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<f-ua-parser> Build Status

Web Component wrapper for


# Assuming Node.js and Bower are already installed
bower install --save f-ua-parser


The system consists of two elements working together: <f-ua-parser> and <f-ua-parser-domain>.

<f-ua-parser> elements provides content or value with translated strings of locale specified in their corresponding <f-ua-parser-domain> element.

The language to display isn't set on the <f-ua-parser> elements but on the <f-ua-parser-domain>. All <f-ua-parser> elements are automatically updated after the locale was changed on corresponding <f-ua-parser-domain> element.


  1. Initialize the <f-ua-parser-domain> domains.
<!-- Will use the translations from `path/to/locales/default-de.json` -->

<!-- Will use the translations from `other/path/foobar-en.json` -->
  1. Use <f-ua-parser> to get the translations.
<!-- Message from "default" domain, with key "welcome".
     Will display placeholder text until translation is loaded. -->
<f-ua-parser msgid="welcome" placeholder="Welcome!"></f-ua-parser>

<!-- Message from "foobar" domain, with key "hello".
     Will not display any text, but set and notify "value" property. -->
<f-ua-parser provider m="foobar.hello" placeholder="Hello!" value="{{msgHello}}"></f-ua-parser>


From here on, documentation will only concern development of this component.


Element dependencies are managed via Bower. You can install that via:

npm install -g bower

Then, go ahead and download the element's dependencies:

bower install

Playing With Your Element

If you wish to work on your element in isolation, we recommend that you use Polyserve to keep your element's bower dependencies in line. You can install it via:

npm install -g polyserve

And you can run it via:


Once running, you can preview your element at http://localhost:8080/components/f-ua-parser/, where f-ua-parser is the name of the directory containing it.

Testing Your Element

Simply navigate to the /test directory of your element to run its tests. If you are using Polyserve: http://localhost:8080/components/f-ua-parser/test/


The tests are compatible with web-component-tester. Install it via:

npm install -g web-component-tester

Then, you can run your tests on all of your local browsers via:


WCT Tips

wct -l chrome will only run tests in chrome.

wct -p will keep the browsers alive after test runs (refresh to re-run).

wct test/some-file.html will test only the files you specify.