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Fin Christensen edited this page May 2, 2015 · 27 revisions

Freezing Archer Core Components

This page should give you some examples on how to use the core components.

This section describes on how to create, initialize and load an application and showing a window.

This section describes how the renderer should be used.

This section describes how the physics work.

This section gives an overview on how to play sounds in FreezingArcher.

This section is describing the principals of the the input management and how it works.

This section describes how to periodically update your data.

This section deals with the data structures included in FreezingArcher.

Want to localize your game? Here is how!

The messaging system is used to communicate between the different components. Have a look on how to use this powerful manager.

The logger is used for command line output. Have a look at this component.

This section describes on how to configure the command line interface.

Have a look at this section t learn how to save configuration to a file.

To reduce or prevent garbage collections we introduced an all new technique (which is not this new, but anyway, it's great!).

DynamicClassBuilder is a really great helper to make static libraries more dynamic. What you can do is basically create new classes with properties, fields and methods on the fly, without the need to save them to disk.

This class is used to run tasks in parallel or sequentially.