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345 lines (253 loc) · 19 KB
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Add built-in actor events
Aarsh Shah (@aarshkshah1992)
Technical (Core)


This FIP defines and proposes the implementation of a meaningful subset of fire-and-forget externally observable events that will be emitted by the built-in Verified Registry, Storage Market and Storage Miner Actors. These enable external agents (henceforth referred to as “clients”) to observe and track a specific subset of on-chain data-cap allocation/claims, deal lifecycle and sector lifecycle state transitions.

While this FIP explicitly delineates the implementation of events tied to specific transitions, it does not encompass the full spectrum of potential built-in actor events. The introduction and integration of additional built-in actor events will be addressed in subsequent FIPs.


FIP 0049 introduced and implemented the ability for actors to emit fire-and-forget externally observable events during execution.

This FIP aims to be the first of many for implementing events in the built-in actors. This specific FIP enumerates, defines and proposes the implementation of a subset of events for data-cap allocation/claims, deal lifecycle and sector life cycle transitions in the Verified Registry, Market and Miner Actors.

The events introduced in this FIP will enable clients such as network monitoring tools, block explorers, SP <> client deal brokering systems, browser clients, filecoin blockchain oracles etc. to rely on these events as a source of truth for sourcing information about the specific subset of on-chain activity and transitions captured by these events.

Events are emitted by the Verified Registry Actor for each verifier balance update, each allocation created, expired or claimed and for each claim that is updated or removed.

Events are emitted by the Market Actor for each deal that is published, activated, terminated or completed successfully.

Events are emitted by the Miner Actor for each sector that is precommitted, activated, updated (SnapDeals) or terminated by an SP.

Change Motivation

While FEVM smart contracts can already emit events, built-in actors are still eventless. This FIP is the first step towards fixing the external observability of built-in actors.

Filecoin network observability tools, block explorers, SP monitoring dashboards, deal brokering software, etc. need to rely on complex low-level techniques such as state tree diffs to source information about on-chain activity and state transitions. Emitting the select subset of built-in actor events defined in this FIP will make it easy for these clients to source the information they need by simply subscribing to the events and querying chain state.


Please see FIP-0049 for a detailed explanation of the FVM event schema and the possible values each field in the event schema can take. The interpretation of the flags field in each event entry is as follows:

  1. {"flags": "0x03”} ⇒ Index both key and value of the event entry
  2. {"flags": "0x02”} ⇒ Index only the value of the event entry
  3. {"flags": "0x01”} ⇒ Index only the key of the event entry

All values in the event payloads defined below are encoded with CBOR and so the codec field for each event entry will be set to 0x51.  The codec field is left empty in the payloads defined below only for the sake of brevity.

FVM support for CBOR encoding

The FVM currently only supports event values encoded with the raw encoding. This FIP adds support for CBOR encoding (0x51), and built-in actor event values will be encoded with CBOR.

Verified Registry Actor Events

Verifier Balance Updated

This event is emitted when the balance of a verifier is updated in the Verified Registry Actor.

The event payload is defined as:

flags key value
Index Key + Value “$type” “verifier-balance” (string)
Index Key + Value “verifier” <VERIFIER_ACTOR_ID> (int)
Index Key “balance” <VERIFIER_DATACAP_BALANCE> (bigint)

Datacap Allocated

This event is emitted when a verified client allocates datacap to a specific data set and storage provider.

The event payload is defined as:

flags key value
Index Key + Value “$type” “allocation” (string)
Index Key + Value “id” <ALLOCATION_ID> (int)
Index Key + Value “client” <CLIENT_ACTOR_ID> (int)
Index Key + Value “provider” <SP_ACTOR_ID> (int)

Datacap Allocation Removed

This event is emitted when a datacap allocation that is past its expiration epoch is removed.

The event payload is defined as:

flags key value
Index Key + Value “$type” “allocation-removed” (string)
Index Key + Value “id” <ALLOCATION_ID> (int)
Index Key + Value “client” <CLIENT_ACTOR_ID> (int)
Index Key + Value “provider” <SP_ACTOR_ID> (int)

Allocation Claimed

This event is emitted when a client allocation is claimed by a storage provider after the corresponding verified data is provably committed to the chain.

The event payload is defined as:

flags key value
Index Key + Value “$type” “claim” (string)
Index Key + Value “id” <CLAIM_ID> (int)
Index Key + Value “client” <CLIENT_ACTOR_ID> (int)
Index Key + Value “provider” <SP_ACTOR_ID> (int)

Claim Updated

This event is emitted when the term of an existing allocation is extended by the client.

