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AoC 2019 solution notes


These are the notes I originally wrote in conjunction with the Python solutions, for the 2019 iteration of the contest. While the puzzles are of course the same, comments specific to the solutions may be out of sync with the Go solutions, though chances are for the most part the algorithms used are the same.

This text used to be published in the aoc-py repository, but has been migrated here for completeness.

Not much to say here. Part 1 involved evaluating a simple expression on a list of values and printing the sum. Part 2 had a recurrence relation of sorts.

Second day introduced the first dialect of the Intcode programming language. Part 1 asked to run the example program with a specific initial state, and report which value was left when it halted. Part 2 required finding a specific pair of inputs to yield a given output, out of just 10000 possibilities.

The solution here uses a standalone Intcode interpreter, only supporting the opcodes 1, 2 and 99.

Day 3 considered the intersections of two wires, described as a sequence of movement instructions (right 75, down 30, ...).

Part 1

In part 1, the task was simply to find the intersection closest to the origin. Just for fun, instead of painting every position of the wires, the solution instead tests every horizontal (resp. vertical) segment of wire 1 with every vertical (resp. horizontal) segment of wire 2, and keeps track of the intersections.

Part 2

Part 2 introduced a notion of a signal propagation delay to the wires, and asked for the intersection where the combined delay was lowest.

While it would be certainly possible to generalize the part 1 solution for this, the variant here forgot all about orientation of the segments. So instead part 2 is solved the boring way, by just looping over each wire step and keeping track of the delay, then locating the position with the lowest combined delay.

For some reason, day 4 was surprisingly simple. Both parts simply asked how many numbers (from a range of around half a million) satisfied certain simple properties about their digits.

Day 5 was mostly about Intcode extensions. This day's solution is the first to use the shared Intcode interpreter.

The first part introduced numeric input and output instructions, then just asked for the output of the program given the input.

Second part extended that with conditional jumps and comparison and equality operations, then asked for the output given another input.

Sixth day was another surprisingly simple one, involving what were in the narrative described as orbits, but really it was just an arbitrary directed tree.

Part 1

The first subproblem asked for the total number of child relationships, in the sense that a node was counted both for its direct parent and its indirect grandparent. The solution simply walks the tree depth-first, and keeps a running count, incrementing it for each node by its depth (so counting it as the child of each its ancestors).

Part 2

Part 2 wanted to know the shortest path between two nodes. The solution just finds the unique paths from the root to both nodes by walking the tree, then trims them by removing their common prefix and pastes them together.

Back to the land of Intcode, though with no new instructions.

Part 1

The setup for the first part called for five independent Intcode interpreters, each fed a configuration setting and then the previous interpreter's output. The task was to find the configuration resulting in the biggest final output.

The solution simply tests each valid configuration, and runs the programs sequentially.

Part 2

The twist: a feedback loop. Instead of halting after the output, the programs continued running, with the output from the last instance fed back to the first one's input.

The solution here is kind of funny: it actually runs all the programs as parallel threads, and uses Python's thread-safe queues as the pipes. It's highly likely there's hardly any actual parallelism (and 4/5 interpreters will just be blocking for input at any one time), but still.

Another simple day, decoding images sent as layers of three-state pixels: white, black, or transparent.

The two parts asked for some statistics of the layers, and the word obtained by compositing the images, respectively. The solutions are straightforward. The image renderer writes back-to-front ignoring transparent pixels, instead of searching front-to-back for the first non-transparent one.

The "Intcode every other day" pattern continues. Day 9 introduced allegedly the final missing Intcode features: a relative addressing mode (to complement the existing immediate and indirect ones), and an opcode to set the base register for the relative mode.

The tasks involved no other work than finishing the interpreter. The answers were simply program outputs for inputs 1 and 2.

Day 10 resists classification, though both parts were related to a kind of a line-of-sight computation for ideal, dimensionless asteroids located on an integer grid.

Part 1

The first task was to find the asteroid from which the most other asteroids were visible. The solution involves a visibility checker, which starts from the delta vector between the two asteroids, reduces it to the most simplified form based on its GCD, and then walks over the map with that step to figure if there is another asteroid blocking the view.

