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A public API which returns an ordered list of the most recently annotated content about a given concept


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Public API for Content By Concept (public-content-by-concept-api)

Circle CI Go Report Card Coverage Status

A public API which returns an ordered list of the most recently annotated content about a given concept

Installation & running locally

  • go get -u
  • cd $GOPATH/src/
  • go install
  • $GOPATH/bin/public-content-by-concept-api --neo-url={neo4jUrl} --port={port} --log-level={DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR}--cache-duration{e.g. 22h10m3s} --requestLoggingEnabled=false
  --app-system-code       System Code of the application (env $APP_SYSTEM_CODE) (default "public-content-by-concept-api")
  --app-name              Application name (env $APP_NAME) (default "Public Content by Concept API")
  --neo-url               neo4j endpoint URL (env $NEO_URL) (default "bolt://localhost:7687")
  --port                  Port to listen on (env $APP_PORT) (default "8080")
  --cache-duration        Duration Get requests should be cached for. e.g. 2h45m would set the max-age value to '7440' seconds (env $CACHE_DURATION) (default "30s")
  --record-http-metrics   enable recording of http handler metrics (env $RECORD_HTTP_METRICS)
  --logLevel              Level of logging in the service (env $LOG_LEVEL) (default "INFO")
  --dbDriverLogLevel      Level of logging in the service (env $DB_DRIVER_LOG_LEVEL) (default "WARNING")
  --api-yml               Location of the API Swagger YML file. (env $API_YML) (default "./api.yml")
  --publicAPIURL          API Gateway URL used when building the thing ID url in the response, in the format scheme://host (env $PUBLIC_API_URL) (default "")
  --ftURL                 FT's URL used when building the ID url in the response, in the format scheme://host (env $FT_URL) (default "")


  • Unit tests only: go test -race ./...

  • Unit and integration tests:

    In order for the integration tests to execute you must provide GITHUB_USERNAME and GITHUB_TOKEN values, because the service is depending on internal repositories.

    GITHUB_USERNAME="<user-name>" GITHUB_TOKEN="<personal-access-token>" \
    docker-compose -f docker-compose-tests.yml up -d --build && \
    docker logs -f test-runner && \
    docker-compose -f docker-compose-tests.yml down

Examples for the endpoint that does not return implicitly annotated content:

  • curl http://localhost:8080/content?isAnnotatedBy=
  • curl http://localhost:8080/content?isAnnotatedBy=
  • curl http://localhost:8080/content?isAnnotatedBy=

Note: Optional request params: limit (number of items to return), page, toDate, fromDate. isAnnotatedBy param accepts both full concept URI or just the UUID

Examples for the endpoint that returns implicitly annotated content:

  • curl http://localhost:8080/content/

API definition

Full API definition and description of supported endpoints can be found in the Open API specification.

Admin Enpoints

Healthcheck: http://localhost:8080/__health Gtg: http://localhost:8080/__gtg Build-Info: http://localhost:8080/__build-info