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Implement TAF speech and tests
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flyinactor91 committed Aug 20, 2018
1 parent 9b9f411 commit ac4a6e7
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Showing 18 changed files with 796 additions and 679 deletions.
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions avwx/
Expand Up @@ -145,3 +145,12 @@ def summary(self) -> str:
if not self.translations:
return [summary.taf(trans) for trans in self.translations.forecast]

def speech(self) -> str:
Report summary designed to be read by a text-to-speech program
if not
return speech.taf(, self.units)
13 changes: 8 additions & 5 deletions avwx/
Expand Up @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ def spoken_number(num: str) -> str:
return ' and '.join(ret)

def make_number(num: str, repr: str = None) -> Number:
def make_number(num: str, repr: str = None, speak: str = None) -> Number:
Returns a Number or Fraction dataclass for a number string
Expand All @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ def make_number(num: str, repr: str = None) -> Number:
# Create Number
val = num.replace('M', '-')
val = float(val) if '.' in num else int(val)
return Number(repr or num, val, spoken_number(str(val)))
return Number(repr or num, val, spoken_number(speak or str(val)))

def find_first_in_list(txt: str, str_list: [str]) -> int:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -486,9 +486,9 @@ def get_wind(wxdata: [str], units: Units) -> ([str], Number, Number, Number, [Nu
#Variable Wind Direction
if wxdata and len(wxdata[0]) == 7 and wxdata[0][:3].isdigit() \
and wxdata[0][3] == 'V' and wxdata[0][4:].isdigit():
variable = [make_number(i) for i in wxdata.pop(0).split('V')]
variable = [make_number(i, speak=i) for i in wxdata.pop(0).split('V')]
# Convert to Number
direction = make_number(direction)
direction = make_number(direction, speak=direction)
speed = make_number(speed)
gust = make_number(gust)
return wxdata, direction, speed, gust, variable
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -609,9 +609,12 @@ def find_missing_taf_times(lines: [dict], start: Timestamp, end: Timestamp) -> [
target += '_time'
if not line[target]:
line[target] = _get_next_time(lines[i::direc][1:], other+'_time')
#Special case for final forcast
# Special case for final forcast
if last_fm_line:
lines[last_fm_line]['end_time'] = end
# Reset original end time if still empty
if lines and not lines[0]['end_time']:
lines[0]['end_time'] = end
return lines

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110 changes: 86 additions & 24 deletions avwx/
Expand Up @@ -3,12 +3,13 @@
Currently only supports METAR

# stdlib
from copy import deepcopy
# module
from avwx import core, translate
from avwx.static import SPOKEN_UNITS, NUMBER_REPL, FRACTIONS
from avwx.structs import Cloud, MetarData, Number, Units
from avwx.structs import Cloud, MetarData, Number, TafData, TafLineData, Timestamp, Units

ordinal = lambda n: "%d%s" % (n,"tsnrhtdd"[(n/10%10!=1)*(n%10<4)*n%10::4])

def wind(direction: Number,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -82,36 +83,97 @@ def other(wxcodes: [str]) -> str:
Format wx codes into a spoken word string
ret = []
for item in wxcodes:
item = translate.wxcode(item)
for code in wxcodes:
item = translate.wxcode(code)
if item.startswith('Vicinity'):
item = item.lstrip('Vicinity ') + ' in the Vicinity'
return '. '.join(ret)

def metar(wxdata: MetarData, units: Units) -> str:
def type_and_times(type: str, start: Timestamp, end: Timestamp, probability: Number = None) -> str:
Format line type and times into the beginning of a spoken line string
if not type:
return ''
if type == 'BECMG':
return f"At {start.dt.hour or 'midnight'} zulu becoming"
ret = f"From {start.dt.hour or 'midnight'} to {end.dt.hour or 'midnight'} zulu,"
if probability and probability.value:
ret += f" there's a {probability.value}% chance for"
if type == 'INTER':
ret += ' intermittent'
elif type == 'TEMPO':
ret += ' temporary'
return ret

def wind_shear(shear: str, unit_alt: str = 'ft', unit_wind: str = 'kt') -> str:
Format wind shear string into a spoken word string
unit_alt = SPOKEN_UNITS.get(unit_alt, unit_alt)
unit_wind = SPOKEN_UNITS.get(unit_wind, unit_wind)
return translate.wind_shear(shear, unit_alt, unit_wind, spoken=True) or 'Wind shear unknown'

