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Provides the internal API / microservice for RW of annotation information in Neo4j


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Annotations Reader/Writer for Neo4j (annotations-rw-neo4j)

Circle CIGo Report Card Coverage Status

A service and an API for reading/writing annotations into Neo4j. If the consumer is enabled: the messages are consumed from the queue, they get written into Neo4j, and finally, if the producer is also enabled, they got forwarded into the next (PostAnnotations) queue. The above flow can be initiated by the PUT endpoint as well. In this case, the service expects the annotations json to be supplied in the format that comes out of the annotations consumer.

Build from source

  • download the source code of the project in a directory of your choice
  • cd {the-chosen-directory}/annotations-rw-neo4j
  • go build -mod=readonly

Running locally

  • {the-chosen-directory}/annotations-rw-neo4j [--help]

You have the following options here:

  • run neo4j and kafka locally (by docker, or as native apps)
  • open a tunnel to one of your team clusters that your app can connect to
  • disable the functionality that requires kafka by setting the env var SHOULD_FORWARD_MESSAGES=false

Command line options:

--neoUrl                  neoURL must point to a leader node or to use neo4j:// scheme, otherwise writes will fail (env $NEO_URL) (default "bolt://localhost:7687")
--port                    Port to listen on (env $APP_PORT) (default 8080)
--logLevel                Logging level (DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR) (env $LOG_LEVEL) (default "INFO")
--dbDriverLogLevel        Db's driver logging level (DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR) (env $DB_DRIVER_LOG_LEVEL) (default "WARN")
--lifecycleConfigPath     Json Config file - containing two config maps: one for originHeader to lifecycle, another for lifecycle to platformVersion mappings.  (env $LIFECYCLE_CONFIG_PATH) (default "annotation-config.json")
--shouldConsumeMessages   Boolean value specifying if this service should consume messages from the specified topic (env $SHOULD_CONSUME_MESSAGES)
--consumerGroup           Kafka consumer group name (env $CONSUMER_GROUP)
--consumerTopics          Kafka consumer topic names (env $CONSUMER_TOPICS)
--kafkaLagTolerance       Kafka consumer lag tolerance (env $KAFKA_LAG_TOLERANCE) (default 0)
--kafkaAddress            Kafka address (env $KAFKA_ADDRESS) (default "kafka:9092")
--producerTopic           Topic to which received messages will be forwarded (env $PRODUCER_TOPIC) (default "PostPublicationMetadataEvents")
--shouldForwardMessages   Decides if annotations messages should be forwarded to a post publication queue (env $SHOULD_FORWARD_MESSAGES) (default true)
--appName                 Name of the service (env $APP_NAME) (default "annotations-rw")
--appSystemCode           Name of the service (env $APP_SYSTEM_CODE) (default "annotations-rw")
--apiURL                  API Gateway URL used when building the thing ID url in the response, in the format scheme://host (env $API_HOST)

Running tests locally

  • Run unit tests only: go test -race ./...

  • Run unit and integration tests:

    In order to execute the integration tests you must provide GITHUB_USERNAME and GITHUB_TOKEN values, because the service is depending on internal repositories.

    GITHUB_USERNAME=<username> GITHUB_TOKEN=<token> \
    docker-compose -f docker-compose-tests.yml up -d --build && \
    docker logs -f test-runner && \
    docker-compose -f docker-compose-tests.yml down -v




Each annotation is added with a relationship according to the predicate property from the payload. The predicate property is required and it's value has to be equal to one of the keys from the relations map in annotations/model.go

This operation acts as a replace - all existing annotations are removed, and the new ones are created - for the specified annotations-lifecycle. Supplying an empty list as the request body will remove all annotations for the content.

A successful PUT results in 201.

We run queries in batches. If a batch fails, all failing requests will get a 500 server error response.

Invalid json body input will result in a 400 bad request response.

NB: annotations don't have identifiers themselves currently - the id in the json is the id of the concept that is annotating the content.

See this doc for more details.


curl -XPUT -H "X-Request-Id: 123" -H "Content-Type: application/json" localhost:8080/content/3fa70485-3a57-3b9b-9449-774b001cd965/annotations/annotations-pac --data


/content/{annotatedContentId}/annotations/{annotations-lifecycle} This internal read should return what got written (i.e., this isn't the public annotations read API) - for the specified annotations-lifecycle.

If not found, you'll get a 404 response.

Empty fields are omitted from the response. curl -H "X-Request-Id: 123" localhost:8080/content/3fa70485-3a57-3b9b-9449-774b001cd965/annotations/annotations-pac



Deletes all the annotations with the specified annotations-lifecycle.

Will return 204 if successful, 404 if not found

curl -XDELETE -H "X-Request-Id: 123" localhost:8080/3fa70485-3a57-3b9b-9449-774b001cd965/annotations/annotations-pac

NB: /content/{contentId}/annotations/mentions/{conceptId} also existed in the old annotations writer and was used to allow annotations to be removed in Spyglass (however it was not used because if the content is republished, we lose the fact an annotation was deleted). We have chosen not to replicate that functionality in this app.

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