Part 2

Part 2 was slightly odd: the task was to remove asteroids from the map using a clockwise sweep, with non-visible asteroids surviving until the next sweep. The answer was formed from the coordinates of the 200th removed asteroid.

The solution implements the sweep by first locating all visible asteroids, then sorting them based on the angle of the line connecting them. After removing the visible set, the cycle repeats until no asteroids remain.

More Intcode again, this time controlling a simple robot capable of reading the color of its current cell in a 2D grid (through the input opcode), then painting the cell either black or white and turning 90 degrees, before taking another step.

Part 1 asked how many cells the input program would visit, when started on an entirely black canvas. Part 2 asked for the word printed when started on a single white pixel on a black background.

The solution uses a callback-based I/O mechanism for the Intcode interpreter to drive the robot, but is otherwise very straightforward.

Today's tasks were on the topic of simulating a discrete, rather non-physical universe, with interesting laws of gravity and motion.

Part 1

Part 1 asked for a value derived from the state of the system after 1000 steps of simulation. The solution is the obvious one: apply the gravity and velocity updates just as stated in the problem description. The gravity update is done over all distinct pairs, updating both endpoints, though could as well be done by looping over the full cartesian product and updating only one side.

Part 2

For part 2, the task was to determine how many steps will elapse until the system returns to exactly its initial state. The initial state was chosen to make that (probably) infeasibly long to just run step by step.

Since the operations on each of the three spatial dimensions are entirely independent (gravity has no distance component that would tie them together), this was easily solvable by just finding out independently for each of the dimensions how many steps their cycle is. The full solution is then just the least common multiple of all three.

It's an odd day, and we all know what that means: more Intcode!

Today's puzzle input was a simple Breakout clone, where you first had to count blocks in the initial state, then play the game to the end (destroy all the blocks) and report the final score.

There are three parts to the solution this time:

  • Part 1 simply renders the initial view using ASCII characters (just for illustration), then counts blocks.
  • Part 2 (interactive mode) is a curses-based implementation that can be played manually. Press the left or right arrows to move the paddle, any other key to keep it in place and just advance one time step. This part is currently commented out.
  • Part 2 (demo mode) just runs the game in headless mode until it halts, using a simple controller that makes the paddle attempt to follow the ball.

The solution here approaches day 14 as a graph problem.

The puzzle input specified which combination and quantities of chemicals produced N units of a different chemical, with the conditions that there was just one reaction per output chemical, and that no reaction could run partially.

The solution turns the input list into a dependency graph where the directed edges lead from (e.g.) A to B and C if the (one) reaction that produces A requires B and C as inputs. Edge weights denote how many units are needed. Each node also holds the amount of output units produced by the reaction.

The graph is always a DAG, with the property that the special chemical FUEL is the only node with no in-edges (not needed by any other reaction), and the special raw material ORE the only node with no out-edges (not produced by any reaction).

Part 1 asked for the minimum amount of ORE needed to produce at least one unit of FUEL. The solution computes this by performing a topological sort of the DAG (with Kahn's algorithm), then iterating over the ordered nodes and keeping track of how much each chemical is needed. The topological sort guarantees that each node is visited only after all its ancestors, meaning the full quantity of that chemical required is known.

Part 2 inverted the problem, and wanted to know the maximum amount of FUEL that can be produced from a trillion ORE. To reduce this to a solved problem, the solution just does a binary search to find the point where the ore consumption to generate a given amount of fuel exceeds a trillion.

Check out the 2019-day14-*.png files to see the dependency graphs. They were created by the script, which writes the graph in Graphviz .dot file format.

Odd is still the new Intcode.

The setting in day 15 involves using an Intcode-driven robot to map a space, then measure the distance to a target square and time how long it takes to fill the empty space.

The initial solution here did the mapping using a breadth-first search starting from the origin, because it naturally gave the answer (length of shortest path) to part 1. For simplicity, it also moved the robot back to origin between expanding each of the new fringe nodes. Turns out the map is actually a labyrinth, so this approach was abysmally slow, taking a full minute to run. Still, it did the job, producing the solutions I submitted. This version is still in the revision history.

