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Avoiding 'sudo' passwords

Fabio Rehm edited this page Sep 12, 2013 · 8 revisions

This plugin requires a lot of sudoing since user namespaces are not supported on mainstream kernels.

If you are using Ubuntu 12.04 (or any other OS with sudo < 1.8.4) you might be affected by a bug preventing your sudo password to be cached. You can work around the issue by disabling tty_tickets: execute sudo visudo and add the following line:

     Defaults   !tty_tickets

Another option is to use a really dumb AND INSECURE Ruby wrapper script like the one below and add a NOPASSWD entry to our /etc/sudoers file:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
exec ARGV.join(' ')

For example, you can save the code above under your /usr/bin/lxc-vagrant-wrapper, turn it into an executable script by running chmod +x /usr/bin/lxc-vagrant-wrapper and add the line below to your /etc/sudoers file:

USERNAME ALL=NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/lxc-vagrant-wrapper

WARNING: the /usr/bin/lxc-vagrant-wrapper + /etc/sudoers combination above allows USERNAME to run any privileged command without a password. You might want to think twice before using that on a machine with sensitive data.

In order to tell vagrant-lxc to use that script when sudo is needed, you can pass in the path to the script as a configuration for the provider:

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
  config.vm.provider :lxc do |lxc|
    lxc.sudo_wrapper = '/usr/bin/lxc-vagrant-wrapper'

If you want to set the sudo_wrapper globally, just add the code above to your ~/.vagrant.d/Vagrantfile.

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