def metar(data: MetarData, units: Units) -> str:
Convert wxdata into a string for text-to-speech
Convert MetarData into a string for text-to-speech
# We make copies here because the functions may change the original values
_data = deepcopy(wxdata)
units = deepcopy(units)
speech = []
if _data.wind_direction and _data.wind_speed:
speech.append(wind(_data.wind_direction, _data.wind_speed,
_data.wind_gust, _data.wind_variable_direction,
if data.wind_direction and data.wind_speed:
speech.append(wind(data.wind_direction, data.wind_speed,
data.wind_gust, data.wind_variable_direction,
if _data.visibility:
speech.append(visibility(_data.visibility, units.visibility))
if _data.temperature:
speech.append(temperature('Temperature', _data.temperature, units.temperature))
if _data.dewpoint:
speech.append(temperature('Dew point', _data.dewpoint, units.temperature))
if _data.altimeter:
speech.append(altimeter(_data.altimeter, units.altimeter))
if _data.other:
if data.visibility:
speech.append(visibility(data.visibility, units.visibility))
if data.temperature:
speech.append(temperature('Temperature', data.temperature, units.temperature))
if data.dewpoint:
speech.append(temperature('Dew point', data.dewpoint, units.temperature))
if data.altimeter:
speech.append(altimeter(data.altimeter, units.altimeter))
if data.other:
units.altitude).replace(' - Reported AGL', ''))
return ('. '.join([l for l in speech if l])).replace(',', '.')

def taf_line(line: TafLineData, units: Units) -> str:
Convert TafLineData into a string for text-to-speech
speech = []
start = type_and_times(line.type, line.start_time, line.end_time, line.probability)
if line.wind_direction and line.wind_speed:
speech.append(wind(line.wind_direction, line.wind_speed,
line.wind_gust, unit=units.wind_speed))
if line.wind_shear:
speech.append(wind_shear(line.wind_shear, units.altimeter, units.wind_speed))
if line.visibility:
speech.append(visibility(line.visibility, units.visibility))
if line.altimeter:
speech.append(altimeter(line.altimeter, units.altimeter))
if line.other:
units.altitude).replace(' - Reported AGL', ''))
if line.turbulance:
speech.append(translate.turb_ice(line.turbulance, units.altitude))
if line.icing:
speech.append(translate.turb_ice(line.icing, units.altitude))
return start + ' ' + ('. '.join([l for l in speech if l])).replace(',', '.')

def taf(data: TafData, units: Units) -> str:
Convert TafData into a string for text-to-speech
month = data.start_time.dt.strftime(r'%B')
day = ordinal(
ret = f"Starting on {month} {day} - "
except AttributeError:
ret = ''
return ret + '. '.join([taf_line(line, units) for line in data.forecast])
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion avwx/
Expand Up @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ class MetarData(ReportData, SharedData):
class TafLineData(SharedData):
end_time: Timestamp
icing: [str]
probability: str
probability: Number
raw: str
start_time: Timestamp
turbulance: [str]
Expand Down
19 changes: 9 additions & 10 deletions avwx/
Expand Up @@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ def wind(direction: Number,
Ex: NNE-020 (variable 010 to 040) at 14kt gusting to 20kt
ret = ''
target = 'spoken' if spoken else 'repr'
# Wind direction
if direction:
if direction.repr in WIND_DIR_REPR:
Expand All @@ -95,13 +96,10 @@ def wind(direction: Number,
if cardinals:
ret += get_cardinal_direction(direction.value) + '-'
ret += core.spoken_number(direction.repr) if spoken else direction.repr
ret += getattr(direction, target)
# Variable direction
if vardir and isinstance(vardir, list):
if spoken:
vardir = [core.spoken_number(d.repr) for d in vardir]
vardir = [d.repr for d in vardir]
vardir = [getattr(var, target) for var in vardir]
ret += ' (variable {} to {})'.format(*vardir)
# Speed
if speed and speed.value:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -187,6 +185,8 @@ def clouds(clds: [Cloud], unit: str = 'ft') -> str:
Ex: Broken layer at 2200ft (Cumulonimbus), Overcast layer at 3600ft - Reported AGL
if clds is None:
return ''
ret = []
for cloud in clds:
if cloud.altitude is None:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -236,18 +236,17 @@ def other_list(wxcodes: [str]) -> str:
return ', '.join([wxcode(code) for code in wxcodes])