The very first solution for part 1 further used to stop short after it found the target square. For part 2, the full map is needed, so that version no longer exists at all. Stopping early doesn't really affect the runtime: the target square is in the far corner of the labyrinth.

The current solution does a depth-first search to build the full map, which is far more suited to the motions of the robot. With this solution, it takes significantly less than a second to discover the full map.

To answer the questions, once the full map is in memory, there's a simple breadth-first search routine to compute distances to all (non-wall, reachable) tiles from a given starting point. Part 1 answer is just the origin-to-target distance, while part 2 is the maximum distance to any tile from the target square.

The topic of the day was the Flawed Frequency Transmission algorithm. Denoting the i'th (1-based) digit of the original signal by s(i) and the output signal by t(i), one phase (step) of the FFT algorithm is represented by the equations:


Part 1

Part 1 asked for the first 8 digits after 100 phases of FFT on the puzzle input. There are no immediately obvious speed-ups for this: the first digits are affected in a somewhat complex manner by the entire sequence. The solution implements the FFT as a simple translation of the above equations.

Part 2

Part 2 required extracting an 8-digit substring after 100 phases iterated on the puzzle input repeated 10000 times. This is probably not computationally reasonable by the simple method.

The solution here uses a trick, based on the sequence of values of W used for the digits of the latter half of the signal in the FFT phase. Note how the expression W(⌊i / j⌋ mod 4) behaves when j is large compared to i:


What this means is, for the latter half of the signal (where i < 2j for all digits), we can simplify the algorithm to:


In other words, the j'th output digit in the latter half is simply the sum of all the input digits from its own position to the end of the signal, and is not affected by the earlier digits at all. This means that, as long as the message we want to extract is in the latter half, we can ignore all digits before the message, and further do the update of the remaining signal in linear time simply by maintaining a running sum of the digits from right to left.

By a strange coincidence, all the examples and the puzzle input asked for values in the latter half of the signal. So the solution constructs only the relevant part of the 10000-fold repeated signal (in reverse order, for convenience), and then updates it in-place for 100 phases to obtain the answer.

We'll all be so weirded out when day 25 rolls out and isn't related to Intcode. However, today is not that day.

That being said, the interactions with the Intcode program today were quite limited. The puzzle input, when executed as-is, simply produced a map (as an ASCII image) of a (self-intersecting) path. For part 1, it was enough to look up coordinates of all the intersections.

The program could also be modified to start running a simulation for moving a robot along that path, accepting as input a very simple program for the robot: one main function consisting of calls to three functions A, B and C, together with definitions for those functions as turtle graphics instructions (90-degree turns, N units forward).

The (not so challenging) challenge was to fit the required movement rules within the 20-character length limits of the main program and each of the functions.

Initially, I was planning to identify repeating patterns visually, by copying the map into a vector graphics program, and producing linked (optionally rotated) duplicates of the functions that could then be manipulated to fit the path.

"Unfortunately," it turned out there was a very obvious single path the robot could take (basically, crossing each intersection straight through), and when that path was written as a linear program, it was easy to spot reoccurring substrings and add line breaks to break it down to functions. See comments of for that breakdown.

Just for the pretty pictures, the finished drawing is also included below. The 2019-day17-plan.svgz file is the Inkscape source image. Mind the Inkscape bug I kept hitting when editing it.


Ah, the famous traveling burglar problem.

More seriously, today's problem (of finding the shortest path to collect a set of keys, with constraints that some keys are needed to reach others) is very close to the sequential ordering problem (SOP), also known as the (asymmetric) traveling salesman problem with precedence constraints (TSP-PC, PCATSP, ...). In the general case, it's an NP-hard problem. While the instances in the puzzle are small enough for exact solvers, it could still be relatively expensive.

Fortunately the scenarios in the puzzle are quite constrained. The solution here first does a breadth-first search from each key (and the entry points), figuring out the shortest (mostly, the only) path, as well as which keys and doors are on that path. This is used to build a graph of connections between keys (and from the start nodes to each key).

To find the shortest path to collect all the keys, the solution performs what's essentially Dijkstra's algorithm on a graph that has a vertex for every possible N-tuple of vertices and subset of keys, and an edge where it's possible to follow an edge of the original graph, given the keys and doors involved.



