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CyberCAPTOR-Client - Installation and Administration Manual

This project is a part of FIWARE. For more information, please consult [FIWARE website] (

CyberCAPTOR is an implementation of the Cyber Security Generic Enabler, the future developments of the [Security Monitoring GE] (

The high-level README file of CyberCAPTOR-Client can be found here.

Table of Contents

.. toctree::

   CyberCAPTOR-Server <>
   CyberCAPTOR-P2DS <>


This is the Installation and Administration Manual for CyberCAPTOR-Client.


This part detailed the procedure to install correctly CyberCAPTOR-Client.


CyberCAPTOR-Client has been tested with the following software, but it should be possible to launch it with any other HTTP server (Apache, nginx,...).

This installation procedure need :

Installation from sources

  1. Get sources from GitHub
git clone
  1. Run a HTTP server. For example, we use here Python's SimpleHTTPServer but any other HTTP server may be used.

Run SimpleHTTPServer to serve CyberCAPTOR-Client on port 8000:

cd cybercaptor-client
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000

Note that you need a CyberCAPTOR Server to test properly CyberCAPTOR-Client. CyberCAPTOR Server can be launched with Docker using this command :

docker run --name cybercaptor-server -p 8080:8080 fiwarecybercaptor/cybercaptor-server

More information about CyberCAPTOR-Server (can be found here)[].

Installation with Docker

If you want to run the client in foreground in a terminal, launch the following command. CyberCAPTOR-Client will listen on port 8000.

docker run --rm --name cybercaptor-client -p 8000:80 fiwarecybercaptor/cybercaptor-client

Note that you need a CyberCAPTOR Server to test properly CyberCAPTOR-Client. CyberCAPTOR Server can be launched with Docker using this command :

docker run --name cybercaptor-server -p 8080:8080 fiwarecybercaptor/cybercaptor-server

More information about CyberCAPTOR-Server (can be found here)[].

More details about building and/or running the Docker container can be found in Docker


Open your browser, for example Chromium, and go on URL :


If you see a window with the title : CyberCAPTOR-Client and a tab : Initialization. The CyberCAPTOR-Client has been properly installed.


Configuration file

The configuration file of CyberCAPTOR-Client allows to change the URL of CyberCAPTOR-Server.

This file is located in js/myApp.js.

The URL can be customized in the following block :

myApp.constant("myConfig", {
    // URL base for REST request
    "url": "http://localhost:8080/cybercaptor-server/rest/json",
    "config" : "http://localhost:8080/cybercaptor-server/rest/json/configuration/remediation-cost-parameters"

Sanity check procedures

End to End testing

Open your browser, for example Chromium, and go on URL :


If you see a window with the title : CyberCAPTOR-Client and a tab : Initialization. The CyberCAPTOR-Client has been properly installed.

List of Running Processes

Execution via Python's HTTPSimpleServer

# Results of ps -aux
user       9856  0.2  0.1  40812 13052 pts/4    S+   11:42   0:00 python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000

Execution via Docker

# Results of ps -aux in docker container
root         1  0.4  0.1  29332 10716 ?        Ss   09:40   0:00 /usr/bin/python3 -u /sbin/my_init
root        11  0.0  0.0    196    40 ?        S    09:40   0:00 /usr/bin/runsvdir -P /etc/service
root        12  0.0  0.0    176     4 ?        Ss   09:40   0:00 runsv nginx
root        13  0.0  0.0    176     4 ?        Ss   09:40   0:00 runsv nginx-log-forwarder
root        14  0.0  0.0    176     4 ?        Ss   09:40   0:00 runsv syslog-ng
root        15  0.0  0.0    176     4 ?        Ss   09:40   0:00 runsv sshd
root        16  0.0  0.0    176     4 ?        Ss   09:40   0:00 runsv cron
root        17  0.0  0.0    176     4 ?        Ss   09:40   0:00 runsv syslog-forwarder
root        18  0.0  0.0  26752  2676 ?        S    09:40   0:00 /usr/sbin/cron -f
root        19  0.0  0.0   7480   776 ?        S    09:40   0:00 tail -F -n 0 /var/log/syslog
root        21  0.0  0.1 140232 12400 ?        S    09:40   0:00 nginx: master process /usr/sbin/nginx
root        22  0.0  0.0  63676  6648 ?        S    09:40   0:00 syslog-ng -F -p /var/run/ --no-caps
root        31  0.0  0.1 446420  8904 ?        Ssl  09:40   0:00 Passenger watchdog
root        34  0.0  0.1 1080468 12212 ?       Sl   09:40   0:00 Passenger core
nobody      45  0.0  0.1 315060 10180 ?        Sl   09:40   0:00 Passenger ust-router
www-data    59  0.0  0.0 140564  6348 ?        S    09:40   0:00 nginx: worker process
root        68  0.0  0.0   7480   704 ?        S    09:40   0:00 tail -F /var/log/nginx/error.log
root        69  0.0  0.0  18144  3256 ?        Ss   09:40   0:00 bash
root        83  0.0  0.0  15572  2112 ?        R+   09:41   0:00 ps -aux

Network interfaces Up & Open

The only port that needs to be open is the one chosen either for Python's HTTPSimpleServer, either for Docker container. It is port 8000 in exemples above.

Diagnosis Procedures

Resource availability

The amount of RAM and hard disk needed for CyberCAPTOR-Client is very low for few simultaneous clients (generally the case for the use of this application). 128Mb of RAM and 100Mo of hard disk dedicated to the application should be enough.

HTTP Server Log files

The logs of the HTTP server are directly printed in the Terminal for Python's HTTPSimpleServer. For Docker container, logs of the HTTP server can be displayed with such command :

docker exec cybercaptor-client tail -f /var/log/nginx/error.log /var/log/nginx/access.log

Javascript console

The Javascript errors are displayed in the Javascript console of the web browser. For Chromium, such console can be accessed by pressing Ctrl + Shift + I.