The event payload is defined as:

flags key value
Index Key + Value “$type” “claim-updated” (string)
Index Key + Value “id” <CLAIM_ID> (int)
Index Key + Value “client” <CLIENT_ACTOR_ID> (int)
Index Key + Value “provider” <SP_ACTOR_ID> (int)

Claim Removed

This event is emitted when an expired claim is removed by the Verified Registry Actor.

The event payload is defined as:

flags key value
Index Key + Value “$type” “claim-removed” (string)
Index Key + Value “id” <CLAIM_ID> (int)
Index Key + Value “client” <CLIENT_ACTOR_ID> (int)
Index Key + Value “provider” <SP_ACTOR_ID> (int)

Market Actor Events

The Market Actor emits the following deal lifecycle events:

Deal Published

This event is emitted for each new deal that is successfully published by a storage provider.

The event payload is defined as:

flags key value
Index Key + Value “$type” "deal-published" (string)
Index Key + Value "id" <DEAL_ID> (int)
Index Key + Value "client" <STORAGE_CLIENT_ACTOR_ID> (int)
Index Key + Value "provider" <STORAGE_PROVIDER_ACTOR_ID> (int)

Deal Activated

The deal activation event is emitted for each deal that is successfully activated.

The event payload is defined as:

flags key value
Index Key + Value “$type” "deal-activated" (string)
Index Key + Value “id” <DEAL_ID> (int)
Index Key + Value "client" <STORAGE_CLIENT_ACTOR_ID> (int)
Index Key + Value "provider" <STORAGE_PROVIDER_ACTOR_ID> (int)

Deal Terminated

FIP-0074 ensures that terminated deals are processed immediately in the OnMinerSectorsTerminate method rather than being submitted for deferred processing to the market actor cron job. That change will make this event available to clients.

The deal termination event is emitted by the market actor cron job when it processes deals that were marked as terminated by the OnMinerSectorsTerminate method.

The event payload is defined as:

flags key value
Index Key + Value “$type” "deal-terminated" (string)
Index Key + Value “id” <DEAL_ID> (int)
Index Key + Value "client" <STORAGE_CLIENT_ACTOR_ID> (int)
Index Key + Value "provider" <STORAGE_PROVIDER_ACTOR_ID> (int)

Deal Completed Successfully

This event is emitted when a deal is marked as successfully complete by the Market Actor cron job. The cron job will deem a deal to be successfully completed if it is past it’s end epoch without being slashed.

This event is not usable as it is emitted from a cron job. However, we still emit the event here for completeness. FIP-0074 ensures that the processing of completed deals is done as part of a method called by the Storage Provider thus making this event available to clients and also to ensure that SPs pay the gas costs of processing deal completion and event emission. This applies to new deals made post landing FIP-0074. For deals made before FIP-0074 lands, this event is not usable.

The event payload is defined as:

flags key value
Index Key + Value “$type” "deal-completed" (string)
Index Key + Value “id” <DEAL_ID> (int)
Index Key + Value "client" <STORAGE_CLIENT_ACTOR_ID> (int)
Index Key + Value "provider" <STORAGE_PROVIDER_ACTOR_ID> (int)

Miner Actor Events

The Miner Actor emits the following sector lifecycle events:

Sector Pre-committed

The sector pre-committed event is emitted for each new sector that is successfully pre-committed by an SP.

The event payload is defined as:

flags key value
Index Key + Value “$type" "sector-precommitted" (string)
Index Key + Value “sector” <SECTOR_NUMER> (int)

Sector Activated

This event is emitted for each pre-committed sector that is successfully activated by a storage provider. For now, sector activation corresponds 1:1 with prove-committing a sector but this can change in the future.

The event payload is defined as:

flags key value
Index Key + Value “$type" "sector-activated" (string)
Index Key + Value “sector” <SECTOR_NUMER> (int)

Sector Updated

This event is emitted for each CC sector that is updated to contained actual sealed data.

The event payload is defined as:

flags key value
Index Key + Value “$type" "sector-updated" (string)
Index Key + Value “sector” <SECTOR_NUMER> (int)

Sector Terminated

The sector termination event is emitted for each sector that is marked as terminated by a storage provider.

The event payload is defined as:

flags key value
Index Key + Value “$type" "sector-terminated" (string)
Index Key + Value “sector” <SECTOR_NUMER> (int)

Design Rationale

Richer and more detailed payloads for the events were initially considered. However, a large event payload increases the event emission gas costs are borne by users of the built-in actor methods. The payload of an event should, therefore, be as minimal as possible to reduce costs. However, the event payloads should still have enough information for clients consuming the events to determine if they are interested in reacting to the event (e.g. by querying chain state to obtain additional information about the transition).

