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File metadata and controls

247 lines (195 loc) · 7.12 KB

Creating Simulation Model

So far, we've been using a fixed input stream model to test our device. But, ideally, we'd like an input stream that is defined by a software model and configurable at runtime. We'd like to put the input data in a file and pass it in as a command-line argument. We can't do that in Chisel. We'll have to create the model in Verilog and call out to C++ using the Verilog DPI-C API.

First, how do we include Verilog code in a Chisel codebase? We can do this using the Chisel BlackBox class. BlackBox modules can be used like regular Chisel modules and have defined IO ports, but the internal implementation is left to Verilog.

class SimInputStream(w: Int) extends BlackBox(Map("DATA_BITS" -> IntParam(w))) {
  val io = IO(new Bundle {
    val clock = Input(Clock())
    val reset = Input(Bool())
    val out = Decoupled(UInt(w.W))

One key difference in the IO bundle definition is that the implicit clock and reset signals must be explicitly defined in a BlackBox. The BlackBox class also takes a map that defines parameters that will be passed to the verilog implementation. To connect the BlackBox in the test harness, we should create a connectSimInput method in the HasPeripheryInputStreamModuleImp trait.

def connectSimInput(clock: Clock, reset: Bool) {
  val sim = Module(new SimInputStream(outer.streamWidth)) := clock := reset
  stream_in <>

We then add a new configuration class in src/main/scala/example/Configs.scala that calls the connectSimInput method.

class WithSimInputStream extends Config((site, here, up) => {
  case BuildTop => (clock: Clock, reset: Bool, p: Parameters) => {
    val top = Module(LazyModule(new ExampleTopWithInputStream()(p)).module)
    top.connectSimInput(clock, reset)

class SimInputStreamConfig extends Config(
  new WithSimInputStream ++ new BaseExampleConfig)

Now we need to create the verilog implementation of the SimInputStream module. Make a new directory src/main/resources and add vsrc and csrc subdirectories under it.

$ mkdir -p src/main/resources/{vsrc,csrc}

In the vsrc directory, create a file called SimInputStream.v and add the following code.

import "DPI-C" function void input_stream_init
    input string filename,
    input int    data_bits

import "DPI-C" function void input_stream_tick
    output bit     out_valid,
    input  bit     out_ready,
    output longint out_bits

module SimInputStream #(DATA_BITS=64) (
    input                  clock,
    input                  reset,
    output                 out_valid,
    input                  out_ready,
    output [DATA_BITS-1:0] out_bits

    bit __out_valid;
    longint __out_bits;
    string filename;
    int data_bits;

    reg                 __out_valid_reg;
    reg [DATA_BITS-1:0] __out_bits_reg;

    initial begin
        data_bits = DATA_BITS;
        if ($value$plusargs("instream=%s", filename)) begin
            input_stream_init(filename, data_bits);

    always @(posedge clock) begin
        if (reset) begin
            __out_valid = 0;
            __out_bits = 0;

            __out_valid_reg <= 0;
            __out_bits_reg <= 0;
        end else begin
            __out_valid_reg <= __out_valid;
            __out_bits_reg  <= __out_bits;

    assign out_valid = __out_valid_reg;
    assign out_bits  = __out_bits_reg;


The verilog defines its inputs and outputs to match the definition in the Chisel BlackBox. But most of the implementation is left to C++ through the DPI functions input_stream_init and input_stream_tick. We define these functions in a file in the csrc directory.

In the C++ file, we implement an InputStream class that takes a file name as its argument. It opens the file and reads nbytes from it for every ready-valid handshake. The input_stream_init function constructs an InputStream class and assigns it to a global pointer. The input_stream_tick function updates the state by calling the tick method, passing in the inputs from verilog. It then assigns values to the verilog outputs.

You can now build this new configuration in VCS.

$ cd vsim
$ make CONFIG=SimInputStreamConfig

Now create a file that can be used as the input stream data. Just getting random bytes from /dev/urandom would work. Pass this to your simulation through the +instream= flag, and you should see the data get printed out in the input-stream.riscv test.

$ dd if=/dev/urandom of=instream.img bs=32 count=1
$ hexdump instream.img
0000000 189b f12a 1cc1 9eb5 b65d bbef 96b6 4949
0000010 f8c8 636c 76fe 15f3 0665 0ef9 8c5d 3011
$ ./simv-example-SimInputStreamConfig +instream=instream.img ../tests/input-stream.riscv