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Key Value Store

The Flux key value store is an essential building block for Flux services. This page describes the current KVS design.

As described in SRMPDS 2014, the Flux KVS is a general purpose data store used by other Flux components. It stores values under a hierarchical key space with a single leader node and multiple caching followers. The weak consistency of its follower caches has the following properties, using the taxonomy from Vogel 2007:

Causal consistency
If process A communicates with process B that it has updated a data item (passing a store version in that message), a subsequent access by process B will return the updated value.
Read-your-writes consistency
A process having updated a data item, never accesses an older value.
Monotonic read consistency
If a process has seen a particular value for an object, any subsequent accesses will never return previous values.

These properties are achieved with hash trees and content-addressable storage, borrowing ideas from ZFS, camlistore, and git. KVS values and metadata are placed in a content-addressable store, indexed by their hash digests, or blobrefs. The content store is described in :doc:`RFC 10 <rfc:spec_10>` and briefly below.

KVS metadata consist of directories, symbolic links, and value references, formatted as JSON objects. These objects are described in :doc:`RFC 11 <rfc:spec_11>` and briefly below.

key lookup

Path components of a key each reference a directory entry in a different directory. The first path component is looked up by following a root blobref to the root directory, finding a matching entry, and following that blobref to a new entry, and so on until the terminal name is reached and the resulting object is returned to the user.

For example, if the root blobref is sha1-1c002dde and we have stored a.b.c = 42, we would look it up as follows:

  1. load root directory from sha1-1c002dde, find a is at sha1-3f2243ef
  2. load a from sha1-3f2243ef, find b is at sha1-023e9b2d
  3. load b from sha1-023e9b2d, find c is at sha1-7ff234a8
  4. load c from sha1-7ff234a8, and return the value: 42.

It's actually slightly more complicated than that since large directories and values can span multiple blobs. Instead of always a single blobref, directory entries contain a dirref or valref object that contain arrays of blobrefs. Following a dirref to the next dir object may require fetching multiple blobs to reconstruct the next object. Retrieving a value from a valref may similarly require fetching multiple blobs to reconstruct the final value. Finally, as an optimization, small values may be included directly in a directory entry in a val object.

The basic KVS API for looking up a value by key is described in :man3:`flux_kvs_lookup`.

key update

An important property of the hash tree structure is that any update results in a new root blobref . Continuing the example, to update a.b.c = 43, we:

  1. store the value 43 to sha1-62302aff
  2. update b to associate c with sha1-62302aff, and store b to sha1-8fe9b2c3
  3. update a to associate b with sha1-8fe9b2c3, and store a to sha1-aacc76b4
  4. update root to associate a with sha1-aacc76b4, and store root to sha1-033fbe92
  5. the new root blobref is sha1-033fbe92.

All updates are applied first on the leader node at the root of the TBON, which then publishes a new root reference as a setroot event. Followers keep consistent with the leader by switching their root reference in response to this event, so that all new lookups begin at the new root directory.

Updates are transactional in that multiple changes can be batched up into a single commit, which either succeeds or fails entirely, without making intermediate states visible to users.

The basic KVS API for updating keys is described in :man3:`flux_kvs_txn_create` and :man3:`flux_kvs_commit`.

content cache

As mentioned above, a distinct distributed service, used by the KVS, maps blobrefs to blobs, and implements a temporal cache on each broker rank, backed ultimately by a sqlite database on rank 0.

When the KVS is performing a key lookup, tree objects are retrieved from the content cache by blobref. Blobs not present in the local broker's content cache are faulted in from the TBON parent, recursing up the tree until the request can be fulfilled. Unused content cache entries are expired from memory after a period of disuse. They persist in the sqlite database, which does not allow blobs to be deleted.

A store to the content cache is allowed to return once the entry is present in the rank 0 memory cache, since this ensures it can be read by any rank. It must be written to sqlite before it can be expired from the rank 0 memory cache.

The content store can be used independently, e.g. through the command line as described in :man1:`flux-content` or or by sending the RPCs described in :doc:`RFC 10 <rfc:spec_10>`.


The KVS supports multiple namespaces. The primary namespace is always available and can only be accessed by the :term:`instance owner`.

The instance owner can create and destroy additional namespaces, and assign each an owner who can access the namespace, in addition to the instance owner which can access all namespaces. In Flux, each job is set up with its own namespace, owned by the job owner, who may be a :term:`guest` user.