Intcode, the gift that keeps on giving. Although the day 19 puzzle was again remarkably simple.

The provided input program could be used to query whether grid squares were part of a beam or not. Part 1 asked for the number of points that were, out of the top-left 50x50 square. This was trivial to calculate simply by probing all the squares, in a reasonable amount of time.

The answer to part 2 was based on when a 100x100 square first fit within the beam. A full scan would probably have been too slow, but it was quite easy to follow the beam just by tracing the left/right edges down, keep a history of the beam edges for 100 most recent rows, and then compare whether a box of that size with its lower-left corner at the beam's left edge would fit.

A graph puzzle with a twist.

Part 1

Part 1 was straightforward. The solution here parses the input ASCII map, locates all portal labels, and for each label computes which other labels are reachable along the normal paths. Since this is done with a breadth-first search, it also gives the distance of the shortest path to each reachable label.

Next, a weighted undirected graph is built, with labels as vertices and edges between all reachable labels with the distances as weights. Adding an edge of weight 1 between the matching inner and outer labels makes the graph a complete description of the first part labyrinth.

The shortest path from AA to ZZ is now just the shortest path in the grahp. The solution here uses Dijkstra's algorithm.

Part 2

The twist in part 2 is that the inner portals, instead of leading directly to the corresponding outer portal, leads to a recursive copy of the maze. Only the outermost level contains the AA and ZZ portals.

While this makes the graph technically infinite, the existing description can still be used. We just need to add a level adjustment value to each edge: 0 for following a regular path, +1 for stepping from an inner portal to an outer one, and -1 for the inverse operation.

Since we're stopping early, Dijkstra's algorithm can run on the new graph almost unmodified. We just keep track of the recursion level in addition to the node, and ignore edges that would lead to a negative level.

The solution also uses a maximum distance limit to terminate in case (as in example 2) there's no path to the exit node at all, but a cycle that can be used to recurse forever.

These puzzles are getting to be Intcode-related in name only. It's probably all just a crafty way of offloading the work from validating the solution from the puzzle site to the user's computer.

Part 1

In part 1, the Intcode computer was controlling a springdroid, which could read whether there's ground in front of it in the next four squares (sensors A through D), do a sequence of boolean operations (up to 15), and based on the results either decide to jump (a distance of 4 steps) or continue walking.

The solution implements the logic of "jump as soon as you detect a hole in the next three squares, but only if there's ground ahead":

J = !(A & B & C) & D

This works well for simple holes: the eager jump is delayed until it's safe.

Part 2

Unfortunately, the simple logic doesn't work in the presence of traps:

--^   -v
  1  234  5

We eagerly jump on square 1, because there's a hole (sensor C reports square 2 is missing), and it seems safe (sensor D reports square 3 is present). Unfortunately, it's a trap: there was a hole immediately after (square 4), but also four steps in (square 5). The program from part 1 considers the jump unsafe and walks into the hole.

Fortunately, the springdroid also has an extended sensor mode, which allows it to see up to nine tiles ahead (sensors A through I).

The logic for the part 2 solution starts identical to part 1, but adds a further check: it also inhibits jumping if the square it landed on looks like a trap. It detects a trap by checking whether it would be forced to jump (sensor E reporting a hole), but the jump would be unsafe (sensor H reporting a hole as well):

J = !(A & B & C) & D & !(!E & !H)
  = !(A & B & C) & D & (E | H)

Similarly to day 16, today's puzzle had a part 1 with an obvious answer (just apply the specified operations), and part 2 where the simple way was obviously computationally infeasible.

The puzzle input was a sequence of operations to shuffle a deck of N cards, consisting of the following operations:

  • deal: reverse the order of the cards
  • cut K: move the first K (or all but the last |K| if K is negative) cards from the top to the bottom of the deck in same order
  • interleave K: place each original card K steps apart, wrapping around from the end of the deck

The task of part 1 was to find the location of card 2019, after shuffling a deck of 10007 cards. The solution here simply applies the shuffling operations in order, then finds the card in the result.