Verified Registry Events

The Verified Registry Event payloads have the allocation/claim IDs and client and provider Actor IDs. This enables users to filter the events by the client/provider whose claim/allocation they are interested in and then query the chain state with the corresponding allocation/claim ID to get more information.

Market Actor Events

Once a deal is published, clients have access to the dealId of the deal. All Market Actor events except for the “deal published” event have the dealId in their payload, which clients can use to filter for events they are interested in and then query the chain state for more information.

The dealId is not known to the storage client before the deal is actually published as it is generated by the storage provider during the call to PublishStorageDeals. Therefore, to make the deal-published event useful to subscribers and storage clients, the payload for that event also includes the client and provider Actors IDs so that listeners can filter this event by specific deal making parties they are interested in.

Note that cron jobs do not return message receipts containing the emitted events back to the user. Therefore, the Market Actor deal-terminated event will not be usable as it stands today as the deals are terminated by the cron job and so the event is also emitted from the cron job. However, once FIP-0074 is implemented, this event will be emitted from the OnMinerSectorsTerminate method itself. This will make the event available to clients and the gas cost for this event will be paid by the OnMinerSectorsTerminate method.

The above is also true for the deal-completed event. Deal completion is currently processed by a cron job and so the event will not be usable by clients. FIP-0074 will ensure that the processing of completed deals is done as part of a method called by the Storage Provider thus making this event available to clients

Miner Actor Events

All Miner Actor Events will already have the Miner Actor ID in the emitter field of the event.

So, we only need to include the sector number in the event payload for Miner Actor events to enable clients to filter Miner Actor events by the Miner/Sector they are interested in.

An SP can activate a single sector by using the ProveCommitSector method. As of today, this method schedules a cron job to actually activate the sector which means that the sector activation event will be emitted by the cron job. This makes the event un-usable as events emitted by a cron job are not included in the message receipt. However, we still emit the sector activation event in the Miner Actor for completeness. FIP-0076 will ensure that sector activation is actually done as part of the ProveCommitSector method thus making this event available to clients and also to ensure that SPs actually pay the cost of sector activation and event emission.

There is an edge case we need to consider for the sector-terminated event in the Miner Actor. Some sectors can also be marked as terminated by the Miner Actor cron job as the number of terminations that can be processed immediately by the TerminateSectors method are rate-limited. The events emitted for these terminations will not be available to the client because they are emitted from a cron job.

Backwards Compatibility

This proposal does not remove or change any exported APIs, nor change any state schemas. It is backwards compatible for all callers. Since it requires a change to actor code, a network upgrade is required to deploy it.

The actor events introduced in this FIP are fire and forget. No event is persisted in the actor state and clients can choose not to consume any/all of the events.

Events emitted by built-in actors do form a part of the MessageReceipt chain data structure  via the existing events_root field on MessageReceipt. While this field is set to empty today for built-in actor method calls, this field will contain a value once built-in actors start emitting events.

This FIP proposes adding CBOR encoding for event values. Clients that are interested in built-in actor events will need to upgrade to understand CBOR.

However, this FIP does not propose changing the existing event schema or changing any of the chain data structures including the MessageReceipt structure. So, this change should be completely backward compatible.

Test Cases

All pre-existing unit tests in the Verified Registry, Market and Miner Actors should expect and observe the emission of the events defined in this proposal wherever applicable.

Existing integration tests should also expect and observe the emission of events defined in this proposal wherever applicable.

Security Considerations

This proposal does not introduce any reductions in security.

Incentive Considerations

Even though the event payloads have been kept minimal to minimise the gas costs for emitting events, this proposal does increase the gas cost of methods in the Verified Registry, Miner and Market Actors that emit the events defined in this FIP.

While this increased gas cost is borne by the users of the methods, the benefit of the emitted events is enjoyed by networking monitoring tools, network accounting tools, block explorer tools and other external agents that provide some value-added services to the Filecoin network.  Improved implementation of these tools should indirectly benefit the network users.

Product Considerations

This FIP will enable tools dedicated to network observability, monitoring, and accounting, as well as other external agents, to transition away from depending on highly-coupled, internal and low-level mechanisms such as state tree diffs/message-replays to source information about built-in actors activity and state transitions. They can instead use the events defined in this FIP as a source of truth to obtain the information they need (*for information captured by the specific subset of built-in actor events defined in this FIP).

Clients will still have to rely on pre-existing mechanisms for observability of transitions not captured by events defined in this FIP.

Validating nodes will have to store event data to make that data available to clients just as they store message receipts. This will increase the storage requirements for the validating nodes but event payloads have been design to be as minimal as possible to keep the storage requirement to a bare minimum.


Implementation of this proposal is in progress on the following feature branch:


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