Although commits are serialized on a given namespace, commits on distinct namespaces can progress in parallel.


Flux event messages are sequenced and guaranteed to be delivered in order. This property, and the serialization of commits on the leader node, ensure that monotonic read consistency is achieved.

Read-your-writes consistency is obtained by piggy-backing on the commit response the new root blobref and its version number, a monotonic sequence. As the response propagates from the leader node to the sender of the commit through a sequence of followers, the followers update their root reference to at least the version in the response. Thus, once a commit response is received, a lookup initiated by the caller will always return that version of the store or newer. Races with the setroot event are avoided by minding the sequence number so root updates are never applied out of sequence.

Causal consistency is available programmatically. After a commit, the root blobref version can be read via :man3:`flux_kvs_commit_get_sequence` or :func:`flux_kvs_get_version` and passed to another rank, which can use :func:`flux_kvs_wait_version` to block until the follower root blobref reaches that version, after which the data from the commit (or newer) can be retrieved. In summary:

  1. Process A commits data, then gets the store version V and sends it to B.
  2. Process B waits for the store version to be >= V, then reads data.

the secret other cache

In the current KVS implementation, there is a cache of content blobs in the KVS module that sits in front of the content cache service. Cached blobs are accessible directly rather than through RPC to the local content cache service, except when there is a "fault", and then access must be suspended while the RPC completes. This local cache is temporally expired like the content cache service.

When a request to look up a name is handled and a needed tree object (for example a directory in the middle of a path) is not in cache, the request message is queued on a cache entry that is waiting to be filled. Once the cache entry has been filled, the request message queued on it is "restarted" meaning handled like a new request. Since all the tree objects for the lookup up to that point should be in cache, it won't block until it reaches the next missing tree object. Multiple requests can be queued on each cache entry, but only one content request is triggered regardless of how many consumers there are for it. This design was an optimization for many requests looking up the same thing such as during a PMI exchange.

treeobj metadata format

:doc:`RFC 11 <rfc:spec_11>` defines the treeobj format, but here is a brief summary:

A valref refers to opaque data in the content store (the actual data, not a val object).

{ "ver":1,

A val represents opaque data directly, base64-encoded.

{ "ver":1,

A dirref refers to a dir or hdir object that was serialized and stored in the content store.

{ "ver":1,

A dir is a dictionary mapping keys to any of the tree object types.

{ "ver":1,

A symlink is a symbolic pointer to a another KVS key, which may or may not be fully qualified.

{ "ver":1,


Any key (including the root directory) can be "watched", such that a user receives responses for each key change.

Watch is implemented in a separate kvs-watch module.

Each time a setroot event indicates that something has changed, the kvs-watch module looks up the watched keys to see if they have changed.

Because watched keys have to be looked up from the root on every KVS commit, watching a key has a high overhead, but some relief is given by the optimization of including a list of changed keys in the setroot event, described below.

The API for watching KVS keys is described in :man3:`flux_kvs_lookup`. Basically a special flag is added and responses are received each time the value changes or the request is canceled or the caller disconnects.


piggyback root directory on setroot event

The KVS design calls for publication of a setroot event each time the root blobref changes.

Since most lookups will need to start with the root directory (the object pointed to by the root blobref), the new root directory will most likely not be in cache, and any watched keys will be looked up on every commit, the root directory object is made part of the setroot event so this lookup is avoided.

commit merging

Since all updates are serialized through the rank 0 commit process, this area of the code is an obvious target for optimization. One such optimization is commit merging.

commit merging is implemented by queuing parsed commit requests during the main part of the reactor loop, and processing them only when the reactor has no events (request messages) pending, using the prepare/check/idle watcher pattern.

This minimizes the work that is duplicated for each commit: creating a temporary in-memory json object to work on, and updating the root reference and top level directories when the commit is finalized. This saves time, but also reduces the number of intermediate objects written to the content cache.

A problem arises when intermediate values for a key are overwritten in merged commits, and a "watcher" needs to see each value to function properly, such as to synchronize a state machine. To solve this, a KVS_NO_MERGE flag may be added to :func:`flux_kvs_commit`, which indicates that the merge should not be subject to this optimization.

piggyback list of changed keys on setroot event

To streamline the KVS watch implementation, a list of changed keys is included in the kvs setroot event. That way the entire list of watched keys does not need to be looked up every time there is a new root.