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By default the lengths and weights of the pendulum are set to be 0.5 meters each and 0.5 kg each. The user can customize this parameter and many other parameter to better suit the research purpose. The other customizable parameter includes the starting pendulum positions and speeds, maximum torque and speed of the motor, the action frequency, and the time step. In addition, for visualization purpose, the history lengths can also be modified to a higher value to add more of the orange traces as shown on the figrue above. The environment is not episodical, which means that the cycle limit should be defined manually to fit some training algorihtms.

The double pendulum environment can be imported via:

import mlpro.rl.pool.envs.doublependulum


General Information

Parameter Value
Agents 1
Native Source MLPro
Action Space Dimension [1,]
Action Space Base Set Real number
Action Space Boundaries Depends on max_torque
State Space Dimension [4,]
State Space Base Set Real number
State Space Boundaries Pi for position and None for speed
Reward Structure Overall reward

Action Space

The continuous action is interpreted as a torque applied to the pendulum for a given time step. Depending on the max_speed parameter, this might not affect the system due to the pendulum moving faster than the motor can handle.

State Space

The state space of the system is a continuous space in the order of:
  • Position of Inner Pendulum
  • Speed of Inner Pendulum
  • Position of Outer Pendulum
  • Speed of Outer Pendulum

The position of the pendulum is guaranteed to be within -pi and pi, however the speed is not limited within a boundary due to the effects of gravitational acceleration.

Reward Structure

reward = Reward(Reward.C_TYPE_OVERALL)

target = np.array([np.pi, 0.0, np.pi, 0.0])
state = p_state_new.get_values()
old_state = p_state_old.get_values()

th1_count = 0
for th1 in self.y[::-1, 0]:
    ang = np.degrees(DoublePendulum.angle_normalize(th1))
    if ang > 170 or ang < 190 or \
            ang < -170 or ang > -190:
        th1_count += 1
th1_distance = np.pi - abs(DoublePendulum.angle_normalize(np.radians(state[0])))
th1_distance_costs = 4 if th1_distance <= 0.1 else 0.3 / th1_distance

th1_speed_costs = np.pi * abs(state[1]) / self.max_speed

# max acceleration in one timestep is assumed to be double the max speed
th1_acceleration_costs = np.pi * abs(self.y[-1, 1]-self.y[-2, 1]) / (2 * self.max_speed)

inner_pole_costs = (th1_distance_costs * th1_count / len(self.y)) - th1_speed_costs - (th1_acceleration_costs ** 0.5)
inner_pole_weight = (self.l1/2)*self.m1

th2_count = 0
for th2 in self.y[::-1, 2]:
    ang = np.degrees(DoublePendulum.angle_normalize(th2))
    if ang > 170 or ang < 190 or \
            ang < -170 or ang > -190:
        th2_count += 1
th2_distance = np.pi - abs(DoublePendulum.angle_normalize(np.radians(state[2])))
th2_distance_costs = 4 if th2_distance <= 0.1 else 0.3 / th2_distance

th2_speed_costs = np.pi * abs(state[3]) / self.max_speed

th2_acceleration_costs = np.pi * abs(self.y[-1, 3]-self.y[-2, 3]) / (2 * self.max_speed)

outer_pole_costs = (th2_distance_costs * th2_count / len(self.y)) - th2_speed_costs - (th2_acceleration_costs ** 0.5)
outer_pole_weight = 0.5 * (self.l2/2)*self.m2

change_costs = ((np.linalg.norm(target[::2] - np.array(old_state)[::2])*inner_pole_weight) - 
                (np.linalg.norm(target[::2] - np.array(state)[::2])*outer_pole_weight))

reward.set_overall_reward((inner_pole_costs * inner_pole_weight) + (outer_pole_costs * outer_pole_weight) 
                          - (self.alpha * np.pi/2) + (change_costs))

return reward

The reward calculation takes into account the position, speed and acceleration both pendulum. The class variable y take notes of the ODE frames of the states. This is formulated with the purpose of giving high reward whenever the pendulum stays upright while also minding the speed and acceleration of each pendulum. The position, speed, and acceleration is not taken at face value but instead is treated as a percentage of a defined constant (pi). Additionally, a weighting system is used in the reward calculation to scale the importance of inner and outer pendulum rewards. The torque exerted by the motor (alpha) is taken as negative reward and the difference between the old state and new state is also taken into account.

Change Log

Version Changes
1.0.0 First public version
1.0.2 Cleaning the code

Cross Reference

  • API Reference <Double Pendulum>