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BackwardsCompatibilityBreak - Removed fRecordSet::buildFromPrimaryKey…
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…s(), changed fORMRelated::associateRecords() to only accept an fRecordSet instead of an fRecordSet or an array of primary keys
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wbond committed Apr 12, 2012
1 parent a1f64ea commit e27ca21
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Showing 2 changed files with 18 additions and 149 deletions.
26 changes: 14 additions & 12 deletions classes/fORMRelated.php
Expand Up @@ -36,20 +36,16 @@ class fORMRelated
* @internal
* @param mixed $class The class name or instance of the class to get the related values for
* @param array &$related_records The related records existing for the {@link fActiveRecord} class
* @param string $related_class The class we are associating with the current record
* @param array|fRecordSet $records_to_associate An fRecordSet or an array of primary keys of the records to be associated
* @param string $route The route to use between the current class and the related class
* @param mixed $class The class name or instance of the class to get the related values for
* @param array &$related_records The related records existing for the {@link fActiveRecord} class
* @param string $related_class The class we are associating with the current record
* @param fRecordSet $records_to_associate An fRecordSet of the records to be associated
* @param string $route The route to use between the current class and the related class
* @return void
static public function associateRecords($class, &$related_records, $related_class, $records_to_associate, $route=NULL)
if (is_array($records_to_associate)) {
$records = fRecordSet::buildFromPrimaryKeys($related_class, array_filter($records_to_associate));
} else {
$records = clone $records_to_associate;
$records = clone $records_to_associate;
self::setRecords($class, $related_records, $related_class, $records, $route);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -304,8 +300,14 @@ static public function linkRecords($class, &$related_records, $related_class, $r
$field = $field_with_route;

$primary_keys = fRequest::get($field, 'array', array());
self::associateRecords($class, $related_records, $related_class, $primary_keys, $route);
$record_set = fRecordSet::build(
str_replace('::', '.', $field_with_route) . '=' => fRequest::get($field, 'array', array())

self::associateRecords($class, $related_records, $related_class, $record_set, $route);

Expand Down
141 changes: 4 additions & 137 deletions classes/fRecordSet.php
Expand Up @@ -141,145 +141,12 @@ static public function build($class, $where_conditions=array(), $order_bys=array
static public function buildFromRecords($class, $records)
$table = fORM::tablize($class);

// Extract the primary key values
$primary_key_fields = fORMSchema::getInstance()->getKeys($table, 'primary');
$total_pk_fields = sizeof($primary_key_fields);

$primary_keys = array();

$i = 0;
foreach ($records as $record) {
for ($j=0; $j < $total_pk_fields; $j++) {
$pk_field = $primary_key_fields[$j];
$pk_get_method = 'get' . fGrammar::camelize($pk_field, TRUE);

$pk_value = $record->$pk_get_method();
if ($j == 0 && $total_pk_fields == 1) {
$primary_keys[$i] = $pk_value;
} elseif ($j == 0) {
$primary_keys[$i] = array();
if ($total_pk_fields > 1) {
$primary_keys[$i][$pk_field] = $pk_value;

$result = new fResult(fORMDatabase::getInstance()->getType(), 'array');

$record_set = new fRecordSet($class, $result);
$record_set->records = $records;
$record_set->primary_keys = $primary_keys;
$record_set = new fRecordSet($class);
$record_set->records = $records;
return $record_set;

* Creates an {@link fRecordSet} from an array of primary keys
* @throws fValidationException
* @internal
* @param string $class The type of object to create
* @param array $primary_keys The primary keys of the objects to create
* @param array $order_bys The column => direction values to use for sorting (see {@link fRecordSet::build()} for format)
* @return fRecordSet A set of {@link fActiveRecord} objects
static public function buildFromPrimaryKeys($class, $primary_keys, $order_bys=array())

$table = fORM::tablize($class);

settype($primary_keys, 'array');
$primary_keys = array_merge($primary_keys);

$sql = 'SELECT ' . $table . '.* FROM :from_clause WHERE ';

// Build the where clause
$primary_key_fields = fORMSchema::getInstance()->getKeys($table, 'primary');
$total_pk_fields = sizeof($primary_key_fields);

$empty_records = 0;

$total_primary_keys = sizeof($primary_keys);
for ($i=0; $i < $total_primary_keys; $i++) {
if ($total_pk_fields > 1) {
$sql .= ($i > 0) ? ' OR ' : '';

$sql .= ' (';
for ($j=0; $j < $total_pk_fields; $j++) {
$pkf = $primary_key_fields[$j];

$sql .= ($j > 0) ? ' AND ' : '';
$sql .= $table . '.' . $pkf . fORMDatabase::escapeBySchema($table, $pkf, $primary_keys[$i][$pkf], '=');
} else {
if (empty($primary_keys[$i])) {
$sql .= ($i > 0) ? ' OR ' : '';
$pkf = $primary_key_fields[0];
$sql .= $table . '.' . $pkf . fORMDatabase::escapeBySchema($table, $pkf, $primary_keys[$i], '=');

// If we don't have any real records to pull out, create an unequal where condition
if ($empty_records == sizeof($primary_keys)) {
$sql .= fORMDatabase::getInstance()->escape('boolean', TRUE) . ' = ' . fORMDatabase::getInstance()->escape('boolean', FALSE);

$sql .= ' :group_by_clause ';

if (!empty($order_bys)) {
$sql .= 'ORDER BY ' . fORMDatabase::createOrderByClause($table, $order_bys);

$sql = fORMDatabase::insertFromAndGroupByClauses($table, $sql);

$result = fORMDatabase::getInstance()->translatedQuery($sql);

// If we have empty records we need to splice in some new records with results from the database
if ($empty_records) {
$fake_result = new fResult(fORMDatabase::getInstance()->getType(), 'array');

// Create a blank row for the empty results
$column_info = fORMSchema::getInstance()->getColumnInfo($table);
$blank_row = array();
foreach ($column_info as $column => $info) {
$blank_row[$column] = NULL;

$result_array = array();
for ($j=0; $j < $total_primary_keys; $j++) {
if(empty($primary_keys[$j])) {
$result_array[] = $blank_row;
} else {
try {
$result_array[] = $result->fetchRow();
} catch (fExpectedException $e) {
$result_array[] = $blank_row;


$result = $fake_result;

return new fRecordSet($class, $result);

* Creates an {@link fRecordSet} from an SQL statement
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -424,7 +291,7 @@ public function __call($method_name, $parameters)
* @param string $non_limited_count_sql An SQL statement to get the total number of rows that would have been returned if a LIMIT clause had not been used. Should only be passed if a LIMIT clause is used.
* @return fRecordSet
protected function __construct($class, fResult $result_object, $non_limited_count_sql=NULL)
protected function __construct($class, fResult $result_object=NULL, $non_limited_count_sql=NULL)
if (!class_exists($class)) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -452,7 +319,7 @@ protected function __construct($class, fResult $result_object, $non_limited_coun
$this->class = $class;
$this->non_limited_count_sql = $non_limited_count_sql;

while ($result_object->valid()) {
while ($result_object && $result_object->valid()) {
$this->records[] = new $class($result_object);
Expand Down

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