideoPlayer instance. Used only if controls NOT passed thru on instantiation.

Kind: static method of VideoPlayer

Param Type Description
obj object An object of desired controls, see VideoControls


	controlBar : {
		buttonPlayPause : true,
		progressControl : true,
		buttonFullScreen : true