def wind_shear(shear: str, unit_alt: str = 'ft', unit_wnd: str = 'kt') -> str:
def wind_shear(shear: str, unit_alt: str = 'ft', unit_wind: str = 'kt', spoken: bool = False) -> str:
Translate wind shear into a readable string
Ex: Wind shear 2000ft from 140 at 30kt
if not shear or 'WS' not in shear or '/' not in shear:
return ''
shear = shear[2:].rstrip(unit_wnd.upper()).split('/')
return 'Wind shear {alt}{unit_alt} from {winddir} at {speed}{unit_wind}'.format(
alt=int(shear[0]) * 100, unit_alt=unit_alt, winddir=shear[1][:3],
speed=shear[1][3:], unit_wind=unit_wnd)
shear = shear[2:].rstrip(unit_wind.upper()).split('/')
wdir = core.spoken_number(shear[1][:3]) if spoken else shear[1][:3]
return f'Wind shear {int(shear[0])*100}{unit_alt} from {wdir} at {shear[1][3:]}{unit_wind}'

def turb_ice(turbice: [str], unit: str = 'ft') -> str:
Expand Down
58 changes: 23 additions & 35 deletions tests/metar/EGLL.json
@@ -1,45 +1,33 @@
"data": {
"altimeter": {
"repr": "1014",
"spoken": "one zero one four",
"value": 1014
"repr": "1020",
"spoken": "one zero two zero",
"value": 1020
"clouds": [
"altitude": 18,
"altitude": 31,
"modifier": null,
"repr": "BKN018",
"type": "BKN"
"altitude": 24,
"modifier": null,
"repr": "BKN024",
"type": "BKN"
"altitude": 28,
"modifier": null,
"repr": "OVC028",
"repr": "OVC031",
"type": "OVC"
"dewpoint": {
"repr": "15",
"spoken": "one five",
"value": 15
"repr": "16",
"spoken": "one six",
"value": 16
"flight_rules": "MVFR",
"flight_rules": "VFR",
"other": [],
"raw": "EGLL 160250Z AUTO 24010KT 9999 BKN018 BKN024 OVC028 19/15 Q1014 NOSIG",
"raw": "EGLL 192350Z AUTO 28008KT 9999 OVC031 19/16 Q1020 NOSIG",
"remarks": "NOSIG",
"remarks_info": {
"dewpoint_decimal": null,
"temperature_decimal": null
"runway_visibility": [],
"sanitized": "EGLL 160250Z AUTO 24010KT 9999 BKN018 BKN024 OVC028 19/15 Q1014 NOSIG",
"sanitized": "EGLL 192350Z AUTO 28008KT 9999 OVC031 19/16 Q1020 NOSIG",
"station": "EGLL",
"temperature": {
"repr": "19",
Expand All @@ -53,19 +41,19 @@
"value": 9999
"wind_direction": {
"repr": "240",
"spoken": "two four zero",
"value": 240
"repr": "280",
"spoken": "two eight zero",
"value": 280
"wind_gust": null,
"wind_speed": {
"repr": "10",
"spoken": "one zero",
"value": 10
"repr": "08",
"spoken": "eight",
"value": 8
"wind_variable_direction": []
"speech": "Winds two four zero at 10kt. Visibility one zero kilometers. Temperature one nine degrees Celsius. Dew point one five degrees Celsius. Altimeter one zero one four. Broken layer at 1800ft. Broken layer at 2400ft. Overcast layer at 2800ft",
"speech": "Winds two eight zero at 8kt. Visibility one zero kilometers. Temperature one nine degrees Celsius. Dew point one six degrees Celsius. Altimeter one zero two zero. Overcast layer at 3100ft",
"station_info": {
"city": "London",
"country": "GBR",
Expand All @@ -78,15 +66,15 @@
"priority": 6,
"state": "ENG"
"summary": "Winds WSW-240 at 10kt, Vis 10km, Temp 19\u00b0C, Dew 15\u00b0C, Alt 1014 hPa, Broken layer at 1800ft, Broken layer at 2400ft, Overcast layer at 2800ft",
"summary": "Winds W-280 at 8kt, Vis 10km, Temp 19\u00b0C, Dew 16\u00b0C, Alt 1020 hPa, Overcast layer at 3100ft",
"translations": {
"altimeter": "1014 hPa (29.94 inHg)",
"clouds": "Broken layer at 1800ft, Broken layer at 2400ft, Overcast layer at 2800ft - Reported AGL",
"dewpoint": "15\u00b0C (59\u00b0F)",
"altimeter": "1020 hPa (30.12 inHg)",
"clouds": "Overcast layer at 3100ft - Reported AGL",
"dewpoint": "16\u00b0C (61\u00b0F)",
"other": "",
"remarks": {},
"temperature": "19\u00b0C (66\u00b0F)",
"visibility": "10km (6.2sm)",
"wind": "WSW-240 at 10kt"
"wind": "W-280 at 8kt"

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