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Debugging Using TracerV

FireSim can provide a cycle-by-cycle trace of the CPU's architectural state over the course of execution. This can be useful for profiling or debugging. The tracing functionality is provided by the TracerV widget.

Building a Design with TracerV

In all FireChip designs TracerV is generated by default. Other targets can enable it by attaching a TracerV Bridge to the RISC-V trace port of one-or-more cores.

Enabling Tracing at Runtime

To improve simulation preformance, FireSim does not collect data from the TracerV Bridge by default. To enable collection, modify the tracing section to your config_runtime.ini.


Now when you run a workload, a trace output file will be placed in the sim_slot_<slot #> directory on the F1 instance under the name TRACEFILE. Tracing the entirety of a long-running job like a Linux-based workload can generate a pretty large image, and you may only care about the state within a certain timeframe. Therefore, FireSim allows you to specify a start cycle and end cycle for collecting data. By default, it starts at cycle 0 and ends at the last cycle of the simulation. To change this, modify the following under the "tracing" section of your config_runtime.ini.


Interpreting the Trace Result