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Advice API

In Flight, advice is a mixin (lib/advice.js) that defines before, after and around methods.

These can be used to modify existing functions by adding custom code. All Components have advice mixed in to their prototype so that mixins can augment existing functions without requiring knowledge of the original implementation. Mixins will typically use the after method to define custom initialize behavior for the target component.

this.before(existingFuncName, customFunc)

Run the customFunc function before the existingFunc function.

existingFuncName: String

The name of the existing function (existingFunc) you want to augment.

customFunc: Function

The function to be invoked before existingFunc.

function withDrama() {
  this.before('announce', function() {

return withDrama;

this.after(existingFuncName, customFunc)

Run the customFunc function after the existingFunc function.

existingFuncName: String

The name of the existing function (existingFunc) you want to augment.

customFunc: Function

The function to be invoked after existingFunc.

function withDrama() {
  this.after('leaving', function() {

return withDrama;

this.around(existingFuncName, customFunc)

Run the existingFunc function in the middle of the customFunc function. It's similar to underscore's _wrap function).

existingFuncName: String

The name of the existing function (existingFunc) you want to augment.

customFunc: Function

The function to wrap around existingFunc. The existingFunc function will be passed to customFunc as an argument.

The existing function is passed to the custom function as an argument so that it can be referenced. If the custom function does not call the existing function then it will replace that function instead of surrounding it:

function withDrama() {
  this.around('announce', function(basicAnnounce) {

return withDrama;

Additional notes on using Advice

Retrieving event data

In the above examples, the jQuery event and payload that will be passed to the existingFunc are available as extra parameters to the customFunc callback, respectively. This can be especially useful for calling existingFunc with the original arguments when using this.around:

function withMelodiousHumour() {
  this.around('yodel', function(func, event, data) {
    if (data.tune) {
      func(event, data); // event.type == 'yodel'

return withMelodiousHumour;

In the above example, yodel will never be called if data.tune is missing.

Shorthand for multiple advices

Advice can be applied to multiple functions at once by listing more than one (space-separated) function names in the existingFuncName parameter. This can be used to club together common tasks on related methods:

function withSoundCheck() {
  this.before('announce yodel trumpet', function (event, data) {

return withSoundCheck;

Making advice available to regular objects

Advice can be mixed in to non-components using the compose module:

// a simple module: 'test/myObj'

var myObj = {
  print: function() {

return myObj;
// import myObj and augment it

var flight = require('flightjs');
var myObj = require('test/myObj');

// add advice functions to myObj;

// augment print function
myObj.after('print', function() {