For part 2, the deck was upgraded to 119315717514047 cards, and the task was to apply the shuffle 101741582076661 times, then tell which card ended up in location 2020.

The key insights for the solution here are:

  • Since only the card that ends up in location 2020 is important, we can just trace backwards through the shuffling operations where that card came from. This makes the first big number (size of deck) irrelevant.
  • The effect of any of the (inverted) shuffling operations on a card's location x can be represented as f(x) = (A*x + B) % N, where the parameters A and B are in [0, N).
  • The composition of two such operations can be represented in the same form. This means we can turn the entire shuffle into one operation, and then decompose the repetitions into successive "squarings" (figuring out the effect of repeating the original shuffle 1, 2, 4, 8, ... times) and "multiplications" (applying the current inverse operation to the current position), making also the second big number (number of repetitions) irrelevant.

The reverse operations of the shuffle steps on a single location x are:


For the last operation, K^-1 denotes the modular inverse of K (modulo N).

The required compositions of transformations are therefore:


Or expressed in terms of the updates to the parameters:


Nothing to say, really. The solution here is pretty crummy: it just starts each Intcode interpreter as a separate thread, and in the main thread runs a switch process. The threads communicate by message passing.

There is a certain amount of non-determinism involved in the exact sequence of messages, and especially in the idle network detection, which takes a conservative approach of requiring five unsuccessful receive attempts without an intervening send before considering a machine idle.

A coöperative multitasking approach is probably the better option here. You can check out the corresponding Go solution for an approach where each of the Intcode machines is executed in round-robin order until they next request input. In that scheme, the NAT can determine the network is idle as soon as a single full loop passes with no send or (successful) receive operations.

The puzzle for day 24 involved a two-dimensional totalistic cellular automaton, quite similar to the well-known (Conway's) Game of Life, though with slightly different rules.

Let c be the current state of the cell (0/1), and |n| be the number of live cells in the surrounding 4-neighborhood. After one step:

  c  |n|  new state
  0  0    0 - no change
  0  1-2  1 - becomes live
  0  3-4  0 - no change
  1  0    0 - dies
  1  1    1 - no change
  1  2-4  0 - dies

Or, represented graphically:

 .    .    #    .    .    #    .    .    #    #    .    #    #    .    #    #
...  ..#  ...  #..  ...  ..#  #.#  ..#  #..  ...  #..  #.#  ..#  #.#  #..  #.#
 .    .    .    .    #    .    .    #    .    #    #    .    #    #    #    #

 .    #    #    #    #    #    #    #    #    #    #    .    .    .    .    .

 .    .    #    .    .    #    .    .    #    #    .    #    #    .    #    #
.#.  .##  .#.  ##.  .#.  .##  ###  .##  ##.  .#.  ##.  ###  .##  ###  ##.  ###
 .    .    .    .    #    .    .    #    .    #    #    .    #    #    #    #

 .    #    #    #    #    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .

Or in B/S notation, B12/S1V.

Part 1 simply asked for the first repeating state when the initial state (puzzle input) was simulated on a regular 5x5 grid, with cells outside the grid considered permanently empty.

Part 2 was more interesting: the 5x5 grid was swapped with an infinite construction, where the middle cell was replaced by another 5x5 grid, and so forth. For a single grid, its border cells were considered adjacent to (one or two of) the four cells surrounding the (missing) middle one in the containing level. Correspondingly, each of those four cells in this grid were adjacent to all five of the relevant border cells. The task was to simulate a modest number of steps (200) and report the total number of live cells.

The solution here does not go for anything fancy. States are represented naturally by 25-bit integers, and the simulation uses a pre-generated list of neighbors for each cell. For part 2, the list also contains a value (-1, 0, 1) to indicate which level they're referring to, and new levels are added to the state list when they become nonzero.

Surprisingly, day 25 wasn't surprising: it did feature Intcode.

Only in a very minor way, though. It wasn't really a programming puzzle as such, but a text adventure implemented in Intcode. The "solution" here contains a way to run the program interactively, as well as a quick and dirty loop to get through the door with a sensor by trying all possible combinations of items.

You might also have a look at the map I drew:
